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Let's Fix Some Things

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OK, the system is not what is inefficient, it is the people in power. Most clearly did not know there role that much and they take forever to respond to stuff or look into stuff. The system just needs to be reworked and made clearer and have 5 people who are unbiased, represent the active divisions, and is respected by the members. Basically wipe the cls as they are with Silence going back to leader, nom goes back to co. Maybe need another co-leader or 2. Then have 5 CLs handpicked by silence to carry out the duties which are clearly given to them. Give them the respective powers needed to moderate teamspeak and forums fully. Hiding is really my only pick for the second or third co-leader or if no co-leaders then to stay CL.


Not sure why we would let silence choose them, saying he doesn't deal with them on a daily business. It should be left for the members to decide.

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The reinstatement for leader should be a must. Hidingmaster, myself, and Diabeetus have certain levels of communication. I feel as if there's less and less communication between CL's these days through-out the year or so we've shared this position. I do see you on the servers occasionally, Hiding. But we as a group of three never really talk and that's probably a shared fault from us all. And to just put it out there, all promotions and demotions are usually given to me through steam or just a private conversation at the last minute. This mainly being because they don't have them until late, but as to why they're only including me into these conversations I do not know.

Community leader as a position has no real power to assist at an individual level, such as changing birthday's on the forums/problems with teamspeak. Maybe it that was the intention of this position. Whenever someone refers to me about a channel problem in teamspeak, we always have to refer them to Silence or Nom. This leads to most of the minor problems of teamspeak and such just being brushed off and never being fixed. To state one, there's about three or four channel families that no one has admin to because of a teamspeak permission glitch. This occurred over six or seven months ago now and it still hasn't been deleted.

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Whenever someone refers to me about a channel problem in teamspeak, we always have to refer them to Silence or Nom. This leads to most of the minor problems of teamspeak and such just being brushed off and never being fixed. To state one, there's about three or four channel families that no one has admin to because of a teamspeak permission glitch. This occurred over six or seven months ago now and it still hasn't been deleted.


And then there's still the fact that there's a certain channel (*cough* bigga's *cough*) STILL missing after years from deletion from a non-channel owner.


But realsies, I dunno what to say. There's not enough communication with the CLs, and the fact that the number of them is dropping is not helping.

I do not agree with too many higher up powers since it would be difficult to pick them out unless they're all from TF2, but we all know 95% of TF2 is too immature to even handle mod, and the higher up staff of CS:GO don't even trust most with (official) mod since it's been newly released. Silence won't be of much help since he's on basically once a week now. stillnohub

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Of our 23 active servers (not counting FoF, isn't official yet), 14 are from tf2, 7 from Nuclear Dawn, 1 from CS:S (active is a strong term), 1 from CS:GO.


The leadership structure doesn't match this whatsoever.


So, two burning questions off the bat.


Why the hell isn't @Stickz a CL or some kind of way higher up? Guy does his job better than anyone else here, any div.


Why the hell isn't @kbraszzz a CL? People complain that it's hard to handle tf2 drama, this guy is somehow immune from all of it. Plus he's the most trustworthy tf2 member by anyone's standards.


If they don't want to that's fine, but have they even been offered the position?


Secondly, I realize that CS:S JB was amazing, and started xG. But times have changed. This isn't a counter strike clan anymore. Why are all the higher ups from the smallest division? It honestly makes zero sense.


Most of you know I'm a Disability Rights policy activist (who am I kidding you all think I'm a lazy stoner), in the disability community we have a phrase that applies here just as well as it does in society, "Nothing about us, without us". This means that if discussions are taking place that affect disabled people, then Disabled people need to have a seat at the table. The policy that comes out when the people that are effected by the policy had a hand in making it, is immeasurably more affective at helping the people it aims to help, because they advocate from personal experience.


Tf2 needs to be more well represented in the higher ups of the clan. We make the lion's share of the revenue, we have the most members, and most of the issues with tf2 members could have been resolved much better if the people calling the shots actually knew the tf2 division and the members.


Alot of people are saying tf2 doesn't have enough mature members. Haven't even seen those people checking out the servers or meeting members. Yeah there is a whole lot of immaturity in tf2. I'm sure though, that if I was on the forums during css jb's peak, I'd have a similar reaction to what they were like on forums. When there are more people, there's more problems. I'm sure that's a concept you guys understand well. Dismissing tf2 as immature when you aren't even making an effort to know the div or the members, is equally immature.


That's about it for this post I already wrote an essay. Lazy stoner out.

