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Targeting Mods/Admins

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So some people have the same problem as me. It has been configured so mods can't target mods/higher, admins can't target admins/higher, etc. you get the deal.


I find this a big problem since some of our staff breaks rules themselves, some are AFK during rounds in Jailbreak, Minigames, Pub, all dat jazz. It's helpful in only one way, just to stop each other from wrongful bans and slays. Just to prevent shit storms from happening. I have encountered so many times when I needed to slay, kick, mute, gag, etc. a mod/higher for being AFK or breaking rules. If there is a mod/higher aboosing, I can't slay them and it's becoming a pain.


I would like to have this feature removed since it's becoming a pain. Some people will relate.


Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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-1. Most mods abuse on other mods/admins & it gets annoying. Most of the time, if you tell someone they broke rules, they'll slay themselves. I don't see why'd you have to right away slay them. If you need to ban another mod, get an admin to do it if you have proof, e.t.c. or if you need an admin banned, get a div leader+.


They were put like this for a reason, I like it like this.

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Too much abuse has been done between mods, you guys lost the privilege to target each other or higher ups. If you need to target other mods for "breaking rules" obviously something must be done about it since talking obviously can't solve it. AFK I do understand, but mods shouldn't be afking as CT as much as people have been complaining.


If a mod or admin is doing something wrong, talk to them. If that doesn't work, report them and call higher-ups to deal with them.

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+1. Atleast make it so mods can slay mods or so. I respect the whole div>admin>mod, but we cant target ourselves..

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-1 .. You cannot believe the amount of times where I come on and the first thing I see are mods fighting each other and it escalating to kicks, bans etc.


We're all mature here for the most part and should be able to resolve our conflicts without having to use powers on each other..


And if someone is actually abusing hard core, just call an admin or higher. Usually there's at least one on anyways. I get where you are coming from, but at least imo the benefits outweigh the negatives.

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Echo, people abuse on each other too much.
i dont abuse on other mods nor does turdwig and now we are stuck not being able to do simple things such as SLAYING AFK MODS. This makes me REALLY mad because i used to be able to do THIS SHIT but now i cant. and people dont understand how the new mechanic work and they expect you to slay afkers even if they are mods.

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-1 when mods were able to slay people higher than their rank and all that, it was freaking retarded. I was wondering when silence would finally fix that and I'm happy that he did. There would really be no reason for ranks if everyone can enforce on everyone.


If a mod is breaking our rules, demo it or call someone to deal with it. Like Aegean said. And anyways usually when you guys handle it by yourselves, a giant shit storm happens.


It's been like 6 months since the whole ranking shit was broken.

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You should be able to target(abuse) people the same rank as you, but not people who are higher rank.

That way mods can't wrongfully ban you because they're butthurt. (lolol)

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God no. People slay in rage without questioning the situation. I do see mods/admins bait and I can't punish them. Rules are rules, if someone intentionally baits I will teamban for 3 hours. Accidental is a slay. Of course they're the afk mods/admins.. Can't you just use some common sense and go spec if you're going to go afk. People use to kick others for abuse, and I've been free slayed by butthurt mods (which are no longer with us) and while looking for rebels, slayed for not being with Ts. In that particular situation there was one rebel left and it was one non rebelling T.

+0 for the pros/cons.

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God no. People slay in rage without questioning the situation. I do see mods/admins bait and I can't punish them. Rules are rules, if someone intentionally baits I will teamban for 3 hours. Accidental is a slay. Of course they're the afk mods/admins.. Can't you just use some common sense and go spec if you're going to go afk. People use to kick others for abuse, and I've been free slayed by butthurt mods (which are no longer with us) and while looking for rebels, slayed for not being with Ts. In that particular situation there was one rebel left and it was one non rebelling T.

+0 for the pros/cons. They can slay themselves because we're all big boys and girls. If not, disciplinary action should be taken.

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