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The fact that he's being a beef n' fixin by saying "agree with me or you'll be demeaned" I mean that's not really uhh... But I mean you go on man! Be supportive! Let him be a kunt to people all he wants! Btw I r8 your post 2/8, try to be original m8.

I'd prefer if everyone just used steam or teamspeak to prevent any further spam. Thanks. :)

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My opinion is that you're both dumbfucks... :) Don't have an aneurysm about it.... (y)

That's nice, I posted something with stuff backing it up showing that I disagree, and your response is "You're a dumbfuck", Nice, 10/10 continue jerking it to ponies that 7 year olds watch. 10/10 m8 ^_^

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My opinion is that you're both dumbfucks... :) Don't have an aneurysm about it.... (y)


Okay the thing is i don't give a shit what someone on the internet says. This is legitimately becoming tumblr. The only reason theres such a salt factory here is because someone had the balls to mention it.

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Oh for crying out loud. I guess people just can't go one thread without starting shit.

@Ryan_Sebastian It takes great confidence for someone who isn't 100% straight to admit something. You can find out in any time of your life what sexuality or gender you believe you are. Hell, you can turn straight to gay during your 30s or whatever. It's all fine.

The reason @ArminArmout said that if you aren't a douchebag, you should call her a girl/she is because it's like me calling you a girl, a Christian a Muslim - it's incorrect and rude. Imagine just going up to a girl that looked like a boy and you called them a he, and they replied saying that they were a girl - that would be awkward as fuck and disrespectful.

Can someone just ban @Ryan_Sebastian

He's a nerd

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Oh for crying out loud. I guess people just can't go one thread without starting fudge.

@Ryan_Sebastian It takes great confidence for someone who isn't 100% straight to admit something. You can find out in any time of your life what sexuality or gender you believe you are. Hell, you can turn straight to gay during your 30s or whatever. It's all fine.

The reason @ArminArmout said that if you aren't a douchebag, you should call her a girl/she is because it's like me calling you a girl, a Christian a Muslim - it's incorrect and rude. Imagine just going up to a girl that looked like a boy and you called them a he, and they replied saying that they were a girl - that would be awkward as frick and disrespectful.

Can someone just ban @Ryan_Sebastian

He's a nerd

Biological gender is what 99%, actually 100% really, of people use to determine peoples gender. Because he suddenly decided he likes the term "Female" more, that doesn't really make him a female. At best he's a feminine male, which is fine. I'll ignore the rest of the junk you said and get to " Can someone ban me, i'm a nerd " Part. I don't agree with your opinion = Ban? What a great fuzzy warm family this is, where if you raise your opinion everyone wants to throw you out on the streets. Very warm indeed. Oh, I forgot the nerd part. You're right about that, though I think that's just luck tbh. 1 out of 3 isn't a bad score though I guess.

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Oh for crying out loud. I guess people just can't go one thread without starting fudge.

@Ryan_Sebastian It takes great confidence for someone who isn't 100% straight to admit something. You can find out in any time of your life what sexuality or gender you believe you are. Hell, you can turn straight to gay during your 30s or whatever. It's all fine.

The reason @ArminArmout said that if you aren't a douchebag, you should call her a girl/she is because it's like me calling you a girl, a Christian a Muslim - it's incorrect and rude. Imagine just going up to a girl that looked like a boy and you called them a he, and they replied saying that they were a girl - that would be awkward as frick and disrespectful.

Can someone just ban @Ryan_Sebastian

He's a nerd


"it takes great confidence for someone who isnt 100% straight to admit something" Why does it take confidence to admit something? if someone is a certain Race/Species/Gay/Straight/Transgender then it doesnt matter if they're "confident" they cant change that. Your support of calling someone confident for telling a fact is complete bullshit. I should be getting support for being human! I will admit im a human guys!! plz support me!!!!


Thats true but at the same time is that really necessary to put that? I mean really? Its like she knew she was going to start a shitstorm


"Can someone just ban@ryan_sebastian?" "hes a nerd" Yep someones salty.


simple edit : idk if armin read my comments or not i did say im happy for her but *shrug* someones too salty to actually read

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@Kypari pls don't feed the xXx_Tr0ll_M4st3rz_xXx kthx

@Ryan_Sebastian @Phantom now now, enough trolling here for today children. however you can continue trolling on the xD clan, which is also a super dank clan that i need some advertisements to get informed about

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@Kypari pls don't feed the xXx_Tr0ll_M4st3rz_xXx kthx

@Ryan_Sebastian @Phantom now now, enough trolling here for today children. however you can continue trolling on the xD clan, which is also a super dank clan that i need some advertisements to get informed about

I always wondered why people think saying kid makes them seem superior. To me you just look like a 16 year old trying his hardest to appear mature, but go on, continue trying, kid. I think it's cute ^_^

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I always wondered why people think saying kid makes them seem superior. To me you just look like a 16 year old trying his hardest to appear mature, but go on, continue trying, kid. I think it's cute ^_^

Didnt you create this account specifically to troll?

