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1.) Trees do not have model-bound physics, however; trees are encompassed by clip brushes to block movement but allow projectiles.


That is buggy, sometimes-on the new Goldenrod- I change my dxlevel then join, the trees are invisible, and I can see through them and there aren't any models for them, the b3_goldenrod's trees are alot better in my opinion.


2.) Trees will remain 2-Dimensional as it cuts down on resources with the overall polygon count in the map [the autumn trees are 2D/3D and have clip collision placed at the trunk]


Yeah it is better for making the map, but I do not prefer those trees in terms of game play, Ecruteak's trees have a square around them, and you can see through the edge but can't shoot, and the new Goldenrod's can be shot through, and that is really annoying, especially for when it bugs out.

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Cooldown is 300 seconds (5 minutes), it's bearable. As for the visibly nameless soundtrack panels, I did this as an experiment to prevent people from spamming the same music over and over again - until someone memorises their placement. I should ask, does the name of the song display after selection like it's supposed to?

alright 5 minuts is good, thanks


and yes the song name does display at the top of the screen after having selected them

(nice song choices btw)

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That is buggy, sometimes-on the new Goldenrod- I change my dxlevel then join, the trees are invisible, and I can see through them and there aren't any models for them, the b3_goldenrod's trees are alot better in my opinion.




Yeah it is better for making the map, but I do not prefer those trees in terms of game play, Ecruteak's trees have a square around them, and you can see through the edge but can't shoot, and the new Goldenrod's can be shot through, and that is really annoying, especially for when it bugs out.


Invisible trees? I've cycled through dxlevels 70, 80, 90, 95, & 98; the only thing I noticed was that lower levels (80-) utilise force fading models on static props. I'll assume that's what you meant (if it's the whole dilemma of loading a map and the trees fail to load and are replaced with the pulsing ERROR models, then I don't know what to do other than suggest that you clear your cache and re-join the server / restart TF2).


Take note of the textures for the trees in their current state; those are actually coloured renditions of rasterised silhouettes from the 3D trees I made earlier in development (2 months ago).


I planned to have 3D trees, but had to regress back to 2D trees for reasons I've stated earlier. Render distances, Level of Detail, radius culling (env_fog) only have so much use before going to shít and everything resulting in one heap of trash. Large open spaces are already a big no-no for the source engine; therefor, knowingly disregarding this drawback has its deficits. Having 3D trees tanks the overworld framerate; as it is the map averages around 78fps in a full scene on my machine with max settings and 1 user (myself, I have no idea what it's like with 32/32).


I'll look into sorting out the physical properties of the trees, but the 2D properties will stay. I'd rather keep the visible polygon count under control. $alphatest "1" & $nocull "1" is an efficient detail with geometry and lighting for this particular situation.


(I'm exhausted, so if this sounds like rambling, now you know)

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Gyazo - 0705c43cfe80c76cf792a8fa1b76a242.png


Gyazo - f6446c794ce49f722d2cfef9480c623b.png


Invisible trees? I've cycled through dxlevels 70, 80, 90, 95, & 98; the only thing I noticed was that lower levels (80-) utilise force fading models on static props. I'll assume that's what you meant (if it's the whole dilemma of loading a map and the trees fail to load and are replaced with the pulsing ERROR models, then I don't know what to do other than suggest that you clear your cache and re-join the server / restart TF2).


Restarting TF2 works, whenever I change my dxlevel; my Console gets bombarded with loads of red text about how some models fail to load, and in the screenshots I showed the trees are entirely invisible, that's what I meant.


I planned to have 3D trees, but had to regress back to 2D trees for reasons I've stated earlier. Render distances, Level of Detail, radius culling (env_fog) only have so much use before going to shít and everything resulting in one heap of trash. Large open spaces are already a big no-no for the source engine; therefor, knowingly disregarding this drawback has its deficits. Having 3D trees tanks the overworld framerate; as it is the map averages around 78fps in a full scene on my machine with max settings and 1 user (myself, I have no idea what it's like with 32/32).


