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Been a mod before on css servers, stepped down because of dead server.


Applying for mod because im on earlier in the day when there are no admins on. I come on usually once a day for an hour of two and there has to be like 3 rule breakers in this time. I've been mod before and was decent at it. I know all the rules and have been on the servers for like 2 years now.

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+1 *DEAD* LastKnownZambieYT : Fuck you CUSE


Knows rules really well, did a good job in css


Would do fine if he's less rude/angry and punishes people reasonably

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If my vouches still matter, then I'd -1. I'm unsure if it's just when around me or not, but he has shown nothing but childishness when interacting with people such as myself.

He does (should, been around a long time) know the rules, but that's not enough for a position IMO.


This is all from my experience with him from the start of the server to roughly one month ago. If somebody who is active can confirm he's lost his arrogant attitude, then go ahead and do your thing.

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Would do fine if he's less rude/angry and punishes people reasonably


you can say its my fault and act like this isn't how you are to everybody else but lets be honest you are, even owl who is +1ing knows this and makes it a point in his post as well. And if you were that mad about my calling you salty a few times then why not say something cause most of the time i don't even talk to you. i had you blocked on ts for a while and didn't speak to you.

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I should note that if he fails to change his attitude towards players on the server I'll change my vote. Teamspeak arguments is another story, but you shouldn't be rude to others on the server as a staff member.

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If given the position of moderator what could I expect to see from your activity levels and your general attitude @Legend , because I dont have much personal interaction with you to really base it off of. Basically, convince me this is a good idea in your own words.

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@Owl If you consider me being rude by saying "Shut up" or "Shut the fuck up" when i'm wardening cause that's basically the only time I actually use my mic, its not me being rude, when i'm wardening I expect people to let me talk and warden. If i'm using chat to type and I say "Nerd" or "pussy" i'm not saying that in a way for people to take offense. I'm not ever being serious when i'm "shit" talking someone on the server unless I specifically say "I'm serious." Also, you probably shouldn't take me serious over the internet and i'm sorry if you take offense to what i'm saying you can always just tell me to stop and ill stop. Also, @Duke I have recordings of Saturday night where I broken a rule by mistake, you slayed me, I asked you why, and then you proceeded to yell at me when I asked why I was slayed in a calm voice. One more thing, @Snackbar @Duke @Owl @Lithium @ when I used to join the teamspeak every day, I would join the channel and get called salty for literally joining the channel. Sure at first it was funny but it kept happening and happening and that aggravated me of course that's probably the only time I was ever mad at you. Repeating something over and over again just to aggravate someone which is what you guys did to make me salty changed my "attitude." That's why I barely come in the teamspeak anymore and other reasons but mostly its because all you guys did was call me salty over and over. @Snackbar Like I said in my post im active when everybody else is not so like 3:30-6 EST to moderate the server and that's when all the kids start coming back from school to play. Ill be active whenever I can be and if someone needs help just send me a message. Last thing, @Duke You also stated in one of my recordings saying "I hope you never get mod," i'm assuming you said this because you don't like me? Anyway I barely even joined the teamspeak and you already started talking shit to me but im the "salty" one.


@Snackbar Thanks for the consideration.



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