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Themick and Stego member removal.

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mick +1 Mick does not do his mod work and when he does he does it wrong and bitches to other mods that there not doing their work correctly plus he breaks rules

stego 0 inactivity as a css mod i never see him on no more

but thats due to exams that he had

so i would like to get mick demoted or kicked out of the clan

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+1 Mick both never contribute to the community and is annoying. Mick also gets very annoying. He is hardly ever active. (Maybe because in his opinion servers are boring but he still has to be on at times.) Mick never do his job as mod. I'm vouching for a demotion not member removal.

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Considering I havent done anything in the past 2 weeks, I dont see why this was even made against me. I have been on Minecraft for the past day and everyone on there is very nice. Honestly I think Rabid should have his membership removed. He came to me after I bought the humble bundle and insulted me saying I only paid $1 when I paid $10 which was more then him. And then he makes this because I upstaged him. He even posted the link in steam to try to brag.


I have been inactive because of studying for school exams which has priority over xG. And as far as why im not on CS:S right this second is because of the humble bundle. Also, I have been doing minecraft like I said before, because I applied for mod in that so I could help in both divisions as my summer started TODAY.


I dont know what is going on with Themick, but I have a reason.

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+1 for bans on both.

Themick: annoying. doesn't mod much and when he does it's usually trolling or joking around.

Stego: never see him on any servers.. mods should be consistently on. maybe he has a valid reason for not being here but for now, inactivity is inactivity.

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+1 to TheMick DEMOTION only he outspeaks higher ranking staff members alot and even though we tell him constantly why what he says isnt correct he still does it. He trys to tell admin's how to do their job's and he becomes disrespectful if he doesn't win a arguement with any high ranking staff members.


STEGO well i don't see him do anything bad from what i've seen.

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I can agree on Mick is very immature. I know i gave Mick +1 for mod, but after he got mod he changed really much in a bad way.


I have also tried two times being afk in spec and when i came back, Mick told me to do my job O.o.

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+1 to removing Mick's mod position, at the very least. I have seen him do literally nothing since the first week or so he had mod. At least most mods are on once in a while.

I'm staying at a 0 for Stego because I don't play at the same time as him, and have no idea whether or not he does his job.

Don't really see him either, though. Might just be because I'm only on after his bedtime, i dunno.

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I just +1 themick.


Stego is somewhat active. But themick just vexes me. How did he even get mod?


Also he has been quite inactive from my perspective. And sometimes failmods.

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Considering I havent done anything in the past 2 weeks, I dont see why this was even made against me. I have been on Minecraft for the past day and everyone on there is very nice. Honestly I think Rabid should have his membership removed. He came to me after I bought the humble bundle and insulted me saying I only paid $1 when I paid $10 which was more then him. And then he makes this because I upstaged him. He even posted the link in steam to try to brag.


I have been inactive because of studying for school exams which has priority over xG. And as far as why im not on CS:S right this second is because of the humble bundle. Also, I have been doing minecraft like I said before, because I applied for mod in that so I could help in both divisions as my summer started TODAY.


I dont know what is going on with Themick, but I have a reason.

Wait how do you know you spent more then me, and that's not the reason for anything lul competly irrelevant

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Did anyone actually read my post? Let me restate it again. I was innactive because of FINAL EXAMS. Shessh. Im now playing again.

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Well, I'm not going to +1 or -1, but I agree with what Boar said.


Mick is fairly active as a regular player but I'v yet to see him actually deal with a situation as a moderator. He can be annoying at times and dosen't give a good impression of a moderator. He also thinks he knows more than every single member on the server and it's not rare to see him arguing with others.


As for stego, Why did you buy admin if you knew you were going to be inactive? Even if it's a valid reason (as boar said) inactivity is inactivity. Other than that, no issue.

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Mick told me to do my job O.o.


He doesn't deserve to get removed from member at all. But mick, you did change a ton after you got mod. I have to agree with that :/

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