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!lr Contest!!!

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Gun toss- Throw the Gun farthest (or closest depending on the lrers choice) to win.

Shot 4 shot- Each player gets one bullet. They will switch off every time a bullet is shot until someone dies

Jumping contest- The player with the most jumps wins

Dodge Ball- The players each get 1 health, and unlimited flash grenades to hit the player. (flash grenades do not detonate)

Russian roulette- The 2 players will each keep shooting randomly until the bullet is loaded and kills the other player

Farthest Jump contest- The player who jumps farthest wins.

No scope battle- A no scope battle, used with snipers. The scope can not be used.

Clip 4 clip- Very similar to shot 4 shot, but with clips.

Brink of death- The player who takes the most damage from jumping off something wins.

Shotgun war- A war with shot guns. Players slowly regen 10 health . The player to die first loses.

Rock Paper scissors- Players will pick rock, paper or scissors by pressing 1 2 or 3. the winner wins

Knife fight- A knife fight between a CT and lr. Very Simple

Race- the lr will set a beacon to start then a beacon for finish. The player who comes in last dies

chickenfight- Jump on the other players head to kill him.


Make it 7


---------- Post added at 04:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 AM ----------


Gun toss- Throw the Gun farthest (or closest depending on the lrers choice) to win.

Shot 4 shot- Each player gets one bullet. They will switch off every time a bullet is shot until someone dies

Jumping contest- The player with the most jumps wins

Dodge Ball- The players each get 1 health, and unlimited flash grenades to hit the player. (flash grenades do not detonate)

Russian roulette- The 2 players will each keep shooting randomly until the bullet is loaded and kills the other player

Farthest Jump contest- The player who jumps farthest wins.

No scope battle- A no scope battle, used with snipers. The scope can not be used.

Clip 4 clip- Very similar to shot 4 shot, but with clips.

Brink of death- The player who takes the most damage from jumping off something wins.

Shotgun war- A war with shot guns. Players slowly regen 10 health . The player to die first loses.

Rock Paper scissors- Players will pick rock, paper or scissors by pressing 1 2 or 3. the winner wins

Knife fight- A knife fight between a CT and lr. Very Simple

Race- the lr will set a beacon to start then a beacon for finish. The player who comes in last dies

chickenfight- Jump on the other players head to kill him.

Hot Patato- The Players play Hot Patato With a gun.

Inch of Death- The Player who takes the least damage from jumping wins.

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Last Requests


Gun Toss - The objective of gun toss is to toss the farthest or shortest (If specified by the T). If a T says server rules that means no cheating or bunny hopping. The T can give other rules if they are fair and appropriate.


Shot 4 Shot - Shot 4 Shot is a game where the T and CT find two spots (usually some sort of line) to shoot across and at each other until the other one dies. Each the T and CT will be given one bullet at a time so they can shoot each other separately. A T can give specific rules as long as they are fair to both the T and CT.

Clip 4 Clip - It is the same as Shot 4 Shot but using entire clips instead of one bullet each turn.


No Scope Battle - In a No Scope Battle the T and CT have the scoped gun of the Ts choice to try to kill each other with while not scoped in.


Knife Fight - Knife fights are battles to the death between T and CT using only a knife.


Rock Paper Scissors - This is a game where the T and CT pick either Rock, Paper, or Scissors to win. Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beat paper, and Paper beats Rock. If the T and/or CT do not pick Rock, Paper, or Scissors in the time given they will be slain.


Chickenfight - Chickenfight is a game where the T and CT have no weapons, but are able to kill each other using one thing, jumping on one an others head.


Dodgeball - A !lr that gives the T and CT unlimited flash grenades (which don't flash) to try and kill one another by hitting them. The T and CT only have 1 HP so they need to watch out where they're going or they could end up dieing by fall damage.


Hot Potato - This is a game where the T and CT have a gun (the hot potato) that they try to throw at each other for one another to pick it up. The one with the Hot Potato last loses and is slain. The person with the Hot Potato have faster speed so that they have a chance to reach the other T or CT.


