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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/14 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Saxon Hale Talk

    o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief:o_O:eek::mad::derp::nosebleed::wut: wut:huh::disbelief: "Also the homing bonk is fine by me. It adds more difficulty to being hale." "homing bonk is fine by me. It adds more" "homing bonk is fine by me" ~ Seanman 2014 HOW FU*KING INSANE ARE YOU sowwy ;3 So you want to be bonked from across the map and get 2000+ damage inflicted to you while your standing still. So you want to be bonked every 10 sec from a scrubby scout that is no where near you and isnt even aiming at you So you think hale isn't hard enough ? Why u do this
  2. 3 points


    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: IluvFlyingFrogs Steam ID: Fuckyou Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 62 Further Information: Fuck diabeetus Fuck diabeetus Fuck diabeetus
  3. 3 points
    Hello, Lee here. Just a friendly reminder to all admins and moderators! Profanity and ALL CAPS in our all-chat/msay/and csay does not make our servers look great. We try to represent a fairly mature community, and our admins should not be acting like such. No, "(All) BADMIN: GOD DAMN IT" or "(All) "FUCK YOU" Immaturity like this won't be accepted from our staff. If you're not one to do this, then great! No need to worry. If you are, either stop this or demotions will be given out. We want to have a fun environment and a fun clan, but at the same time, we want to show us as a mature clan. Feel free to use your other chat commands such as admin chat or private messaging. Or even just regular chat, I - along a few others - feel like it does not show our community in the best light. Thanks for your attention. -Lee
  4. 2 points

    Im Back

    sorry guys, ive been grounded for the last like month or so so i havent been on. im not dead so ill start being active again
  5. 2 points

    Jailbreak Question: Denying Lr

    Closing because of OP's request. -Closed.
  6. 1 point


    can you not read he is 62 dumbass
  7. 1 point


    Diabeetus smells, we have enough valid +1's and I don't think we should double post the acceptance message (See last page). Approved and closed.
  8. 1 point
    i am well how are you? Bye, I hope you have a nice day.
  9. 1 point

    Saxon Hale Talk

    Ya drug shines are fair bc most of the time, medics are just healing. Unless they go all out battle medic. :cough: me :cough:
  10. 1 point

    My Easter Eggs :p

    Me too
  11. 1 point

    Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread

    Still not working, but I have retained my points since the reset. I'll probably have to work my points again, but it's really annoying and needs to be patched.
  12. 1 point

    Im Back

    Pfft flame? Nigga pls. :coffee:
  13. 1 point

    Im Back

    I thought you got raped and thrown into a trash can. Welcome back!
  14. 1 point

    Im Back

    I don't know you but next time, if you leave or come back post in the Hello/Goodbyes thread. inb4 people flame
  15. 1 point


    Narukami's Anime Recommendation List! | Xeno Gamers
  16. 1 point

    Saxon Hale Talk

    to be honest, saxton isnt even that broke. you needa fix death run first
  17. 1 point

    Jailbreak Question: Denying Lr

    It's not freeday if the blue that killed himself slays himself the next round. Otherwise it would be freeday.
  18. 1 point
    I have nothing to say about this guy, vector bans him so he starts crying to me about killing himself which he was faking. Leave this guy banned.
  19. 1 point


    Haven't seen him on THAT long, but he's kinda active on MG, VERY active on JB, mature, would be great to see him in xG. You earned his +1. @DrLee earned a -1 'cause he smells A:7/10 M9/10
  20. 1 point
  21. 0 points


    Ni hao.
  22. -1 points

    Im Back

    I read that wrong, I thought it said "I'm Black" needless to say I am disappointed
  23. -1 points

    Im Back

    Carry me in league, pls.
  24. -1 points


    pls no more tf2 scruberinos
  25. -3 points


    Sorry, you have to be 14 to apply. #Closed @kbraszzz smells.
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