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Member Name: Colour


In-Game Name: Colour


What game?: CSS


Member: No


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42239074


Age: Physically - 15, Mentally - 36


Donated: Yes


Other information: I am not in xG, as stated above. I had left xG about a month or two ago, and have just recently started playing again. I admit to barely helping the community lately and know that I will probably not increase my activity; this is purely to moderate the servers when I myself go to them. Some people see this as very selfish, but is that not the best reason to get it? I will moderate what I can, to the best of my abilities.


Many of you are probably questioning the legitimacy of this post, but I can assure you that it is real. It is unlike Aaron in many ways. I do want powers to help with what I can.


I strongly urge people who have had bad experiences with me in the past to set aside personal hatred of me and focus/vote on my ability to moderate. Yes, this does mean I may abuse my powers ever so often. Just as any sane mods do ;) Sleep on it.

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Thank you Daniel!


Also, ahead of time. Yes I will be thanking every person who +1's or -1's, I do care that they were nice enough to put in their opinions. It is helping the cause.

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Gonna have to -1 due to the major fact that you're not in the clan. No personal feelings, just business.


I understand your reasons, thank you for contributing what you could with your personal feelings out! :)

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Sorry dude, but you have to be a member first to be a mod. So I have to -1 this Sorry :(


Apply first for membership here which wouldn't be a problem then mod :)

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Haha don't be sorry, I know the conditioning and have posted this regardless due to the slight chance that I may be able to get it without being in xG. I understand completely!


Sadly, I do not think I will be applying for a membership either way..... It's just not my calling. I'm trying to help the community without having to commit to it as much as I was before.

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I would have no problem with you having mod powers, please believe me, but I feel like I have to -1 this only because it would be unfair to other ex-members who have tried and not gotten it, as well as any other player. If we let YOU we have to let ANYONE have the same chance.


I know youre a vet player and youve been here longer than me, and I know for a fact that you know the rules and would enforce them so in the event that some sort of compromise and stipulations come out and its made allowed, ill vote for you.


Im sorry bud and I hope you dont take it personally but with this clan its kind of a "do for one you do for all" or there will be an UPROAR of ♥♥♥♥♥ing and whining ;(


Just apply to xG already you ♥♥♥♥ing derp. We all love you.

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+1 one hell of a mod before and will be one hell of a mod now. No offence but just because he isn't in xG doesn't mean he would make a bad mod. Not only that but colour joined xG about the same time I did. He knows what he's doing. He's a good friend (a little fat). Smart kid. SHOULD be mod. if I could plus one this more then once I would. When he had mod he was usually considered the best mod.

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Aegean!: that's decided by community

Aegean!: well

Aegean!: final decision is mine

Aegean!: but I want to see what people say

Me: Yeh alright I understand. I was just wondering because honestly, like Admiral Snackbar said, it seems all 3 -1s are just due to me not being in the clan, and they believe it won't be allowed :(

Aegean!: Oh

Aegean!: you HAVE to be in the clan

Aegean!: to be a mod

Aegean!: that's one of the requirements

Aegean!: You can read it on the mod submission rules page

Me: Yeah. I thought I may as well try without it, to see what would happened. Oh well, haha. Thanks!


Oh well guys, thanks anyways everyone :D


Edit: This is Colour, for some reason my account was switch to this one? Ummm alright haha strange!

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+1 You were a really good mod when you were active back in the summer. :)


But can you plz reapply to the clan lol? I don't think you can get mod without bein in the clan as fasd said D:

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