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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Turntable FM Room!

    I was bored and decided I wanted to make us a turntable room. It's a free service where you can choose virtually any song on the internet to play, and DJ for us. Signing up is easy and you can use a 10 minute email if you're lazy like me. DJ's take turns playing a song, and there can be 5 DJ's on the table at a time and if it actually gets populated we'll set up a queue system. Drop by and show me your music! http://turntable.fm/51dd2b94aaa5cd2f8adc4432 http://10minutemail.com
  2. 2 points
    @@HighSociety and @@Rhododendron
  3. 2 points

    Turntable FM Room!

    this is pretty cool.
  4. 1 point

    Cleaning up Jailbreak map list

    I don't know why we still have some terrible maps listed, but I think they should be removed. #getridofi_Play2012 Post other ones that need to be removed
  5. 1 point
    Why is there such a heated debate going on about this? The CS:S Division and it's Staff decided to have a fun night with the permission of the Co-Leader as well as the Division Manager(s). Whether or not it's making a "mockery" of anything is irrelevant. There clearly weren't any objections or complaints from the players/members who participated in the event (at least none that anyone is providing). If for some reason this managed to bring a whole slew of players to the server, who cares that it's unorthodox? Point is people are having fun, the server is getting populated, and no one seems to have any discrepancies. I'm going to be 100% honest in saying I'd be iffy about the abuse of powers, but I sincerely doubt our Staff is naive or ill-formed enough to target non-members or new players (with the exclusion of the occasional slay @all or smite @all). As far as I see it, I haven't seen a single Ban Request or Report Abuse sprout up in either section of the forums regarding the event. If it truly had gotten out of hand, at least one thread would have been made regarding it. Honestly guys, calm down. It was given the go-ahead and our Division Managers were there to monitor the occasion. What more do you want? Because this may or may not be a "touchy" subject to some, this will be my only post. I won't be replying to anyone unless it's outside of the forums. Going to try to keep this thread on topic and leave my opinion since everyone else is. Hopefully I'll be around for the next! - Dat guy, Forest
  6. 1 point

    The Plan

    Hey I got great ideas for the server, and I would love to help any way possible. I would also love to show you some servers that get over 1000 players. We should model our server like that and we really could rack in the money from donations! As for the tekkit servers we should make them vanilla technic server and you shouldn't ban the most important items red matter and dark matter. You should ban however ban items that are destructive and have no effect to the game play of the players. This is just some of my ideas, I would love to see you on teamspeak, I will be unbanned tomorrow (If you would really like to see why you can check the ban protest.) Also I would love for you to listen to the Xg members they have great ideas and they all together represent what minecraft players want. If you also have issues with the plugins and also would like some ideas for some plugins to add to the server I can also show you some. I am just asking if I can help you in any way. I am not here to get any rank but to make xg minecraft division the best it has ever been.
  7. 1 point

    selling dont starve

    I heard it's a good game, but summer sale dude.....
  8. 1 point

    So another issue about vent camp

    english mother fucker do you know it?
  9. 1 point

    Turntable FM Room!

    I'm to afraid to click the link in case it is a screamer.
  10. 1 point

    Cleaning up Jailbreak map list

    What about that iplay map? Thing is broken, we should get rid of it and then +1 leobenfinal to take its place
  11. 1 point

    Turntable FM Room!

    I just prefer turntable because I used it hella long ago, never tried grooveshark. Maybe I'll try it out later, hue Serbian just figured this out too. RIP It's jealous of Canadians.
  12. 1 point

    Turntable FM Room!

    Grooveshark>Turntable FM But seriously, good idea, I'll probably hop on it when I'm bored.
  13. 1 point
    Staff was given full power to smite @all and/or mass freekill. But they had common sense to not do so. New players joined the server and enjoyed it rather than complaining. They actually loved the environment of people.
  14. 1 point


    Well since It's obvious I'm getting kicked out of xG you know this thread was coming. I'm also banned from Ts3 by the reason trolling when I'm telling darkwolf whats up. I WILL FINISH WITH MY TROLLING/DISRESPECT AFTER I CLEAR SOMETHINGS UP @DarkWolf6052 You are a shit DM. As I said before Multiple members of xG CSS division want you out. Nobody will say it because knowing you "1 month ban for disrespect" Learn to fucking be a better DM and stop being so fucking biased and letting a 14 year old use the word pleb to get the best of you. Fucking furry. xG CS:S division ily and I'll continue to be on after my ban is up #stillhere. But please do something about this little shitstain darkwolf. One fucking shitstain (Me) has been dealt with now deal with the other one please kthnx And my final rant is: I don't need you guys telling me about how I shouldn't expect repercussions when I disrespect or troll. You think I'm not expecting or ready for whats in store. No shit I am but its worth it. INB4 FORUM GETS TAKEN DOWN AND I GET FORUM BANNED FOR DISRESPECT/TROLLING/SPAMMING. xG CS:S the ones of you that don't like darkwolf or "Dont agree with how he runs things" pls stand up PLS /endrant Ily you all and bye bbys inb4 massive h8. ~BM the realest nigga livin.
  15. 1 point

    GiddyAlphaCarter - Garry's Mod

    @@MineCrack You're such a little idiot, you know? Yeah, Let me hop onto this thread and hop right off here. You're going around, acting like your the coolest scrub in the toilet and you're failing miserably. You think I am Multi-Clanning, if so - please show me proof so I can reenact 2 girls one cup with a Down-Syndrome'd 15 year old. Just stop trying, buddy - cause you're just downgrading yourself even further. But if you want to keep talking out your ass, go right ahead.
  16. 1 point

    I have a confession to make....

    -1. Sorry, you have been denied and are not eligible to leave xG. You may try again at the following time: July 6, 2099. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  17. -1 points

    Krys - Counter-Strike: Source

  18. -1 points

    Krys - Counter-Strike: Source

    I am on TS3
  19. -1 points

    Krys - Counter-Strike: Source

    Warroir, HG crackhouse isnt xG server sooo that should not be a problem. If im on a diffrent server and you are also on it I can play and your not the boss of me on a diffrent server.....
  20. -1 points

    I have a confession to make....

    Are you leaving because your gay?
  21. -1 points

    Cleaning up Jailbreak map list

    Last encounter
  22. -1 points
    You have to poop after a certain amount of time after you eat.
  23. -1 points

    Krys - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Ѧpplε Jцїcє #Pro2013 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0: 36921236 Banned: Yes Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: I am 14 Further Information: No, Thats all :3
  24. -1 points
    When were they given this right? please show me. I have several statements for this thread, even though I didn't join the server, because I heard what was happening. IMO you took my late night jailbreak (yes I say MY because back when I was only a mod almost 2 years ago, I as well as a select few were the ones who were staff on at late night. we had easily 15-20 people a day, all non members.) and ruined it. soiled it with what, based off what I see here from some statements, and what I heard, is an utter disgrace.
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