Well you can only do too much, I do not request much, it wont matter either way I cannot play but, I guess having 2D trees' for the best, I appreciate the work that you've done though, not that my appreciation means anything; I just view your efforts as impressive, and the fact that you still are tweaking the map for the better and listening to peoples' requests is too much for 1 person, not many creators take the privilege to waste their time with people who request too much.


I'll look into sorting out the physical properties of the trees, but the 2D properties will stay. I'd rather keep the visible polygon count under control. $alphatest "1" & $nocull "1" is an efficient detail with geometry and lighting for this particular situation.


I guess it's inevitable; but you know what's best for your map and not anyone else, so keep up the good work, h☻ p p y b o y s.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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About 1 year ago, around the holidays, I had planned to give you guys a Christmas present before I left.

However, things didn't work out that way, and the map just got put off to the side for a long time.


Over the past few months I have been working on it bit-by-bit, whenever I could get around to doing something with Hammer, to bring this map up to a publishable standard - to share with everyone.




It's because when I got back into TF2 in 2012, I started looking into playing on custom servers. Nintendo themed maps were the most interesting to me at the time, so I searched for servers using maps based on a Pokemon game.


I typed <<Pokemon>> into the filter dialogue, and I scrolled down the list looking at the player count.

Most of the servers were empty or had too little a number of people on it; however, near the bottom of the list, there it was, [xG] Pokemon Trade Centre 30/32.


Upon joining this server, I was met with interesting people whom were regulars, and over time I kept coming back because it was an exciting experience being able to play something that was something other than vanilla - this also introduced me to the trading aspects of the game that brought me interesting amounts of profit. Needless to say, this server is also what introduced me to xG as a whole - eventually using the /servers command that led me to Nintendo64tress/TGH where I encountered even more interesting people.


I made this re-touch of a map as a personal -thank you- to this community, but, most importantly, it is a gift. The original map that was done by Frewie was cut off in Beta 3 as "finished", yet there were a number of things that needed to be addressed/fixed; therefor, I thought this was a good idea (back in October of 2014).


**There is a 'readme' in the .zip archive that will list the details of what is different or the same with this map from the other map**











-Download Link-


If something goes wrong, just say something. I tried to make this a smooth and simple presentation, but; then again, I'm just a person that's capable of mistakes like everyone else.


Version 1



Version 1 - B





One year later we have 3 golden rod maps

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One year later we have 3 golden rod maps


But wait, there's more!


I've yet to make Goldenrod City using graphics from:

Gen I (Red, Green, Blue, & Yellow)

Gen III (Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald + FireRed & LeafGreen)

Gen IV (Diamond, Pearl, & Platinum)

Gen V (Black & White)

Gen VI (X & Y)


And don't forget about the console releases of Pokémon - the possibilities are limitless!


If you don't like it, I will summon a midget to corner you in a restroom at Starbucks who will force you to stare at his little member as he does a little dance to the opening theme of Camp Lazlo.




Idiocy aside,


The remake of Goldenrod from Gen II was left in the abyss to be either a supplement or a replacement otherwise. Clearly it ended up being the former, and turned out to be PK Cancer γ.


As for the Gen IV remake, that was more or less of an implied replacement release for my previous spaghetti spill of the other map I made.


I get the impression that I am being an imposition in some way, though that is not my intention at all, if that is the case. It is undeniable that the amount of Goldenrod is oversaturated and my unoriginality is really showing (as if it was evident from day 1 - 2 years ago). This city is the most iconic landmark from the series and the area of exploration is neither too large or too small like the other cities/towns from the original games in the series - my intention was to, more or less, improve upon the abnormalities and whatever else there was I thought that could use a touch-up. It's whatever, now.




I did have one old idea that I'd like to share for any mapper that would be curious to try out;


I was planning to use and abuse some of TF2's player model scaling properties via generic console commands so that I could make a micro scaled rendition of Johto. I did follow through with this idea, but got tired of it and gave up on it (no surprise there) - I worked on it up until Mahogany Town & the Lake of Rage. (Fun fact, the Skybox in the new Gen II Goldenrod City has the North and West portions of it - copy and paste.)


