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Request to Impeach Duckii

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Duckii doesnt go on the servers with the name duckii .. she goes on with like one letter as her name like "Z." or something. Its easy to notice who she is when her steam profile pic says "Duckii" on it .. at least it used to say that.


As for the disrespect and all that.. I mean she does get somewhat abusive at times when people annoy her but she also does benefit the community.


She IS on everyday but just now with the xG tag or her reknown "Duckii" name, maybe this post will get her to start using her real name more often. But she IS on everyday, more than you chickenlips.


The only places that Duckii is usually on whens she's on the forums is around the admin abuse and member protest portions and all that.. which is understandable because she is Co-Leader and has to deal with that.


She kinda has changed from how she used to be back in the day but she still proves benficial to us.


^This, but she doesn't really need to go "undercover" or whatever unless she's like watching a hacker or something..


& to the people saying she isn't on Jailbreak, there is MORE than just jailbreak. She's always on minigames, Dust 24/7 & surf. So stop saying that.

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1. I never kicked Skydaddy from Scrim except for when he disrespected me. I didn't respond because I simply didn't know why.


2. You say you joke around a lot and she actually takes you seriously...but that's exactly whats happening when she jokes around and you take her seriously.


3. Duckii is older than me.


4. She's literally on the servers EVERY day.


1.) Then it was definitely Duckii.


2.) She isn't funny. What she says just comes off as disrespectful (not saying what I say doesn't but at least people know when I'm joking and when I'm plain out disrespecting).


3.) She's also more immature.


4.) I play every day and I rarely see her.

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um just pointing out a side note

for all those saying she is inactive, you most likely mean JB and Surf...

we do have like 9 more servers other than those and she plays on them

JB is not the only server we have to watch out for. we have ton other servers..

As for disrespect, well she never disrespected me at any point or time so idk

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um just pointing out a side note

for all those saying she is inactive, you most likely mean JB and Surf...

we do have like 9 more servers other than those and she plays on them

JB is not the only server we have to watch out for. we have ton other servers..

As for disrespect, well she never disrespected me at any point or time so idk

As I stated previously.. I only knew but our JB server. ;) Re-read my post. <3

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- Used to be an okay admin but lately some people have noticed a change in her behavior.

- Lets her emotions get in the way of being co-leader. I joke around a lot and she takes whatever I say seriously (I have screenshots of this, look below)

- I'm not one to judge a person on age, but she is way too young to have this much power.

- Calls other people immature when she's immature herself. Not to mention she always spams chat with "Snail Invasion" even when other people tell her to stop.

- We were in the scrim server and either Duckii or Herpes kicked Skydaddy for NO reason whatsoever. He came back into Scrim a second later and he got kicked yet AGAIN for NO reason. Billy and I asked why and neither of them replied.

- Inactive

- Not contributing much to this community at all.

- We have other people who are way more fit for Co-Leader (Serbian or Billy)



She ALWAYS does this kind of stuff. She argues with me and other people for no reason and when she knows she's losing an argument, she'll resort to trolling or disrespect.


Just a few things. First, taking stuff you say too seriously is not a valid reason to want to impeach Duckii. From the pictures, she was defending a friend, and you can't get rid of someone for defending another person. In addition, you typed that message. It's kind of hard to tell if someone is joking or being sarcastic when reading a typed message. Second, age is not an issue. It would be if there was not other members of Xeno Gamers underage in higher positions. But to say Duckii is too young to be Co-Leader is to say those other members are also too young. Third, we have freedom of speech my friend. You can't impeach someone for speaking their mind (unless it's racist, or something of that sort). Fourth, you are not sure who kicked Skydaddy, nor do you have proof of this so this reason is pointless.


On the other hand, spamming chat in servers is not very appropiate. However, I do not believe this is a valid reason to impeach someone. I do agree with the reasons regarding Duckii being inactive in the clan. I think we can give Duckii a warning to be more active, and if Duckii continues to be this way, then I say impeach her. Your last point about Duckii arguing with players and trolling or disrespecting them because she knows she has lost an argument describes other people in the clan as well. Again, I think you can warn Duckii about this, and if she does not stop, then impeach or demote her or whatever.


I don't think you have enough good, and even valid reasons here for impeaching Duckii. In addition find some proof; it will reinforce your points. In the mean time, I am placing my decision as -1, however if you come up with some more good/valid reasons, that is subject to change.

