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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Okay, here we go again... The rules probably don't state this problem, but it would be very nice to have it edited in. Anyway, this 'rule' has been enforced for who knows how long, and cristo was only doing what any other admin would have done, honestly we should all be demoted if this is enough. Saying "Do this by x" or "Do this by ..now." after 5 seconds of cells opening is fine, honestly. "Immediately" is a different time for every CT. (Some kill within 2, 3, 5, 7 secs, and so on).. So it may have caused confusion. As for abuse: -1. Once again, Cristo was only doing what any kind of admin would have done, because once again.. AGAIN, this 'rule' has been enforced for a very long time Even after watching that video, i think Cristo is the biggest derp for how he was explaining things.
  2. 1 point
    Ampersand is in the right on this one. Cristo freeslayed. Misunderstanding, not abuse id say in his defense. In the event of something NOT being in the MOTD, I go with whats fair or has been done forever and thus, proven to work. We've always done a 5 second minimum rule, its a fair amount of time, people just usually say "They should be doing this by now" if they dont give time limits.
  3. 1 point

    School Status

    also school i went to shut down a few years ago and is now a safe house for gangs and drug dealers.
  4. 1 point

    School Status

    9th i was still the new kid and didn't do well in school but passed 10th same as 9th pretty much much realized how school was important so by the end of the year i did better 11th was awesome, great teachers and met some of my real friends i also did very well by the end of the year 12th was easy but also very busy, i had to do 40 hours of community service to graduate which sucked but again i did well in my classes now i'm in college and only have to go to classes twice a week. VERY relaxing and met some cool ass niggas there.
  5. 1 point
    But it wasn't a valid slay, other people in this thread say it isn't a valid slay, and like you said, it's not even confirmed if that rule is even around or existed. How does "Oh we've been breaking the rules and freeslaying for ages" make it any less of a freeslay on his part? I'm not trying to tear down the establishment here and have you all hand in your badges, I just want justice for my particular case, as it has now been brought to your attention that it wasn't a rule and starting now it would make sense to start holding people accountable. He freeslayed me. He could've instead of slaying me perhaps contacted me on Steam and had a civil discussion. We could've reached these conclusions together like a responsible admin would attempt, instead of him admin abusing and being an asshole.
  6. 1 point

    Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread

    Jailbreak always has connection problems :/
  7. 1 point
    holy shit does no one read other posts or do you all just post the same useless 6 words?
  8. 1 point

    Another Last Ct Song?

    Halloween theme? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK_HvyRg4Hw
  9. 1 point

    R.i.p. Cristo Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source

    no detours/delays is stated to be implied on all orders via motd. however that does not mean they must be done instantly or kill, it means you should give them atleast 5 seconds to start an order for mic delay and reaction.
  10. 1 point
    With that said, it should probably be added in the rules.
  11. 1 point


    Gone for a month, finally says it..
  12. 0 points
    Thank you, and I agree completely with you. If you're going to hold people accountable for rules and making confusing situations, perhaps as a server you should make the rules less confusing? I myself was confused about it, so I guess in that regard, you guys(as in the server in general) broke a rule by making a confusing situation as well. Hard to hold somebody accountable for a rule that is counteracted by another rule, right? So let's move past that "Ampersand didn't repeat his orders so he deserved to get slayed anyway" argument, since it holds no merit to this discussion and was caused by a confusing set of rules anyway, which you can't hold me accountable for.
  13. 0 points
    Anything (from a simple freegag to a freeslay to slaying @all) is still considered admin abuse, no matter how insignificant said abuse may seem. The whole purpose of these threads is to report any and all abuse seen by players and to evaluate whether or not the abusive admin should be demoted or not as a consequence of his actions. Don't interpret this as support for the idea that Cristo freeslayed, because I think that Cristo's slay was valid, just not entirely for the exact reason why he said so in the video. The fact that Cristo slayed you (ambersand) does not negate the fact that you broke another rule other than causing a confusing situation with your orders. The motd requires that warden must repeat his original orders at least once, no if's, and's or but's, which you failed to do. While Cristo's reasoning to slay you might have been semi-invalid, the slay itself was still valid as you did break another rule. If you're going to argue that T's should have been doing orders immediately, then why are you also trying to support yourself by saying that you gave them an excess amount of time to do orders? If you're going to take the more hardline approach and say that T's should have been doing orders immediately after cells opened, you essentially allowed T's to rebel by giving them 5-6 seconds to complete orders, which by your own logic would be considered detouring or delaying as T's were supposed to be doing orders immediately. Additionally, I can't see anywhere in the video an instance of you being mocked by cristo. Also, if a CT breaks a rule because of faulty/invalid orders coming from the warden, both the warden and the CT that broke rules will be punished, as it's the warden's fault for giving unclear orders which lead to rulebreaking. -1.
  14. 0 points
    Well in Cristo's defense, wardens usually are supposed to give terrorists 5 seconds to complete an order. It doesn't say this in motd, but it's kind of become a regular thing to do when being warden. I just wanted to clear that up. Cristo could have handled a little better than he did.
  15. -1 points

    Derpo_o - Garrys Mod

    Division: Garrys Mod In-Game Name: derp Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37581665 Information: i was harasd by furry anime kids and then three died adn i was baned 4 tree yrs wtf
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