Race - Race is a last request in which the T picks two locations, the start, and the finish. This is a race where the T and CT try to get from point A to point B in the fastest way possible.


Russian Roulette - A game where the CT and T shoot each other with the chance that when they shoot the gun will be loaded.

Shotgun War - This is a war between the T and CT using automatic shotguns. The T and CT gain 10 health rapidly and have to kill one first.


Jumping Contest - A Jumping Contest between T and CT which is specified by whatever mode the T chooses, Farthest Jump which is where the ones doing the !lr try to jump farther than the other in one jump, Most Jumps a contest in which they T and CT try to see who can get the most amount of jumps and the loser is slain. Two more contests are Brink of Death and Inch of Death. In Brink of Death it is a contest to see who can take the most damage from jumping off of somewhere without dieing. Inch of Death is the opposite of Brink of Death in how the T and CT try to take the least damage from jumping off of somewhere, but still taking damage.

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Deagle Toss:

The terrorist Makes the rules Either to throw it the closest or Farthest, Winners get to kill the loser.

Shot 4 Shot:

The CT and T get on opposite sides of each other. Try to kill each other shooting 1 bullet at a time.

Jumping Contest:

The Person that jump's the most during the Contest, Will win and the loser gets slayed.


Ct and T goes to 1 hp, Trying to kill each other with a flah bang. You must throw it at the CT That you are against.

Russian Roulette:

Just like the normal game, 6 champers 1 bullet. Ct starts, and then t, and it keeps going until one of them dies.

Farthest Jump contest:

The CT or T that jumps the Farthest from a distince will win.

No scope battle:

A T would Choose a Scout or a Awp to No scope with. You will not be able to Scope in.

Clip 4 Clip:

The LR will choose someone random to shoot their 7 bullets first. Each clip will have 7 bullet's and they will be on opposite sides trying to kill each other. (No Knifes)

Brink of death:

The player who takes the most damage from jumping off soemthing wins.

ShotGun War:

A Shot gun war. The CT and T will Regenerate 10 HP slowly. They must try to kill each other with the shot guns.

Rock Paper Scissors:

A T and CT will either choose "Paper, Scissor, or paper" And the one to Over power the Selection Wins.

Knife Fight:

A CT and T will have knifes trying to kill each other with the knifes.

Hot Potato:

One of the CT or T will recieve a Deagle, They must try to give it to each other, the one with it last when the time run's out will die.


The T will Select The Starting Zone (Point A) and then he will go somewere to place the Ending Zone(Point B). The Person that Gets there first will win the LR.

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Gun Toss - Both players receive a gun. The terrorist then chooses somewhere on the map for the competition to take place, and whether the goal is to toss it the farthest or the closest to the place specified. The winner gets to kill the loser.


Shot 4 Shot - Each player receives a pistol. Each player will then take turns trying to kill the other person with a one-bullet clip. The turns will keep alternating between the players until one manages to kill the other person and win.


Jumping Contest - Each player will try to jump as many times as possible in a short time limit. Whoever has the least amount of jumps once the timer ends will be automatically slayed.


Dodgeball - The health of both players is reduced to one, and each player receives an unlimited supply of smoke grenades. The object of the game is to hit the other person with the smoke grenades, which will do 1HP of damage, killing the other player.


Russian Roulette - Each player will receive a gun, and the players will take turns firing at each other, one at a time, while a randomizer decides if the shot taken is a blank or an actual bullet. Whoever shoots the actual bullet and kills the other player wins.


No Scope Battle - The terrorist selects a sniper rifle variant, and then both players receive that rifle. Each player then tries to kill their opponent with the sniper rifle, except that they cannot use the scope to aim at the other person.


Clip 4 Clip - Each player receives a gun. One player will randomly be selected to start, and be given an ammo clip for his weapon. He will fire that clip until it is empty, at which point his turn is over and the other player receives an ammo clip and does the same thing. This keeps alternating until one person kills the other competitor and wins.


