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Baiting, for those who don't understand.

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Alright chaps, lets get down to business.

No one will notice this


Baiting, from the motd.


If a CT is intentionally running through Ts, or standing within knifing distance they will be slain/teambanned.


Lets break that down.



with intention; in an intentional manner; "he used that word intentionally"; "I did this by choice".


That means you ran through the T's by your choice. If the warden orders you to go through T's at his discretion, you DON'T have to do this, since this abides as breaking the rules.


Running through T's;

You are going through them, doesn't matter where, doesn't matter why; You're doing it. If you need to get somewhere, & a T's in your way. Ask warden politely to tell the T to move. Or if you're warden, tell the T's to move.


Standing within knifing distance;

The extent of space between two objects or places; an intervening space.


If you are within knifing distance, or near a T who can potentially run at you, that is considered baiting, simple as that. If you have to run through a T to get another T, that's baiting. Get the warden to tell the T to move.



That's pretty easy to understand, when you are slain for baiting, or teambanned, & are curious what lead the mod/admin to believe you baited, ask them in admin chat by doing "Team chat" @Baiting <Explanation>.


Now, I hope this clears this up. Anymore questions, ask & I'll make more threads like this, or add onto this one.

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It's still sad when someone clearly baits and doesn't get slain.

Even after telling mods over and over and nothing its done.


Yehyeh, take screens and report it,w/e. Just saying that is kinda sad.

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It's still sad when someone clearly baits and doesn't get slain.

Even after telling mods over and over and nothing its done.

TBH the mods on the CS:GO servers seem to be slacking a bit. Not try to blame anyone, but some of the mods really aren't that great (ie I was CT banned because the guy next to me threw a T his deagle then left & I was banned for accidentally shooting a vent, no warning or anything)

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