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Just a few things. First, taking stuff you say too seriously is not a valid reason to want to impeach Duckii. From the pictures, she was defending a friend, and you can't get rid of someone for defending another person. In addition, you typed that message. It's kind of hard to tell if someone is joking or being sarcastic when reading a typed message. Second, age is not an issue. It would be if there was not other members of Xeno Gamers underage in higher positions. But to say Duckii is too young to be Co-Leader is to say those other members are also too young. Third, we have freedom of speech my friend. You can't impeach someone for speaking their mind (unless it's racist, or something of that sort). Fourth, you are not sure who kicked Skydaddy, nor do you have proof of this so this reason is pointless.


On the other hand, spamming chat in servers is not very appropiate. However, I do not believe this is a valid reason to impeach someone. I do agree with the reasons regarding Duckii being inactive in the clan. I think we can give Duckii a warning to be more active, and if Duckii continues to be this way, then I say impeach her. Your last point about Duckii arguing with players and trolling or disrespecting them because she knows she has lost an argument describes other people in the clan as well. Again, I think you can warn Duckii about this, and if she does not stop, then impeach or demote her or whatever.


I don't think you have enough good, and even valid reasons here for impeaching Duckii. In addition find some proof; it will reinforce your points. In the mean time, I am placing my decision as -1, however if you come up with some more good/valid reasons, that is subject to change.


Freedom of speech? That's why I made this thread, some people in xG don't like her as Co-Leader and therefore I made this thread. Also, Herpes pretty much JUST admitted that he didn't kick Skydaddy and the only other person who had power to kick people on at the time was Duckii. Finally, you say that I should warn Duckii about certain things but it's the higher-ups word against mine. If Duckii does something I don't approve of, I can of course ask her politely to stop but it's the higher-ups word against mine.

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I've not seen her on, not seen anything done by her really, so.. I kind of +1 just for her not being on since I've been here now.


LOL. How have you liked xG since you joined 1 week ago? I'm really not quite sure you are qualified to speak on behalf of important discussions like this, and considering that I haven't see you on our JB server at all in the past week I'm not so sure you are qualified to criticize anyone on "activity" levels.


I'm glad that she brought this point up though;


it seems that a very common component of the argument against Duckii is the "activity" claim.


Considering that I have seen Aegean on the JB server a grand total of 1 time ever since I joined back in August (6 months ago); shouldn't we kick Aegean on the grounds of inactivity too?


Now, as much as I would LOVE to replace him as Co-Leader, the reason that this argument based on activity falls short is based on a number of factors:


1) Duckii plays on the servers more actively than Aegean, and this doesn't mean that Aegean doesn't do a lot of work. By proxy, Duckii NOT playing on the servers does not make her unfit to be a Co-Leader


2) Activity in the Jailbreak Server has absolutely nothing with Leading or Co-Leading; they do not need to be in the servers to moderate, that's why they appoint moderators and admins. Much of the actual work done by leaders is more of a managerial, broad over-sight sort of action. And I am certain that Aegean and Duckii work together whenever there is something of an importance greater than the common folk such as ourselves can handle.


If we were truly to scrutinize based the the proposed criteria, we should definitely impeach Aegean on the same grounds: (activity, disrespect, tangible contribution).

Note that I do not count "Forum Activity" as activity, since I view forum jockeying as the lowest form of participation considering that there is no display of skill beyond the ability to run spell check.

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LOL. How have you liked xG since you joined 1 week ago? I'm really not quite sure you are qualified to speak on behalf of important discussions like this, and considering that I haven't see you on our JB server at all in the past week I'm not so sure you are qualified to criticize anyone on "activity" levels..

Hey, I hope you aren't implying that someone shouldn't have an opinion just because they are new... Stop thinking you are more special than others. You can think that your opinion is better recognized but that doesn't mean it's better :P

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Freedom of speech? That's why I made this thread, some people in xG don't like her as Co-Leader and therefore I made this thread. Also, Herpes pretty much JUST admitted that he didn't kick Skydaddy and the only other person who had power to kick people on at the time was Duckii. Finally, you say that I should warn Duckii about certain things but it's the higher-ups word against mine. If Duckii does something I don't approve of, I can of course ask her politely to stop but it's the higher-ups word against mine.


