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Well That Was Unnecessary.

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does "lay low" equal "leave" ?


im not asking u to leave im asking u to not to start fudge.

I don't intend to. I'm actually trying to stop fudge by explaining why he is trying to make up with you guys on whatever he did wrong. People are simply taking it the wrong way and assuming (wow I can't use the word as.suming without it changing) that he (and I) intend to create more drama. But by trying to stop more drama from starting, drama starts about stopping drama...

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does "lay low" equal "leave" ?


im not asking u to leave im asking u to not to start fudge.

But "go away" doesn't exactly equal "leave" either. To "go away" is simply to create distance. Not completely leave.

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I don't intend to. I'm actually trying to stop fudge by explaining why he is trying to make up with you guys on whatever he did wrong. People are simply taking it the wrong way and buttuming (wow I can't use the word as.suming without it changing) that he (and I) intend to create more drama. But by trying to stop more drama from starting, drama starts about stopping drama...


if u dont intend to start fudge then just drop this entire topic, dont post anymore. people will forget this happened and it will roll over.

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if u dont intend to start fudge then just drop this entire topic, dont post anymore. people will forget this happened and it will roll over.

Because you don't fix your problems by ignoring them.

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So I was banned last week for reason "Trolling/harassment". I would like to ask for some specifics as to where this happened, because I simply posted my own opinion on the matter, and then responded to quite a lot of hate coming my way.

Oh, that's right. Thanks quotes. You know people wont always agree with how you think right? Being down right rude to them is kinda... uhh.. Yeah, you're not better than them. I actually think you're a lot worse. What else is there, oh yeah, wtf is up with everyone saying "Confidence" for? What the frick do you need confidence for? He's literally stating his gender, what the hell do you need confidence for that for? Watch, i'll do it too. Be ready though, this is really hard for me guys. *deep breath* I'm a guy, i'd really appreciate if you'd all call me "he" and only "he". Wow, i'm so brave. There's at least a trillion other things I could touch on but i'll just leave it at this. You're a kunt, dude. kthx!

It was in your third paragraph (see above).


It's obvious that Armin's.. Statement, for a lack of better words, triggered you in some way. While it's perfectly understandable that you would want to voice your opinion, there was no reason to belittle Armin's statement in such a hostile way. I won't say it wasn't unprovoked, because it certainly looks like it was in some way, but do keep in mind that the intention of that thread (correct me if I'm wrong) was to announce a life decision that was made by Armin, not to berate anyone. Granted, I personally don't think the whole "if you're not a douchebag, you'll refer to me as I want you to refer to me" (paraphrasing) was completely necessary, but it's such a frivolous comment to completely derail a thread over considering there are millions of people who enforce their own values.


Again, I get that you wanted to state your opinion, there isn't anything wrong with that (everyone should take someone's opinion with a grain of salt, it isn't factual). But as I mentioned earlier, you don't have to instigate a gong-show of a thread on the grounds that you disagree with them. By all means, if you really want to get an argument going, do everyone a favour and just take it to a private chat (this applies to everyone in general) but please don't muck up the forums. For the record, as always, I'm neutral party in all of this and I am not taking sides here, but merely stating my understanding of the situation as well as my own opinion. Take it with a grain of salt :coffee:

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Basically it isn't though. The core basic of the rule is that Naziism or Hitler will be mentioned to compare someone ore something. Since neither Hitler nor Naziism was mentioned in a comparison then the rule can not apply.

Still a corrupt ruler that you're using to support your bigoted argument on the internet.

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Still a corrupt ruler that you're using to support your bigoted argument on the internet.

That's like saying that an apple is an orange because they both come from trees. Without hitler or the nazis the rule becomes irelivant. Also, how is my opinion bigoting?

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This thread is going to far, we know people have fair opinions and such but we could also just respect each others life choices with out making it a 7 page shit show.


Both sides are bad since one side belittled a life choice and the other side is just calling them bigots and other names.


Also @Vector never got a Tldr


Armin came out as Trans and shadow and Ryan were very vocal on disagreeing with her choice, people shit talked and thread went no where. Ryan and I think shadow were banned since they did harass him so when they came back they question the ban and now it is turning back into the other thread. Basically multiple page shitshows at there finest

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Granted, I personally don't think the whole "if you're not a douchebag, you'll refer to me as I want you to refer to me" (paraphrasing) was completely necessary

Pretty much they took that a bit seriously as a defense for voicing their opinions rather harshly and everybody is trying to say "I never said/meant shit, it's YOU who did" when both sides are pretty much equally bad in my opinion.

However, this has gone on too far to the point where I don't think mentioning that will change anything anymore. But I did.

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And as others said before: So if my opinion is that Stalin was a bad person (obviously not respecting him) then my opinion doesnt deserve respect? Again on the topic of being able to voice your opinion, is that you are able to voice your opinion. If people take offense to it then that is their problem. Sure excessive harassment should be dealt with but that is not what happened before. BUT, for the sake of a shorter argument, let's say he did do something wrong. If this is the case then belittling him on trying to fix it is no answer. If anything he should get MORE respect for trying to right his wrong.

Don't you think there's a big difference between Stalin and a fucking gamer?

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Proof of trolling and disrespect is as follow, i even highlighted the parts that all culminate to create was is clearly deemed as "trolling and disrespect"









In case you didn't get the memo, not once did she ask for your opinion regarding her decision. It was not needed nor welcomed in that thread. We already explained to you that if you want to voice opinion, then fine, but do it at the appropriate place and at the appropriate time. Feel free to post on threads if you would like, but no matter where, whether it be an internet forum or real life, there are things that should not be said. This issue gets brought up again and you're getting banned, permanently. This is because I don't want to hear about it, im sure most of the community doesn't want to hear about it, and because im going to make the executive decision.


Think of it this way: That thread was 100% fine until you posted an opinion, and turned very quickly to a more negative light. Also, it borders, if not is, cyber bullying.


If you do need to talk more about it, send me a private message, but expect me to say the same thing said in the original thread and this one.

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