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Xerses - Team Fortress 2

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I didn't have the thread open. Copied reply URL. How is it BS. You said there was CP on there. I didn't know that. fudge, I didn't even open the thread man. I'm being honest. I don't remeber anything about brazen bulls or that stuff that night. Maybe it was a previous conversation? I said I SAW fudged up stuff, not limiting to that vile industry. I don't go around hunting for it, I don't find it attractive, I avoid it at all costs. I seriously did not know it was CP. I messaged Swoosh by accident, meant to message someone else who I had previously talked to about the matter. I was in shock about realizing what had happened when I talked to you dude.. I calmed down a bit after that and thought more rationally. Just because you've had anxiety issues doesn't mean others don't have them. I wouldn't post something blatantly illegal if I knew it was illegal. When it was shared it said 0 images omitted, and there were some posts. Means no extra images were posted at that time. I was going off OP's picture which was legal. The thread 404'ed quickly afterwards I am buttuming. I understand how you feel, but it really wasn't intentional. I don't go around sharing blatantly illegal content.

Your actions could have led to 7 arrests and names added to the sexual offenders list. Could fuck us up the rest of our lives and be labeled in the same list as rapists and pedos because you decided to post the thread. You said, you have seen child porn on the Internet then you posted the link WHICH JUST SO HAPPENDS to have cp. Weird coincidence eh? We went from talking about the worst things we have seen to almost being labeled predators.

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It was a legal thread at the start. I should have used better judgement. I've explained I would not EVER purposefully harmed anymore. This is off topic however and there are always risks and links should not be shared EVER. I understand in full.

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I understand in full.


You clearly don't understand. You were literally talking about cp MINUTES BEFORE the link was posted. If you did understand you wouldn't have posted the link in the first place.


This is off topic however and there are always risks and links should not be shared EVER.


Should've known that before.

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You clearly don't understand. You were literally talking about cp MINUTES BEFORE the link was posted. If you did understand you wouldn't have posted the link in the first place.




Should've known that before.


Yes, never denied that. We talked about TOR, and that stuff in general. Was not perving out however. It was a legal thread. I shared bc it fit with the conversation. I didn't know it had CP on it, but the thread was JB (not 100% sure) and non sexual so I share w/ dethman. If it was blatant cp, it would not have been shared. And I still am not 100% mature always swoosh. I know laws very well. I don't intend to push the limits or endanger xG. It was a massive mistake than you have a different viewpoint on this subject. I just want Rhodo to explain how he feels about all this guys, so can we wait for that? We have covered everything already.

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-1, I see the points everyone against him are making, but come on. You could send the link to this thread to someone right now and say "Hey, look at this." And 2 minutes later someone here could post CP. Is it your fault that they posted CP? No, you can't control what someone else does. And what do you guys expect from 4chan anyway? This isn't really something that you can check to see if what he did was actually wrong, the only evidence you have doesn't even exist anymore(to my knowledge).

Besides, I've seen worse things posted on teamspeak in the past.

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Well, I re read the thing and yes there was some time between because I was messaging the people to not click it and that it was cp. I then had a conversation with liekos and diabeetus on what to do then I mentioned it and perm banned you. There was no break between you posting and me clicking. I clicked it by accident as soon as you posted it and sadly had to see it and then warn others incase I am flagged for it. I did not want others to be affected. Why would I tell you about it? You could have ran away and not gotten punishment. There was 5 or so minutes before I got messages from diabeetus and lee both (hiding was offline for a little bit) then messaged all dl's and dm's about it. There was maybe a 5 second gap of you posting and my clicking. Which sure as hell was not enough time for 3 top less girls to show up.

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-1, I see the points everyone against him are making, but come on. You could send the link to this thread to someone right now and say "Hey, look at this." And 2 minutes later someone here could post CP. Is it your fault that they posted CP? No, you can't control what someone else does. And what do you guys expect from 4chan anyway? This isn't really something that you can check to see if what he did was actually wrong, the only evidence you have doesn't even exist anymore(to my knowledge).

Besides, I've seen worse things posted on teamspeak in the past.

+1 for unban

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@Dethman. Time doesn't matter. Threads blow up with 10s of posts in seconds. Evidence: this censored screenshot. [MEDIA=imgur]MFj6036[/MEDIA]

I don't feel like going on /b/ to look for a better example, but THIS. Threads after a minute or two will blow up with posts. It takes seconds to do a captcha, select and post an image.

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I have a question. I don't know if this was said and I missed it, but have any CLs seen the evidence?

According to Xerxes comment, none have seen this. If that is true, the evidence disappearing is basically the same as not having any. I don't agree with CP, but if evidence can no longer be provided, and all we have is the word of people, saying "yeah, we saw that.", then he shouldn't still be banned. xG never used someone's word as proper evidence, so it shouldn't be used now.

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According to Xerxes comment, none have seen this. If that is true, the evidence disappearing is basically the same as not having any. I don't agree with CP, but if evidence can no longer be provided, and all we have is the word of people, saying "yeah, we saw that.", then he shouldn't still be banned. xG never used someone's word as proper evidence, so it shouldn't be used now.

Dethman gave the link to @diabeetus before he stepped down. He verified it was CP which was why we decided the perm.

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Jesus @Xerses ever heard of a thing known as a paragraph?! that text wall is so hard to read....

And now.... I know i'm prolly going to get a lot of shit for this.... but I'd like to mention a few things about this....


CP is bad and blah blah blah everyone knows that so not really going to continue here


I am not certain what exactly was on the link posted, but I kind of don't feel like someone should get in trouble when linking a site.... for what else exists on the site.... I mean it was 4chan... you can choose not to click it(you know it's going to contain some bad stuff due to the fact it's 4CHAN!!!)


Apart from "CP is bad" I am fairly certain there aren't really any rules against regarding posting links on TS.... let alone in the PRIVATE SECTIONS of TS.... people have said multiple times that the private channels are for lack of a better term... lawless... and that the most punishment you can receive from doing something in them is being blacklisted, or kicks/banned if you break blacklist.... On top of the previously mentioned... I am not sure I see the reasoning for increasing the ban to the forums and/or game servers...


+1 Basically... I think this is being blown out of proportion... I think that what he linked may have been accidental... and even if it wasn't shouldn't be permed from everywhere... but hey... I have no idea what was in that thread, or the topic.... since it's gone now...

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