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Who are you?






Personal:Robert,Tran Westminster California


Facts:I'm not athletic,I'm more of an indoors guy


Hobbies:I use to breakdance,I mostly on my comp these days.


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Basic: Um I am exciting?


Personal: Hudson Kraft, Minnesota


Facts: I actually have 2 pet cats that are awesome but I hardly tame them, just poke them and stuff.


Hobbies: I am a biker in the summer, trailing or just going around. Winter I do nothing really!


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Who are you?


Meh: aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2011_10_38.jpg.a5e936b50c52705c8698337675d80f1b.jpg (far right)


Basic:White,17, Male, cold, slacker


Personal:Ray, Connecticut


Facts:I'm not athletic in a competitive way, but work out. I love the outdoors. I'm the single most dangerous person you'll ever meet. I'm a survivalist, but in the liberal world I'm known as a borderline schitzophrenic :PPPP This is my 400th post btw :3 I think the government reads everything I write. Someday I'll be in court and this is going to be read back to me, I know it.


Hobbies: PC and Xbox 360 games. Firearms: collection, tactical, and competitive target shooting such as speed shooting and long range sniping.


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Meh: aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2011_10_39.jpg.042c37ba9d61f59465d3663ae6c156db.jpg (somewhat of an old pic, needs to get a recent pic of me D:)


Basic: 19, College Student, white, single, straight, the guy that never shuts up on mic, that furry guy, etc


Personal: Shane, Ohio


Facts: I used to be athletic back in grade school/junior high with cross country, basketball, baseball, etc. but now sits on his and plays video games.


Hobbies: Usually drawing stuff, gaming, music, hang out with friends, cook food, make movies, photography, etc


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Meh: [ATTACH]607.vB[/ATTACH]

Basic: White, 15, Male, Straight.

Personal: Josh, Ontario. (canada)

Facts: I'm a provincial 400 Meter Champion, Rep A Soccer, Triple A Basketball, and Single A Hockey.

Hobbies: Gaming, Sports, Friends, e.t.c.


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Basic: White, 17, Male, Straight

Personal: Kyler, Texas

Facts: I'm a competetive swimmer, Involved in the FFA (Future Farmers of America), and i constantly talk on my mic in JB...

Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing, playing cs:s, and hanging out with friends.


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Basic:White,93,Homosexual,Loves to write books




Facts:Pretty fat white kid when i was young. I was on the boston celtics for about 3 years than decided to move over to hockey. There i had a wonderful career racking up 4 Hart Trophys as well as 7 Stanley Cups with Wayne. When i reached my 40s i decided i wanted to help manage the Toronto Blue Jays there i caught attempted to take Revenue from the Blue Jays and we sent 7 years in jail. After numerous days with smelly mexicans and blacks i was let out. I decided to get a normal job may one that including working at Hollister or American Eagle. I ended up working as a cashier in McDonalds. I've been on the Employee of the Month about 7 times now. I'm very proud but i've never been promoted yet. I decided to quit due the stress of Teenagers coming to my restaurant and calling me old and fat. Now i go to playgrounds and stalk kids home to use their computers. This is where i found my love for jailbreak and raging little baddies. My life is almost over as i have fingernail cancer i have only 8 days left. I want to spend the rest of my life playing video games. And btw im in the UFC Hall of Fame.




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Basic: White as sh*t; 17; Male; Straight (well, straight enough); Loser

Personal: Michael Thompson; Beckley, West Virginia (I tell you guys my address enough already, so I think I'll keep it out of this post lol)

Facts: I'm an award-winning screenwriter, my IQ is 151, and I'm a cynical, depressed, self-loathing narcissist.

Hobbies: Watching movies; writing screenplays; playing video games; wallowing in self-pity


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Meh: [ATTACH]621.vB[/ATTACH]

Basic: White, 17, male , straight

My name is Daniel, I occasionaly play soccer and tennis, I'm very lazy so I spend most of my time in the computer.

Hobbies: playing video games, reading and going out with friends.

Fun Fact: that picture was in Italy 1 year ago.


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Hispanic, 18, Male, Straight


Chris, Maryland


I work full time in a Residential HVAC company, sheet metal and .


Playing/recording music with Billy Mays (Greg), jailbreak and , hanging out with the gf.


Avatar is a semi-recent pic, probably 2 or 3 months ago.

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Basic: 18 years old (19 by the end of the month). Half German and Half Israeli. Currently major is undecided by I am leaning towards Economics and/or Financial Engineering



-The first boob I ever touched was in the 6th grade when Meredith let all the boys on the basketball team have a go at her massive melons (thank God for Bovine Growth Hormone and early puberty).

-My friends and I were responsible for a string of thefts and vandalism throughout highschool.

-Out of the 5 man group of friends that I have known since I was in middle school, only me and one other person have managed to stay out of rehab/jail.

-I threw a total of 11 parties at my house, and I was not caught by the police once.

-I started smoking when I was 12 years old (recently quit!).

-The first beer I ever drank was a Heineken when I was 8 years old (tasted like )

-I've been playing Counter-Strike since I was 11

-My first sexual conquest was a flat-chested Asian girl with mouth like a hoover vacuum.

-I was elected to the Homecoming Court, but I didn't win King.

-Pictures are unrelated.

-I have done : Shrooms, Cocaine, Oxycodone, DXM, Salvia, K-pins, and Weed (obviously)

-Over the course of my life, 4 women have tried to take advantage of me whilst I was drunk. I have successfully dodged every attempt on my dignity, and thus I do not believe anyone who uses alcohol as an excuse for a 'mistake' they have made. (looking back on it, I really should have let them LOL I'm just an )

-I own, and use, a ShakeWeight



-Downloading anything and everything. Torrenting is ing out of date and an inferior relic of the stone age.

-Anime and Manga

-Movies. I try and watch atleast 1 movie from IMDB's Top 250 every week.

-Video Games. I have played most every single good computer game released in the past 4-5 years, or at the very least I had it installed on my computer. No MMO's because World of Warcraft is for faggots

-Keeping my hobbies secret from everyone

-Weightlifting and working out.


more to come when I can regale you all with more stories of my misguided youth

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