I'm not sure if this idea can or will be completed, but it would be interesting to see someone follow through with it.


Commands if anyone is interested:

sv_cheats 1

ent_fire !player setmodelscale .125 (fiddle around with it)***


***Still haven't figured out how to sort out the collision properties/physics mesh of the player model after downsizing - meaning that despite being small, the minimum scalable height (that is to step up from one brush to the next) is around 16 units.

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Well, it's here.


The map-pack below contains the following:

trade_enjucity_a1 alpha

trade_koganecity_b1c beta


--- and then some ---


Also, it contains the original VMF files so anyone can edit the maps that have been packed in the archive. You'll have to extract the additional resources from the BSP files provided.


TF2 Map Pack.7z

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Unfortunately, it looks like the map isn’t wanting to run correctly. It keeps giving the “Missing Map” error, I suggested to one of my friends to download the map and install it to the maps folder... and they said it didn’t work. I uploaded just the BSP to media fire and they downloaded it, installed it and they said it worked. I don’t get why it was different though :/


I connected fine though, so I don’t know what is wrong with the others.




Opinion on the Map:

It’s great, I love it! But I do have some concerns...


  • Very long walk from blu to the town :(
  • Path most likely will be blocked from blu at any chance red can get
  • Lots of places that kill you if you fail to get to the other side
  • Just barely can jump over counters
  • No collision trees


Other than that, the map is amazing :D



Confused about the Megalovania though.

Edited by TheSupremePatriot (see edit history)

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From what I've seem of Enju City, it looks really fucking good. Like, the best port I've seen in a while. (Music choice is good too.) As a map though, I mostly agree with @TheSupremePatriot and his opinions.

The insides the buildings are really cool too, the Gym for Enju City being the coolest so far. The lighting must've been a bitch to get it that accurate. When I am on the ground, the atmosphere feels authentic as fuck.

Overall, this map looks really, REALLY FUCKING GREAT, and you deserve a Purple Heart Medal for making so many maps with something that uses the Tower of Duct Tape that is the Source Engine @ColdEndeavour

Seriously though, a port of a port of a port. The worst thing for any engine....


Also, you gotta stop being invincible at some time. The liquid nitrogen has to come eventually.....

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Unfortunately, it looks like the map isn’t wanting to run correctly. It keeps giving the “Missing Map” error, I suggested to one of my friends to download the map and install it to the maps folder... and they said it didn’t work. I uploaded just the BSP to media fire and they downloaded it, installed it and they said it worked. I don’t get why it was different though :/


I connected fine though, so I don’t know what is wrong with the others.




Opinion on the Map:

It’s great, I love it! But I do have some concerns...


  • Very long walk from blu to the town :(
  • Path most likely will be blocked from blu at any chance red can get
  • Lots of places that kill you if you fail to get to the other side
  • Just barely can jump over counters
  • No collision trees


Other than that, the map is amazing :D



Confused about the Megalovania though.


-missing map-


I've only gotten that kind of error when I join the server using a map with the same name but with a different signature.


trade_nomulousbouncyhouse_v23 (27.61 MB)


trade_nomulousbouncyhouse_v23 (29.85 MB)


Other than that, I have no idea.


-very long walk from blu-


I know it sucks, but I did do something that isn't obvious at all.


The ground-level tree line on the left-hand side when you exit Blu Spawn, at that indentation in the trees towards the corner there is an invisible ladder (clip brushes) that allows you to climb the trees and jump over the gap to the important part of the route (shortcut).


I'm not sure if that info makes the situation any better; nonetheless, the scaling scheme I used with porting these maps having 80 units cubed = 1 tile as a reference for the overworld is much better for two reasons:

1.) Not too large nor too small. If I had used the traditional 128 units cubed scaling scheme, then this map would be enormous (not as bad as it would have been for goldenrod if it had been that way).

