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Resigning From [xg].

Will you miss Kitsune?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you miss Kitsune?

    • Yes! Spawncamping was AWESOME!
    • Yes, but for other reasons.
    • No, I don't like Kitsune.
    • No, I have no idea who Kitsune is.
    • I abstain from voting! My opinion is mixed!

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Howdy, people of the forums, people of the clan, and stranger-people whom I may or may not know. This, welp, is a resignation thread. CTRL + F4 and go to [AUSTRALIUM] to skip everything that I have to say and to get to the point.


For those of you who do not know me, my name is Kitsune. I first became active in the community during the earlier days of the clan, under an alternate handle that I won't be sharing here. After a brief stint from Steam, I returned to the clan with my best friend in the whole wide world, @Vixen . Somehow, people ended up under the impression that we were British lesbians. This was, unfortunately, not the case. We had many good experiences in the clan together, which for me, were some of the very best years that I ever spent playing Team Fortress 2. There was an undying sense of kinship and community. Yeah, we dicked around with each other and made jokes at each other's expense, but at the end of the day, it felt..clean, I guess. Everybody was having a great time. We were friends. Things were good.


I don't know what happened.


I really wish that I knew what happened.


Somehow, Xenogamers went from this little tight-knit community of people with only a few servers to play on into a very ambitious clan, with the same financial troubles, arrogance, and struggles that a clan has. There were scandals, such as the Nomulous Incident. There were fights between friends over stupid things. And there were major losses in the community. So many nice players either left, changed, or did both things. Some people matured and kept that playful spirit inside of them, while others became egotistical, arrogant, or just plain annoying.


The egotistical part is where poop hits the fan, people.


In the good old days of Xenogamers, people were cool to one another. This included mods-to-users. A great example is Vector's brief tenure as a staff member. Within weeks, he got multiple great (at the time) staffers promoted, cleaned up a huge amount of problems on the servers, and made it an overall better place. I don't remember if it was him or Bach that organized competitive TGH servers, but that was a ridiculously fun, albeit short-lived affair in our division's colorful history.

Kitsune, why are you bringing this up? Some of you may ask. Well, it's because back in those days, it didn't exactly feel like staff were..you know, above you. It felt like everybody was equal, and able to be friends with one another. These days, any jokes or allegedly derogatory terms towards xG can result in a staff warning. What was heralded as legendary in the past, Spawncamping is now a stigma that the administrators punish, despite both parties having enjoyed it back then. With gratuitous enforcement of the "Don't complain, use !friendly" policy, it helped to keep the community organized and the regulars..well, regular. Nobody was fighting. Things were good.


Now, there were dark times in those days, and for those of you who remember them..well, feel free to share. But I'm sharing my standpoint and experiences on here. And to me, those bad times are what I see pretty frequently these days. A lot more poop-talking happens. Respect for your fellow user has fallen to an all-time low. I don't just say this because I'm a recipient of it, but because a lot of people have been affected by this. Folks are hurt. From rude stuff whispered behind (allegedly) closed doors, to open arguments and insults over the most petty things, the community standards for xG have gone down a whole lot.


Maybe things could of been different.



To me, Xenogamers is, and always will be, a community. It never was this super-badass clan, it never was this ambitious ruler of competitive play. It'l always be a place where you can go to make friends..in practice. Maybe things will change. Maybe things will get better. But for now, maybe forever, I'm out. I can't involve myself in a group where people can't show each other respect without an administrator or moderator threatening them.


Now, I'll also say this. Xenogamers also has kind, awesome people who contribute to the community. Some of the newer clan members, such as @ThunderLimes , @Ceyahdev , @Prism/Blue/WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS NOW, have definitely shown signs of being easygoing, cool, friendly, etcetera. And I hope that things end up getting better for xG, that the whole sense of community ends up coming back.


Chances are, if you see me on Team Fortress 2, I'll be spawncamping someone, somewhere. Cheers.


- Kitsune

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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It's really sad to see ya go, Kitsune.

What was heralded as legendary in the past, Spawncamping is now a stigma that the administrators punish, despite both parties having enjoyed it back then.

However, you keep speaking of certain staff members, yet you don't give us any names. Maybe the forums are not the right palce for doing so, but instead of removing me on steam we could have tried to resolve it.

