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I appreciate the apology, but I still do not want you unbanned. You're too risky. You change your IP so you can come back, and you actually have about 3 recent perms from @BelloWaldi . I've said this to Bello already, but your friends reflect onto you, and your "friend" changed his name to Egossi, and added me to tell me what a shitty person I was. If you make those type of friends I don't know what to think of you. All you've ever done is troll, and I'm trying not to hold grudges as @Goblins said, however, with the things you've done, I find it hard to believe you've come back to apologize and be a nice, mature person. I wouldn't even be willing to give you a chance, considering your "friend" adding me the other day.


Good luck to you, however.

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Why did you 'on the low' throw shade at chicken in your apology to him? I know I have a very biased opinion because of my one sided information on Egossi, but like it shows in this thread to me (as a manipulative guy myself) that this seems like your brown nosing everyone because you got tired of changing your ip. I know I'm not a higher up or whatever, but like this "apology' or whatever doesn't seem like an apology when he's obviously trying to gain something from Xeno Gamers.

Enough said I just don't like it.

Correct me if I'm the only one who thinks this, all you want.

Sorry If you think this is harsh, its just what I feel.

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Why did you 'on the low' throw shade at chicken in your apology to him? I know I have a very biased opinion because of my one sided information on Egossi, but like it shows in this thread to me (as a manipulative guy myself) that this seems like your brown nosing everyone because you got tired of changing your ip. I know I'm not a higher up or whatever, but like this "apology' or whatever doesn't seem like an apology when he's obviously trying to gain something from Xeno Gamers.

Enough said I just don't like it.

Correct me if I'm the only one who thinks this, all you want.

Sorry If you think this is harsh, its just what I feel.

Excuse me but, who are you again?

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I appreciate the apology, but I still do not want you unbanned. You're too risky. You change your IP so you can come back, and you actually have about 3 recent perms from @BelloWaldi . I've said this to Bello already, but your friends reflect onto you, and your "friend" changed his name to Egossi, and added me to tell me what a fudgety person I was. If you make those type of friends I don't know what to think of you. All you've ever done is troll, and I'm trying not to hold grudges as @Goblins said, however, with the things you've done, I find it hard to believe you've come back to apologize and be a nice, mature person. I wouldn't even be willing to give you a chance, considering your "friend" adding me the other day.


Good luck to you, however.

I understand what you mean, and like i've mentioned in the forums i don't have any rights to expect that you beleive that I've changed

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Why did you 'on the low' throw shade at chicken in your apology to him? I know I have a very biased opinion because of my one sided information on Egossi, but like it shows in this thread to me (as a manipulative guy myself) that this seems like your brown nosing everyone because you got tired of changing your ip. I know I'm not a higher up or whatever, but like this "apology' or whatever doesn't seem like an apology when he's obviously trying to gain something from Xeno Gamers.

Enough said I just don't like it.

Correct me if I'm the only one who thinks this, all you want.

Sorry If you think this is harsh, its just what I feel.

Honestly whyte, i don't want to be rude but you have literally never seen him. So please stop judging someone you have never seen. You never had anything to do with him, you really can't judge him.

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Why did you 'on the low' throw shade at chicken in your apology to him? I know I have a very biased opinion because of my one sided information on Egossi, but like it shows in this thread to me (as a manipulative guy myself) that this seems like your brown nosing everyone because you got tired of changing your ip. I know I'm not a higher up or whatever, but like this "apology' or whatever doesn't seem like an apology when he's obviously trying to gain something from Xeno Gamers.

Enough said I just don't like it.

Correct me if I'm the only one who thinks this, all you want.

Sorry If you think this is harsh, its just what I feel.

It's ok, I respect your opinion but I'm just going to say this; If you just tell what you think about people before you even get to know them you are probably gonna get a lot of negative replies.

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Also Bello wouldn't you agree that your biased as well as my fiends? I mean your biased to liking Egossi, while they don't due to past conflation, the only thing I'm reading off is the apology, and how it looks fake, I'm completely Nuetral to the situation as i've had no prior conflict with Egossi, Your honestly just proving my point when you decided to "dislike my post" or whatever, it just makes it seem even more clear that Egossi hasn't matured from what he used to be.

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What exactly is Egossi trying to get? People to accept his apology at most. He is is apologizing for being a turd in the past. Whether or not you accept it, that's up to you. He even stated that he knows the chances of him being unbanned is slim to none due to the evasions on his ban.


