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Oden - Counter-strike

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In-Game Name:

xG Oden

Steam ID:


Ban Type:

Team Ban


In this situation i was baned in happened in cell block. I gave the orders "when i say go take a step out and GC freeze" it was a simple mistake that i said go but got side tracked by talking to the CTs. I accidentally free killed 4 Ts. thats when the Ts were able to speak and informed me of my mistake. i know the rules of the server and will happily slay myself if i break a rule because i expect the same from others.


GC = gun check

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It's was a simple mistake.. no reason to ban someone a week for it. I've done it before, seen others do it, but as long as it's acknowledge and they slay for it then I won't ban.


Punish those who are actually ruining the experience on purpose, not those that do it by accident.



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i mean technically under the rules that would be a perm CT ban, slay or not. there were 4 Ts killed by you and another T (Myself) killed by another CT. reason I only made it a week is because it was a mistake that anyone could make, and you genuinely do want to be a part of the community and acknowledge your mistakes. unfortunately the rules are there for a reason, and we cant just let people slide with less than minimal punishment for breaking them. IMO a week is a nice relaxed time to become a master rebel.


@Lithium @Bleed @Snackbar


I would personally close this but since I was the banning admin, I shouldn't be the one to do it. unless you guys deem it reasonable to unban.

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Generally for an accidental mass freekill, even if you slay yourself, 1-2 week ban is standard. Perm is usually reserved for intentional massers or repeat offenders. 1 week isn't long, just wait it out, and try to be careful.

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Unfortunately the ban sticks, we have protocols in place for things like this and we adhere to them to set a standard for all players / members in the server. On the bright side, its just a team ban, so youre still able to play and have fun.

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