If people straight up punish others for spawncamping, that's abuse. Spawncamping is allowed.

We could have tried to resolve the problem. :(

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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It's really sad to see ya go, Kitsune.


However, you keep speaking of certain staff members, yet you don't give us any names. Maybe the forums are not the right palce for doing so, but instead of removing me on steam we could have tried to resolve it.

If people straight up punish others for spawncamping, that's abuse. Spawncamping is allowed.

We could have tried to resolve the problem. :(


It's a lost cause, Bello. If I really, really wanted the situation to be solved, there would be too much drama. Like..Spawncamping and staff abuse used to be these things that I was super passionate about ousting, yeah? These days, I'm just trying to..I'unno. Move along. Enjoy life. Too tired to keep on fighting.


In these fights, you end up wrong, and people don't understand that you were misinformed -or- didn't know all of the information about the situation, or you end up right, and it takes a ton of poop-talking and drama before people begin to reason with you. You can't make mistakes anymore. You can't be wrong, you can't be right, it's all so confusing. Why should somebody have to beg for another person to understand? What happened to multiple sides, or perspectives on a situation? Circumstances, y'know?

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Somehow, Xenogamers went from this little tight-knit community of people with only a few servers to play on into a very ambitious clan, with the same financial troubles, arrogance, and struggles that a clan has.

xG has always had some problems, you never had people added and always stuck around Vixen so you didn't see. Only then when you finally spread out, added new people, used your mic and became part of xG did you see the problems with it.


There were scandals, such as the Nomulous Incident. There were fights between friends over stupid things. And there were major losses in the community.

These are things xG has got through, and xG has lost way more in a short span of time then recently, i mean just look at PROMO/DEMO - Promotions and Demotions #60. xG has overcome perhaps the biggest obstacles. Also fights between friends happen, that's not necessarily xG's fault.


So many nice players either left, changed, or did both things. Some people matured and kept that playful spirit inside of them, while others became egotistical, arrogant, or just plain annoying.

As bello pointed out, if you voiced your concerns to some of the higher staff perhaps something could be done, i'm not blaming you here but it would help everyone if you did.


In the good old days of Xenogamers, people were cool to one another. This included mods-to-users. A great example is Vector's brief tenure as a staff member. Within weeks, he got multiple great (at the time) staffers promoted, cleaned up a huge amount of problems on the servers, and made it an overall better place.

there were always some problems with mods and users ever since i first joined and there always will be. I'm not the only one who helped the servers, a lot of people did, the mods and admins did a whole lot to make the community better, there were some good and bad.


These days, any jokes or allegedly derogatory terms towards xG can result in a staff warning.

While staff should chill out, sometimes it's hard to tell if someone is joking or not and at times especially if the mod doesn't know the person in question making the joke. Though i do i agree that people should chill on that stuff.


What was heralded as legendary in the past, Spawncamping is now a stigma that the administrators punish, despite both parties having enjoyed it back then.

I wouldn't say heralded but staff were very leniant on it and didn't think it was that big of deal, i think people who insult those who spawn camp should be punished because i don't see much action taken against them. There were always people who didn't like it, but no one ever enforced the !friendly plugin which was the biggest issue. (a plugin that i still thinks needs to be rewritten).


It's a lost cause, Bello. If I really, really wanted the situation to be solved, there would be too much drama.

The people who cause that drama will be punished, you have every right to give your opinion on the servers and how things are changing and how we can improve from your perspective, however on your end, you need to understand that when someone disagrees with you, they aren't disrespecting you. (Aggressiveness could be improved to help the people who are shy using the forums to voice their opinions.)


I don't think you should leave because you're an awesome person and an amazing friend. However it is up to you. I wish nothing but happiness and fun in the servers you play in.



Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Well, this is a, uh, shocking event. I don't know what to say, other than it's sad to see you're leaving.


I'm afraid all I can think to do at this point is hope for you the best of luck and happiness within the rest of your days playing Team Fortress 2.


Always remember, your drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!




Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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@Vector ,


1. I knew about some of the problems, but not all of them. It was more about the staff than the social intrigue back then.


2. True, but again, a community is as strong as the relationships between it's users.


3. Potentially doing so now.


4. I agree. @Moosty actually pushed for some good changes back in the day.


5. "EWW CANCER". Yeah, in some cases, it's hard to tell. Can't argue with that.