Also, you can see peoples past names on their Steam profile. Match up the names and then you know if Egossi pulled that stunt. But, when you say you're trying not to hold a grudge, but yet still pull past events and hold them dearly. Seriously, I'm not telling you to accept his apology, but drop that junk and at least listen to him apologize with open ears and a blank mind.

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Ok in regard to the OPINION that I wrote, leave it at that, the higher ups can do whatever, if it truly is Egossi intention to not get unbanned, then this (All of it) except the apology to those specified, shouldn't matter.

-Uh Thank you

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Ladies please, keep it civil.

This was suppoused to be an innocent apology but someone always has to try to derail a thread like this I guess. :(

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So much oof from what i am seeing.

What exactly is Egossi trying to get? People to accept his apology at most. He is is apologizing for being a turd in the past. Whether or not you accept it, that's up to you. He even stated that he knows the chances of him being unbanned is slim to none due to the evasions on his ban.


Also, you can see peoples past names on their Steam profile. Match up the names and then you know if Egossi pulled that stunt. But, when you say you're trying not to hold a grudge, but yet still pull past events and hold them dearly. Seriously, I'm not telling you to accept his apology, but drop that junk and at least listen to him apologize with open ears and a blank mind.

It is hard not to hold grudges. If someone robbed a store and i was the owner of that store. The guy goes to jail and gets out, i would still hold a grudge since he robbed the store.

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So much oof from what i am seeing.


It is hard not to hold grudges. If someone robbed a store and i was the owner of that store. The guy goes to jail and gets out, i would still hold a grudge since he robbed the store.

I understand, guys. Again, I've clearly stated that I'm not expecting anyone to beleive the fact that I've changed, or just unban me. This is an apology, I don't want it to be derailed just because of some disagreements.

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So much oof from what i am seeing.


It is hard not to hold grudges. If someone robbed a store and i was the owner of that store. The guy goes to jail and gets out, i would still hold a grudge since he robbed the store.


It wouldn't be a grudge, it'd be a hatred for robbers in general. You don't want your store to be robbed anyhow.


But I get your point, grudges aren't hard to give up because of pride. You still shouldn't hold a grudge though. Unless Egossi kept messaging me and sending me threats and harassing me in a serious manner constantly, then I would grow a hatred for him. Later down the road, he left me alone and then pops up out of no where with a serious apology? I'd probably forgive him. That doesn't mean that I will be instantly best friends with Egossi, but it's a start of a new path.

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Okay, whatever. I am sorry for overreacting a bit, some posts just make me extremely angry.


What I wanted to say, in my opinion it's a great step to make an apology and trying to handle this like human beings. Apology and forgiveness are two sides of the same emotional coin. They reflect the constructive ways the oppressors and the oppressed in an intractable conflict can come to grips with the pain and suffering the conflict produced. Apologies and forgiveness are important because intractable conflicts generate such deep and searing emotions. Even after the fighting stops, people still feel the pain, hurt, anger, fear, and hatred that produced the conflict and its horrors in the first place. Without apology and forgiveness, people remain locked in the value systems that produced the conflict. Little progress beyond a ceasefire can be made.

t is not easy, however, to apologize or forgive. To see that, consider two scenes from the remarkable documentary about the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, "Long Night's Journey Into Day."[1]


The film ends with the case of two policemen who had asked for amnesty for their killing of seven young black teenagers during the struggle for the townships in the 1980s. The apology made by the white officer was anything but heartfelt. He remained arrogant, and clearly was making the apology only in order to have a chance at gaining amnesty. His lack of sincerity was obvious; he was refused. The other officer was black. The film showed his hearing before the Commission, where it was clear that he truly felt remorse. Nonetheless, the mothers of the seven boys were still so grief-stricken almost 15 years after the murders that they broke down and had to be taken from the room.


The Commission then set up a meeting between the former officer and the seven women. The officer was in tears for much of the session. For much of the session, the mothers remained adamant in their refusal to forgive him. Finally, one of them noticed that his name means "prayer" in Xhosa, his native language. She told him that, as a Christian, she realized that she had a duty to forgive. At that point, you could feel the tension escape from the room. Those eight people, brought together in tragedy, were ready to move on with their personal and political lives.


What I want to say: Those people who hate Egossi should just move on and just drop that past. Just accept his apology and start over.

I hope you get what I am saying, this is gonna be my last post in this thread if you think this is "too emotional" then you may be right.

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