Brink of Death - The object of the game is to take the most fall damage without dying. Each player may choose to jump off any platform on the map, with the goal being to choose one that has a large enough fall so that you take a serious amount of damage from it and yet small enough that it will not kill you. The winner will be whoever either does not die from their jump or takes the most fall damage from their jump.


Shotgun Wars - After a short countdown, each player will receive a shotgun. Whoever kills the other person with their shotgun first wins.


Rock Paper Scissors - Each player chooses either rock, paper, or scissors. Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, and paper beats rock. Whoever beats their opponent with their choice wins. If both players choose the same thing, it is a tie and each player gets to choose again.


Knife Fight - Each player receives a knife, and whoever stabs the other player to death wins. Various special battle modes are available to make the knife fight more interesting.


Race - The terrorist selects a starting line and a finish line at two different points on the map. Each player then begins at the starting line and tries to race to the finish line. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins.


Chicken Fight - Each player attempts to jump on top of his opponent. Whoever manages to successfully do this first wins.

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Gun Toss - The T and CT throw a deagle from a height/location of the T's choice, usually from a ledge. The player to throw their deagle farthest wins. Contrary to popular belief, "no slidesies" is not actually a rule.


Shot 4 Shot - The T and CT stand against two walls or on two lines selected by the T. They then take turns shooting at one another, one shot at a time, with a sidearm of the T's choosing. The first to kill their opponent wins.


Jumping Contest - The T and CT both jump as many times as they can in the time limit. Bonus points are awarded if you can win without looking like an idiot.


Dodgeball - The T and CT are both reduced to 1 HP and are armed only with flashbangs. They must both throw flashbangs at their enemy - like dodgeballs - until one of them is hit and dies, leaving them rather embarrassed for the rest of gym class.


Russian Roulette - The T and CT are frozen facing each other and one is armed with a deagle. They take turns shooting each other until someone fires the bullet and kills their opponent. The last known champion was Christopher Walken (R.I.P.).


No Scope Battle - The T selects a type of sniper rifle and both players are armed with it. They then attack their opponent without using the scope. Rambo + Sniper Rifle = Fun.


Clip 4 Clip - Similar to Shot 4 Shot. Both players stand against a wall or on a line selected by the T, and shoot at each other with a sidearm selected by the T until one of them dies. The difference from Shot 4 Shot is that instead of shooting one shot at a time, they shoot one clip at a time.


Brink of Death - Both players jump from somewhere on the map and attempt to take the most damage they possibly can without dying. They just want the attention, man.


Shotgun War - The T and CT are armed with shotguns and shoot at each other until they die. Other CTs should do their best to not move into the line of fire, lest they be mistaken for the chosen CT and find themselves horrifically disfigured by a shotgun blast.


Hot Potato - One player is given an unloaded gun, the "potato," and must try to toss it into the other player's hands. Whoever is holding the gun when time runs out dies. Do not try to eat your potato, as metal does not taste good.


Rock Paper Scissors - Both players chose Rock, Paper, or Scissors and live or die by their choice. Paper defeats Rock, Scissors defeats Paper, Rock defeats Scissors. If you don't know how to play this game, you lead a sad life.


Knife Fight - The T selects what kind of knife fight they'd like to have (Normal, Drunken, Low Gravity, etc.) and the T and CT then try their best to disembowel one other.


Race - The T selects a start location and an end location. Both players then race from the start to the end. The player who wins get to watch the other one trip over their own feet and die.


Chicken Fight - Both players attempt to jump on their opponent's head in order to kill them. You want to be the hen, not the egg. Being smothered by a warm butt is not a classy way to die.

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Type "kill" in console. All of you.



Quickly proceed to uninstall Steam and bash your forehead on your keyboard repeatedly.



End result: 2 free hatpacks as well as rank #1 on all xG servers.

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