6. I built my reputation around that destruction. Heck, people wanted me to write a guide about it. (Which I did, which is hilarious in hindsight since it's completely about Nimbus Camping)


7. I know. Disrespect is when somebody can't agree to disagree with me. If we disagree, that's okay! Just fine! But I don't feel as if my word was really taken all that well when it mattered most.


8. The main plan is to leave the greater community. Forums, might remove some steam friends, etc. On occasion (usually when the enemy team is weak or extremely whiny) I might pop in if invited or requested to spawncamp by somebody. (Kitsune, it's your cousin, @Vixen, let's go spawncamping!) You'll see me around, just don't expect me to be as social or wordy as I used to be. Doesn't feel so right.


@Prism , I'm still gonna be on Steam. Just not here so much.

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@Vector ,


1. I knew about some of the problems, but not all of them. It was more about the staff than the social intrigue back then.


2. True, but again, a community is as strong as the relationships between it's users.


3. Potentially doing so now.


4. I agree. @Moosty actually pushed for some good changes back in the day.


5. "EWW CANCER". Yeah, in some cases, it's hard to tell. Can't argue with that.


6. I built my reputation around that destruction. Heck, people wanted me to write a guide about it. (Which I did, which is hilarious in hindsight since it's completely about Nimbus Camping)


7. I know. Disrespect is when somebody can't agree to disagree with me. If we disagree, that's okay! Just fine! But I don't feel as if my word was really taken all that well when it mattered most.


8. The main plan is to leave the greater community. Forums, might remove some steam friends, etc. On occasion (usually when the enemy team is weak or extremely whiny) I might pop in if invited or requested to spawncamp by somebody. (Kitsune, it's your cousin, @Vixen, let's go spawncamping!) You'll see me around, just don't expect me to be as social or wordy as I used to be. Doesn't feel so right.


@Prism , I'm still gonna be on Steam. Just not here so much.


Some crazy hindsight there. Spawncamping For Dummies

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If I really, really wanted the situation to be solved, there would be too much drama.

In these fights, you end up wrong, and people don't understand that you were misinformed -or- didn't know all of the information about the situation, or you end up right, and it takes a ton of poop-talking and drama before people begin to reason with you.

This is honestly what I've been seeing around way too much, unless it's in a specific "No Drama Thread."

To be honest, I'd like to see how things would go being dealt with ON the server when it happens. This has happened a lot back before i even moderated CS:S servers. That shit stayed off the forums and everything was settled quickly and easily with a DM/DL who is online often involved.


I like drama and all, and I find it humorous for myself, but I like people who can move on from drama without fucking up their relationships, positions or image even more.



These are things xG has got through, and xG has lost way more in a short span of time then recently, i mean just look at PROMO/DEMO - Promotions and Demotions #60. xG has overcome perhaps the biggest obstacles.

every clan has its

good and bad times, although this is a really bad time, that only means that there will be really good times in the future. You just

have to be tenacious with it.

we deffo went up from there rather than barely staying alive cus of a f2p division :^^^)



But yeah, long live drama and xg or whatever.

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Wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours. I didn't personally get to know you, but we had a few good chats in Shout Box.


Unfortunately, when something has become so deeply-rooted in a community/clan, it gets to a point where it's near impossible for any improvements to be made. That being said, I'm not the type to give up and label Xeno Gamers as a "lost cause" (not implying anyone is) because frankly, I've had some great times here and I believe some good can still come out of it. Though I agree, some things have become incredibly skewed in terms of law and order, so to speak.


Frivolous and otherwise stupid insults or comments are becoming so frequently blown out of proportion that it's getting to the point that it's laughable; this including power-tripping Staff who consider nearly anything to warrant a mute/gag/kick (IE. Calling a Staff Member's decision 'stupid' and then being muted for it) when most [if not all] of these confrontations could simply be talked out.


Needless to say, Xeno Gamers has changed. Whether or not it has evolved or devolved is completely up to the discretion of those who actively play on its Servers or what-have-you. I don't blame you for wanting to wash your hands of it, but at the same time if people truly care for the community, they'll stand by it through thick-and-thin to do whatever they can to improve things, no matter how tedious or cancerous things may get :coffee:

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