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Alot of people are saying tf2 doesn't have enough mature members. Haven't even seen those people checking out the servers or meeting members. Yeah there is a whole lot of immaturity in tf2. I'm sure though, that if I was on the forums during css jb's peak, I'd have a similar reaction to what they were like on forums. When there are more people, there's more problems. I'm sure that's a concept you guys understand well. Dismissing tf2 as immature when you aren't even making an effort to know the div or the members, is equally immature.

This statement specifically needs to be pointed out. Even our most retarded and immature member is a smart guy. If you sit down and have an actual intelligent conversation with him, he can actually be a really awesome, smart dude. We scream, act like retards, and have a good time that way, because that's how we play TF2. You guys make stupid jokes in monotone voices and have a good time that way, we're just different. Both divisions cater to their audience, which is why they're so different. However, we really need to realize that this is ONE clan with ONE name. We're connected no matter how much all of you don't want it.


I've been here since CS:S jb was thriving. My personality has not changed. I've always been this autistic. I promise.

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Of our 23 active servers (not counting FoF, isn't official yet), 14 are from tf2, 7 from Nuclear Dawn, 1 from CS:S (active is a strong term), 1 from CS:GO.


The leadership structure doesn't match this whatsoever.


So, two burning questions off the bat.


Why the hell isn't @Stickz a CL or some kind of way higher up? Guy does his job better than anyone else here, any div.


Why the hell isn't @kbraszzz a CL? People complain that it's hard to handle tf2 drama, this guy is somehow immune from all of it. Plus he's the most trustworthy tf2 member by anyone's standards.


If they don't want to that's fine, but have they even been offered the position?


Secondly, I realize that CS:S JB was amazing, and started xG. But times have changed. This isn't a counter strike clan anymore. Why are all the higher ups from the smallest division? It honestly makes zero sense.


Most of you know I'm a Disability Rights policy activist (who am I kidding you all think I'm a lazy stoner), in the disability community we have a phrase that applies here just as well as it does in society, "Nothing about us, without us". This means that if discussions are taking place that affect disabled people, then Disabled people need to have a seat at the table. The policy that comes out when the people that are effected by the policy had a hand in making it, is immeasurably more affective at helping the people it aims to help, because they advocate from personal experience.


Tf2 needs to be more well represented in the higher ups of the clan. We make the lion's share of the revenue, we have the most members, and most of the issues with tf2 members could have been resolved much better if the people calling the shots actually knew the tf2 division and the members.


Alot of people are saying tf2 doesn't have enough mature members. Haven't even seen those people checking out the servers or meeting members. Yeah there is a whole lot of immaturity in tf2. I'm sure though, that if I was on the forums during css jb's peak, I'd have a similar reaction to what they were like on forums. When there are more people, there's more problems. I'm sure that's a concept you guys understand well. Dismissing tf2 as immature when you aren't even making an effort to know the div or the members, is equally immature.


That's about it for this post I already wrote an essay. Lazy stoner out.


Couple things I want to clear up with you.


1) Co-Leader/Community leaders are in power to help one division or another. We deal with clan issues. The divison leader are just that, they lead the division. CLs don't make rules or decisions regarding divisions unless is becomes an issue large enough to affect everyone. People like Stickz are extremely good at what they do because they have complete power and control of their divison. Moving them up draws them away from their perspective divisions. You can argue that they can handle it, and they may very well be able to, but why pull someone away from a spot where they can do the most good?


2) In my opinion to be a good, and effective CL (using this interchangeably for Co leader or community leader) you don't need to be "in" a division. 99% of the things I do for the clan don't involve issues directly related to TF2 or another div; it's affects XenoGamers. Yeah, DLs can handle issues as well, but again why would you use people with a lot of server talent to do the grunt work?


You want to know what I do for this clan?

-Answer random questions from DMs/DLS

-Ban people from the forum/moderate posts

-Give powers to people on sourcebans

-Make sure people don't get into fights on the forum


Notice how we don't really do anything related to a div? Don't think of us as clan leaders, but more like an information desk.


I'm not saying DLs shouldn't or can't get a CL spot, but understand it's not what you think it is. I would love to have stick or kb to help us out, but I objected to their promotion into the position because I don't think having them work on random shit is worth it.


And if you don't think TF2 is represented, obviously its a partial lack of communication. Reach out to CLs with issues.


Also, can y'all just drop the TF2 is immature stuff? They have plenty of members that show maturity. Jesus.


Response to comments on your post: You can't say we "talked about it". It was what... 2 posts? There was not 1 single discussion outside that thread about a new CL.

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