Yes, freedom of speech. What do you mean Herpes "pretty much just admitted?" Did he actually admit it or not? Get some people who were there to back you up on this and I will believe you. However, many people go undercover in game and could have kicked skydaddy. For example, Silence goes undercover in game frequently, and has kicked me out of his servers for no reason whatsoever. In addition to that reason, I am not saying you did, but you could have just made that up. I could say make up that I was playing Jailbreak and Papichulo was the only admin on, so he must have banned me. You can't just assume that. So get some witnesses, or better yet, get Duckii to admit her wrongdoing. Lastly, I don't quite understand what you mean by it's the higher-ups power over yours. Did they come up with that reason? Can you just clear that up?

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I think I'd like to hear about Aegean's and Silence's input on this since they have to deal with Duckii more with the important things that go on in the clan ..

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Hey, I hope you aren't implying that someone shouldn't have an opinion just because they are new... Stop thinking you are more special than others. You can think that your opinion is better recognized but that doesn't mean it's better :P


Rplyignt to both u. Synx plays with me at night, And i've seen silence a few times on JB, seen aegean ALOT more, and i see duckii the most of the the 3 on JB. She doesnt play when the servers past like 30 people and even then its only in the early mourning. Being a Leader or Co-leader doesnt mean you have to play the games all that often. Thats why us Mods are here. Now Silence I have your juice fruit! But in srsness i agree with you mainly cause shes a TF2 player only plays css with me and then just to mockme over teamspeak!

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LOL. How have you liked xG since you joined 1 week ago? I'm really not quite sure you are qualified to speak on behalf of important discussions like this, and considering that I haven't see you on our JB server at all in the past week I'm not so sure you are qualified to criticize anyone on "activity" levels.


I'm glad that she brought this point up though;


it seems that a very common component of the argument against Duckii is the "activity" claim.


Considering that I have seen Aegean on the JB server a grand total of 1 time ever since I joined back in August (6 months ago); shouldn't we kick Aegean on the grounds of inactivity too?


Now, as much as I would LOVE to replace him as Co-Leader, the reason that this argument based on activity falls short is based on a number of factors:


1) Duckii plays on the servers more actively than Aegean, and this doesn't mean that Aegean doesn't do a lot of work. By proxy, Duckii NOT playing on the servers does not make her unfit to be a Co-Leader


2) Activity in the Jailbreak Server has absolutely nothing with Leading or Co-Leading; they do not need to be in the servers to moderate, that's why they appoint moderators and admins. Much of the actual work done by leaders is more of a managerial, broad over-sight sort of action. And I am certain that Aegean and Duckii work together whenever there is something of an importance greater than the common folk such as ourselves can handle.


If we were truly to scrutinize based the the proposed criteria, we should definitely impeach Aegean on the same grounds: (activity, disrespect, tangible contribution). Note that I do not count "Forum Activity" as activity, since I view forum jockeying as the lowest form of participation considering that there is no display of skill beyond the ability to run spell check.


Um, do not talk about my activity with no basis to back it up. I get on the other servers that ducki hardly plays in all the time (for example when it used to be just Pub and not 24/7 dust, and ALL our tf2 servers I help populate all the time. She might play minigames or w.e more, but I populate tf2 all the time, I go on jailbreak every other day minimally when I get called down, and I even go on surf to deal with spammers / disrespect. I'm not +1ing or -1ing this, but yeah do not speak as if you know my activity, we don't only have 3 servers in CSS.

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Yes, freedom of speech. What do you mean Herpes "pretty much just admitted?" Did he actually admit it or not? Get some people who were there to back you up on this and I will believe you. However, many people go undercover in game and could have kicked skydaddy. For example, Silence goes undercover in game frequently, and has kicked me out of his servers for no reason whatsoever. In addition to that reason, I am not saying you did, but you could have just made that up. I could say make up that I was playing Jailbreak and Papichulo was the only admin on, so he must have banned me. You can't just assume that. So get some witnesses, or better yet, get Duckii to admit her wrongdoing. Lastly, I don't quite understand what you mean by it's the higher-ups power over yours. Did they come up with that reason? Can you just clear that up?


Yeah, he said that he wasn't the one who kicked Skydaddy if you scroll back a bit. The only other admins on the Scrimmage server were Billy & Duckii. Billy didn't do it so Duckii HAD to have done it. I'll get Billy, Skydaddy, and a few others who were there to back me up on this shortly. Also, I mean that if I disagree with something that the higher-ups are doing, the most I can do is get proof of it and ask someone if what they did is okay. I can't directly do something about it since I'm only a moderator.

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