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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    ABusinessMan - Counter-Strike: Source

    so once they are accepted they can be douchebags? sweet!
  2. 1 point

    Serbian Wants Free Titties

    So apparently @@serbiansnaga wants free titties. so here ya go... Please gibe number?
  3. 1 point

    Serbian Wants Free Titties

    lol da fuck?
  4. 1 point
    HA my little argument caused all of this and someone showed us his none ass kissing side so I just like seeing people how actually deserve to be in xG get in sorrynotsorry
  5. 1 point

    ABusinessMan - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1. You can't just freak out on your membership app like that, take it somewhere else. If you have that small of a temper I would rather not want you to represent our clan. I understand @@JustSavage is instigating as well - but responding in such a bad way on your membership app isn't going to do anything about it. I'll reconsider when I see further improvement.
  6. 1 point

    ABusinessMan - Counter-Strike: Source

    just nuked your own app gg no re lmao
  7. 1 point

    Serbian Wants Free Titties

    i've seen better nips on tinychat. and they were oldz.
  8. 1 point

    Oh Fuck Me so

  9. 1 point
    #Closed due to multiple counts of idiocy, ignorance and immature behaviour. It's an hour ban, it's not like your life is over, and it's Definitely not worth making a Ban Protest over. If you have a problem with the way our Staff Members are dealing with things, then post a Member Protest or a Report Abuse thread. If you feel you want to remain Anonymous, then do it in our Thread which keeps your identity hidden. There is no need to continuously spam Admin Chat because you feel they're in the wrong, especially with multiple Staff Members on during the time. They dealt with the situation in an appropriate and proper manner, this being Warnings > Kick > Ban.
  10. 0 points
    The next person to post anything that isn't relevant to this Member Submission will have their post deleted. Anything further and the user will be banned for an amount of time. Keep this thread on topic from here on. If you have a grudge with each other, take it to Steam Chat, Team Speak or Start a Conversation via our Forums. This is neither the time nor place to have your discussions/arguments.
  11. -1 points

    Brian - Garry's Mod

    lol clean up, that bitch aint do shit ever. she gotta clean up that vag before i throw some aids in that shit
  12. -1 points

    Brian - Garry's Mod

    -1 african.
  13. -1 points
    @@lEcho gg no re
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