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Mw3 or Battlefield 3

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Neither since they will both suck. They are both way to similar to the previous released titles. They are just expansions and YES SERBIAN BF3 IS AN EXPANSION OF BC2 :P You can't deny it they look the same and the similarities are scarce. Plus it has all the same gameplay problems BC2 had (according to my time with alpha).

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We can sit here and argue which game is best when in reality in about a year they will both be $20 and we can buy them and not be picky about it because we aren't spending a shitton of cash on an overpriced game.


Don't get me wrong, I want BF3 more than anything in the world, but it's expensive and I can wait a whole year before playing it.

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the difference between bf2 and bf3 is huge, everythings different in terms of gameplay, graphics, and generally everything. btw, expansions and sequels are 2 different things, expansion is like an addon to a game, like starcraft broodwar, a sequel is the next version of the game, like starcraft 2

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Well battlefield is using frostbite 3, which is different then the one used for bc2(frostbite 2). The gameplay has gotten better, with more weapons, equipment, etc. And remember, the game is still being developed.

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You guys need to get your facts straight lol. Gameplay is the same with new weapons and stuff so I consider it an expansion. And yes, I was wrong about the engine but the graphics aren't a big leap for the series so who can blame me :P

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