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In-Game Name:


Active Division:

Team Fortress 2

Previously a Member in xG:






Discord Account Synced:


Time Active on Servers:

i think more than 12 hours


15 turning 16 in december this year

Reasons for Joining:

I really want to be a mod because i want to be fair and play fair with all the other players and have a lot of fun. I've been mod on another server before as a trial mod i didnt become mod cause no one played on the server. I enjoy playing on tf2 and surfing and i'm almost on it everyday and some of the discord members know me and i'm reporting people breaking rules and everything and i just want to help out my favorite server <3

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I’ve seen them around quite a few times, they haven’t caused any issues and are nice to be around.


Just an friendly notice @Emmy, this is a Member Application, not a staff application.

To apply for staff you must wait 30 days from the time your membership application gets accepted.

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this is what they told me


@❤The_Minty_Emmy❤ After you are a member (and you hit the requirements of application for mod) then you can apply for whatever game you want to be mod on, I.E. TF2 CSGO MC.

When you are mod on one of the games we have servers for, your mod powers are accross all of our servers on that game (TF2 JB, TGH, PokeTrade, ETC.)

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so where am i supposed to sign up?


You have made an application for membership, which you are currently posting in.

Signing up on the forum just creates an account on the forum.

You did it right, just put the wrong info for your reason for joining.

Wait about 2-3 days and your application will have its results.

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I think you're a bit confused as to just what being a member means, and as to the process in which one is promoted to staff. I'd highly recommend you read the guide linked by virr as well as This if you haven't as well as This . After all, reading is sometimes the best way to familiarize yourself with how things work, and there can be plenty to learn.


In terms of this application here, you seen to be on a fair bit and at least have a basic understanding of the rules for the surf server. I can't say too much in terms of your maturity, but you haven't done anything outstandingly negative. You do seem to at least a bit eager to prevent rule breaking as well from what I've seen on the server, and I think you have a desire to just try and better things in general.

So here's a hopeful +1for you

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I spent an hour deleting and retyping on my opinion, but all I can say is...


1. Gl on your member and maybe future mod.


2. Hope I get to see you more often


4. I can’t count and forget number 3 cuz that you seem like a nice person and I’m just dead inside.


I spent another half an hour doing this... I’m done and now gunna drink more beer and be miserable with life. Cheers to a shitty life and for you member.


+1 from what I read and hear.

Edited by virr (see edit history)

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Your membership application has been accepted and you are now a member of Xeno Gamers!

You can now add the [xG] tag to your in-game name!


To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!


Want to get more involved in the community and qualify for Staff?

Here's how!


1. Be active on our Discord server! You can download Discord here, and join us using this link !

2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to keep yourself informed on things happening within the community and for your voice to be heard!

3. Be active on our servers! This shows that you're committed to the clan!



For a server list, click here.

Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here.

For a list of our server rules and guides, click on the appropriate division:

[TF2] [CS:GO] [GMOD] [Minecraft] [Nuclear Dawn]




Note: n/a

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