2.) VRAD would have crashed.


-red can block path- + -no collision trees-


It's just me, but for once, it seems like there is finally some light to this mapping imperfection (Blu spamming their gunfire through the trees towards red - probability of blast damage is much higher due to proximity between the tree line and solid objects.


-places that kill you-


Yeah, I was trying to save on edict data. I planned to have it set up to where you would just be teleported back to the main entrance upon failure, but the trigger_teleport and info_teleport_destination entities really eat up at the entdata during the build.


-countertops are too tall-

That bothered me a bit too during the porting of interiors. The downside of that angled birdseye view is that when you're mapping for a first person shooter things are obviously disproportionate when you get to making the brushes. I did factor the height to the usual 40 - 44 units, but it ended up looking really weird.



Yeah, you're gonna have a really bad Tom.


In the old Ecruteak I had Palladio by Karl Jenkins, that isn't Pokemon themed at all either. So, this time I kept the theme of having one irregular song in the map.


From what I've seem of Enju City, it looks really fricking good. Like, the best port I've seen in a while. (Music choice is good too.) As a map though, I mostly agree with @TheSupremePatriot and his opinions.

The insides the buildings are really cool too, the Gym for Enju City being the coolest so far. The lighting must've been a birch to get it that accurate. When I am on the ground, the atmosphere feels authentic as frick.

Overall, this map looks really, REALLY frickING GREAT, and you deserve a Purple Heart Medal for making so many maps with something that uses the Tower of Duct Tape that is the Source Engine @ColdEndeavour

Seriously though, a port of a port of a port. The worst thing for any engine....


Also, you gotta stop being invincible at some time. The liquid nitrogen has to come eventually.....


The Source Engine's glory days are over and its flaws are more obvious than ever. Mainly Hammer and vertex editing - Hammer being a gimped and decrepit version of 3D Studio.


There is great horror when you re-open your project after hours of work from the day prior - to only encounter a mess of misaligned vertices (despite the geometry being "valid").


I was never invincible..., especially after that 4-dimensional split. Wait, I contradicted myself.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I forgot to note the changes:


trade_koganecity_b1 -> trade_koganecity_b1c

- night time

- songs are now labeled


trade_goldenrodcity_v1b -> trade_goldenrodcity_v1c

- night time



@Bello @Rejects Can you add the goldenrod city update? Its still V1B

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Hey, what is up guys? It's ya boy, stiffy in a jiffy.


Alright, enough of that-


I was clearing out unused files from my desktop and found my collection of dusty hammer projects, finding this map as a result, something I've forgotten about these past few months considering I don't work with the program anymore.


Therefor, I ask:


Does anyone use/like this map anymore?


I believe around 2 months ago I had planned on releasing another beta build adding the Global Terminal and the Pokémon Daycare + addressing feedback, but as I said, I ended up forgetting about it.


I haven't been a part of the community for 2 years now; therefor, I used Giggle to search results on this map's relevancy with current servers, it seems to be nonexistent at this point.


If there is still some light in this map, I may push out the _b1d build in the near future; otherwise, it will (continue to?) recede into oblivion.


As for Enju City, that map was a big mistake in my opinion. Yes, I've read the critiques and criticisms about it - even if I addressed them, the map just doesn't feel right. I only made it as a paired reboot/replacement for pkmn_ecruteakcity_v4f, but shortly after releasing it, I realised it wasn't all that good (sounds familiar, no?).


** I understand if there is no desire for whatever shovesh-t I've made in hammer considering having mapmaking as a hobby is something I no longer really desire. Just thought I'd ask.



Although I haven't expressed it as much as I should have, I am thankful to those who put up and dealt with my map shenanigans in the past as far as consultation and server maintenance goes. @kbraszzz @Rejects @Nomulous @Rhododendron @Bello @Scootaloo @Vector @Moosty @Shwoos @anyoneelseimayhaveforgottengivemesomeslackitsbeentwoyears.txt

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