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Mr.LogicToast - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

[xG] Mr. Logic Toast



Ban Type:

Server Ban


Hello, i have recieved a day ban and would like to protest that i should have not recieved the ban due to the following:


so basically, i just joined xG - Surf and i load in to the server and i was sitting in spawn and a few minutes later i got spawnkilled, so i called admin as usual, but i had not one idea that there was admin already on the server due to one of my friends coming to my house to get something they left in my room, so i was distracted and while i was helping my friend out to find what he was trying to get was when i noticed that i got killed in spawn, so i go back to my computer and call admin. ( i meantioned the story becuase i'm trying to signify that i couldn't hear anyone talking on mic becuase my headphones were off ) and i also mention that i couldn't hear anyone because xG:M Skelly was the one who banned me and his reasoning for how i should have noticed that he was already there was that he was talking on mic. (we talked in steam chat after i got banned)


i know this was a long one to read, but i would like to be unbanned and have my ban removed from my record becuase of the situation expalined above. thank you.

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Let's bring up the fact that when you call admin, The menu says abuse will be punished, then you must understand that you said nothing in chat to signify to any existing staff that might be on that someone might be spawnkilling. You made a mistake, you are making this thread so nothing messes with your "perfect record".

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+1 It used to be against the rules to use !calladmin with a staff member present on the server but not anymore. An honest mistake really

wait a minute

no one informed me. that's just stupid. they can type in chat.

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I honestly didn't think it was intentional or was trolling by Logic, but that saying that I left my keyboard to go do something isn't really the best excuse. Looking at Logic history tho, he hasn't done any trolling or wasn't banned before.


Logic click tab to check if anyone is online.

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I honestly didn't think it was intentional or was trolling by Logic, but that saying that I left my keyboard to go do something isn't really the best excuse. Looking at Logic history tho, he hasn't done any trolling or wasn't banned before.


Logic click tab to check if anyone is online.

The fact of that is, he could've typed in chat like this person is spawnkilling, then done call admin

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yes, that is my bad. i am usually one to report the rule breakers really fast without checking who is on. i do admit to that. but that's usually only if i just joined the server vs when i've been on for a while because when i'm on for a while i actually get a chance to check who's online aside from when i just joined and have not even looked in the tab menu

Edited by virr (see edit history)

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The fact of that is, he could've typed in chat like this person is spawnkilling, then done call admin

I'm guessing he was spawnkilled by the person then left his keyboard to comeback to the same person spawnkilling him ( or could be someone else) and quickly !calladmin without check his who was on. He didn't through and he should now learn from his mistake not to quickly use !calladmin.


yes, that is my bad. i am usually one to report the rule breakers really fast without checking who is on. i do admit to that.
well now you can learn from this, not to just quickly use !calladmin blindly without checking.

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wait a minute

no one informed me. that's just stupid. they can type in chat.


How on earth is that stupid? Any way for someone to try and get a hold of a staff member or address a legitimate issue is perfectly fine so long as they themselves aren't breaking any rules. Not everyone is going to be aware of even how to tell if staff are on, but likely will know of the calladmin command and will resort to it or may not know that staff are on but want to call something out subtly without announcing it to everyone on the server. In that such a case, there are plenty of people who know of the calladmin command and what it does but aren't aware of admin chat.


Regardless of all these possibilities and situations, it makes no sense to punish someone for trying to call out an actual occurring problem because they didn't do so in the most refined possible way. Banning people for the use of abusing calladmin is reserved for when it is not being used appropriately such as falsely reporting someone for no reason or anything that can be described as trolling. It's not for when the use of a calladmin is not the most appropriate way to handle a situation, as it's potentially always an appropriate way.


+1 for unban, logic did not misuse the plugin and did not deserve to be banned for reporting someone. (Sorry if any of this was poorly written, waking up hurts)

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Logic obviously knows the rules of the server and he wouldn't abuse call admin. (he didn't so obviously +1)

If a staff member is on the server when he makes a call admin the message doesn't get sent through the bot, but pops up in chat that only the staff on the server can see.


Player x: !calladmin tatost "screaming on the mic like a fucking idiot"

>Player x has use calladmin on tatost for "screaming on the mic like a fucking idiot"

*no steam message should be sent if staff is on*

People have used call admin while I was on the server (even once on me) and no message was sent out to others through the bot.

I do not believe that it is possible to remove bans from the record, so that is going to be there forever @Mr.LogicToast

@Skeletal I recommend you reread the rules and the admin handbook and such to make sure this doesn't happen again.

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