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I uhh... what? You found out in like, February? What exactly do you mean you found out, I must be missing something here. Transgender people don't "Find out" they are a certain gender, they know. From around, say, birth? Kinda like how a girl knows shes a girl and a guy knows hes a guy when they're itty bitty little guys/gals? Anyway, putting your sudden epiphany that you're actually not the gender you thought you were for 99% of your life, whats up with this?




So let me get this right. You come out to people saying things like "Hey guys! I'm a girl! Teehee xDDDDD" then go and say "Oh BTW if you don't go with me 100% on this you're a douchebag." I don't really know how to react to that to be honest. We're forced to do something like this or were now suddenly douchebags? Hua? What?? Whats up with the name calling anyway, feels totally out of place for a post reguarding your "coming out". Anyway, as I was saying about making people who disagree with you douchebags, I don't get why those who dont agree with you magically turning into a girl are being told to uhhh, what was it..




Oh, that's right. Thanks quotes. You know people wont always agree with how you think right? Being down right rude to them is kinda... uhh.. Yeah, you're not better than them. I actually think you're a lot worse. What else is there, oh yeah, wtf is up with everyone saying "Confidence" for? What the frick do you need confidence for? He's literally stating his gender, what the hell do you need confidence for that for? Watch, i'll do it too. Be ready though, this is really hard for me guys. *deep breath* I'm a guy, i'd really appreciate if you'd all call me "he" and only "he". Wow, i'm so brave. There's at least a trillion other things I could touch on but i'll just leave it at this. You're a kunt, dude. kthx!(y)

Hm, I dunno. Maybe she told him to fuc k off because Supreme is a know troll that everyone just wants gone. Hmn.


Well Armin actually didn't "just ask to be treated like a girl" I'll have to ask you if you read any of that at all, actually. And by the way, thanks for helping my point! I'll make sure to quote you next time I need a cite for people who have different opinions than the circlejerk. Its an internet forum, this is how they work buddy.

being a complete douche isn't how an Internet forum works.


@Kypari pls don't feed the xXx_Tr0ll_M4st3rz_xXx kthx

@Ryan_Sebastian @Phantom now now, enough trolling here for today children. however you can continue trolling on the xD clan, which is also a super dank clan that i need some advertisements to get informed about

You stop.


I created this account because I released I was a member for a couple years now and I should probably make one. And its not possible to comment on this stuff w/o one too.

Too where your opinion is (barely) appreciated, please take it to tumblr for two reqsons. 1.) we remind of it and 2.) you'll get bitched at more there, I promise. Fuk, I'll even meet you there. I'll link you my blog if you want it!









This is me, holding back. I have not slept all night and I worked 6 hours straight. I've been like this for the past few weeks. It wont be pretty if the negative comments go on any further. Like I said, where as we appreciate your input, please stop being a douche. Drive safely.

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I come back on forums and there's this shit going on out of nowhere. What the hell happened to this thread my sincerest apologies Armin.




Alright then,

I created this account because I released I was a member for a couple years now and I should probably make one. And its not possible to comment on this stuff w/o one too.

Lol you made the account today, and have only commented on this post. Don't act like you made it for any other reason. I honestly thought you were a member making a different forum account to troll but no shared IP, and nobody knows you, so that means you're literally just a punk internet tough guy bitch coming here for no other reason than to start shit. And if you are a member and you hid your IP then way to be a scared punk internet tough guy bitch. Don't pick on the high school age transgender kid, find a challenge. You're going for easy targets you think you can screw with and have no retaliation, there's no fun in that and it makes you look like a pussy. I've known Armin a long time, could honestly care less about her gender, or anyone's gender. It's pretty damn low on the list of how I judge a person and honestly nobodies business but their own. it's not that hard to add an s to he when referring to someone she isn't asking for the goddamn moon here. I'm not saying this to stick up for the oppressed trans kid, or to stick up for a friend, or because I'm triggered, but honestly because I want too. Get off the forums, you actual trash. You should never have felt the need to comment in the first place. you've never met her and this post was for friends. I'm not going to ban you just yet, I want you to read this first, but it's pretty safe to say you aren't welcome here regardless. Inb4 no right to ban, honestly don't care, I'll get in trouble on the internet oof the fear.


And someone said xG is becoming tumblr not sure if it was you supreme or phantom but good. I'd rather accept otherkin as a valid identity and have tumblr feminists rule the world than have this be a place you want to be and feel welcome in. You're a piece of shit. Go.

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