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Ct Ban No reason

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I told all t's to get out of cells guncheck freeze at 7:00. When it was past 7:00 I started killing t's that werent frozen. After that I told all t's to shift walk to Race Jumping Restricted no detour or delay. So when I seen Hong come out with a weapon for more then 2 SECONDS UNHOLSTERED I killed him and his friends that were shooting at me. And then Hong just ct banned me and said that was mass freekill. You can ask Sinly and he said I was not Mass Freekilling.

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I will be honest here. If HongKong had it out for longer than 2 seconds, it's rebelling. If a CT tells you to drop it, drop it with2 seconds of the order, and don't hold the gun out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but firing a weapon, pointing it at a CT, having a primary out for longer than 2 seconds, and a secondary out for longer than (5?) seconds is rebelling. @@HongKongFooey What is your say or side of the story?

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I told all t's to get out of cells guncheck freeze at 7:00. When it was past 7:00 I started killing t's that werent frozen. After that I told all t's to shift walk to Race Jumping Restricted no detour or delay. So when I seen Hong come out with a weapon for more then 2 SECONDS UNHOLSTERED I killed him and his friends that were shooting at me. And then Hong just ct banned me and said that was mass freekill. You can ask Sinly and he said I was not Mass Freekilling.


I wasn't there, but it sounds like a case of the badmins.


It might have been a close call and Hong thought you were mass freekilling, when you really weren't. Shit happens.


I'd say it's safe to unban him. He plays on the Jailbreak servers a lot and wouldn't throw away his CT privileges like that.



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Thank you and we have had Admin and Mod Issues so far for the past Months and the Higher Ups need to check the JB servers once in a while. Not trying to diss anybody out but Some Admins I will not say do Abuse their powers and I believe that Hong did Mistake but I still want something done about this cause Mods and Admins have been abusing and I think I speak for the Community when I say WE ARE TIRED OF NOTHING BEING DONE TO THE MODS AND ADMINS ABOUT THEIR ABUSING.

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If what you say is true, then certainly I +1 for unban, it could have just been a misunderstanding on Hongkong's part. But anyway, once again, if this is the case he deserves an unban.





EDIT: It's only for a day, you have no proof, i thought it was a perm. -1 wait it out :P

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Where is your proof? -1 nothing against you but honestly you have no proof we cant take peoples word as evidence. BUT @@HongKongFooey lets get the full story.

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Here's the thing. You told us to shift-walk to race. Which a bunch of T's rebelled, and started running out of the doorway, towards race. I had a SG550 on my back I had picked up along the way, along with two T's behind me. I was still shift-walking, as were the two behind me, and we had just gotten outside of the door, and you killed all three of us for no apparent reason.

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Wow you really going to lie when I seen you have a sniper unholstered and I said to drop it and 2 seconds later you still had it unholstered. Im pretty amazed on how your trying to lie when I CLEARLY SEEN you have it in your hand about to kill me. So you might of ct banned me on mistake and I wll accept that but if your not going to admin to your own mistake then Why are you mod in the first place. Here is what happened I told all t's to shift walk like Hong said but I killed the t's that werent and when I seen you running and having a Sniper UNHOLSTERED then I have the right to kill you anyway for Running. So just admit you did it by mistake.

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Ill point out something. Proof are good for everything, but they are NOT required to ban protest. they can help you getting unbanned and then fill an abuse thread, but not having proof is completly fine. so for those who -1 saying No proof, it doesnt make sense.

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okay arthman here's a better one " -1 YOU HAVE NO PROOF OF IT and you are a known troll who has been previously banned from the server i see no reason to have any bans lifted from you with out proof of abuse" all better now? @@Arthman

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