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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    +1 for xG wise ban
  2. 1 point

    Get ready for the 420YOLO Swag!

    I'm mlg swag 420 yolo swag mlg swag swag
  3. 1 point

    All Ts Freeze!

  4. 1 point

    Biggest TARP in CSS JB?

    am so gunna do taht now @autumn
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    +1 For perma Gmod Ban.
  7. 1 point

    Found this thing.

    pinoy? o____o
  8. 1 point
    If a mod is on the CT side and they are going afk (getting something to eat, leaving for 15 minutes, etc) they should switch themselves to T side (or spectator preferably), because only admins are able to slay/switch them, not other mods. This would apply to admin, DM and DL too.
  9. 1 point
    In the motd it is stated that you MUST have a mature voice to use your mic. This rule seems to be forgotten by many staff members. I find many people to be annoying that should be muted and nothing happens because an admin says that it is okay for them. What is the point of a rule if it is going to be bent so much that it practically doesn't exist anymore? Also don't close this instantly because I want to hear everyone's opinion. @autumn
  10. 1 point

    Who wants HUB in right now?

    This wasint even a joke ._. Now my rating is terrible.
  11. 1 point

    Occupy Jailbreak

    Sunday evening, one day after movement day: 12 people, no warden. Gotta get meself some booze...
  12. 1 point
    That's still not right. I've seen a LOT of people wanted PuppyLuv muted, but thanks to Silence derping and saying she can talk there's just no point in enforcing the rule in any way whatsoever. The leader of a clan shouldn't be doing shit that will piss people off, and breaking rules for individual people. I say just rid it from the rules completely and say that people using mics must ACT mature, rather than sound it. I'm still muting PuppyLuv if she acts like a twat .
  13. 1 point

    MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 cus always disrespectul n' stuff m/5 a/i unno was banned.
  14. 1 point


    lmao my ex's last name is weeds
  15. 1 point

    gaming computer 900$ builds

    Here at microcenter. Lenovo's are pretty good. New but good. Check it out: http://www.microcenter.com/product/405502/IdeaCentre_K430_Desktop_Computer
  16. 1 point

    Happy Flipping Easter!

    GG for that kitty. Abraham you just started Religious Argument. Bad idea AND FUCKING BE ACTICE IN OUR SERVER NOT ON HELLS GAMERS. GG
  17. 1 point

    Tarikozd - Garry's Mod

    Maybe I am in the wrong here, but if Tarik was goofing with only xG members, then I really don't see the harm as long as they were going along with it and having fun, because these are merely games after all. If someone had taken offense and was upset then he should have stopped. Charrax, however, came on and did take offense and told Tarik to stop and to change your name. Tarik, it should have ended there. I don't know if it did or not, because I was not there and have only heard second-hand reports of what happened. I do know that you RDM on TTT occasionally. That being said, you always accept the punishment. The problem is that the punishments are meant to escalate. First, a slay. Then, a day ban. Then, two days. Then, a week. Finally, a perma-ban. (All depending on seriousness of offense and other factors). I myself have seen you slayed multiple times. This would then be considered an escalation of punishment. This EoP is there to deter or eliminate repeat offenders. 0 for being unbanned. Sorry. +1 For a shortening of the ban, however. Perma ban on him does seem a little too much. Although he goofs off, and can cause RDM when people don't know the Joke RP that is going on (As Scooter put it), he is a good player and this doesn't always happen and isn't even common. It isn't rare, but it isn't common. (Somewhere in-between).
  18. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

  19. 1 point

    Occupy Jailbreak

    Maybe if dead chat is back ;) I'll make it in the evening, hopefully I'll bring a few friends with me.
  20. 1 point

    Occupy Jailbreak

    See all the real advertising i did? all these chats are advertising this. Chrono wishes he could be on my level.
  21. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    You know, I don't think I've ever seen someone tell someones location in CT chat while dead. The only real ghosting I've ever seen was during LCT or freedays when the rounds were taking a long time. In those cases, it was always quickly dealt with. And as you said, "I have rarely ever seen a time when an admin was not on", so why is this needed? I know it was supposed to be there in the first place. I know it's been there on CS:S forever. I don't think that matters at all. This should be treated as a completely new addition to the server (because it is). Pro: Prevents ghosting. (which if you ask anybody who actively plays on the server, is not an issue) Cons: Makes life just a little bit harder for mods. Hurts community aspects of the server (Be it simple discussion, joking around, or just helping out someone new. It's hard to explain to a new guy how LR works when you're dead.) I believe the cons vastly outweigh the pro, especially when the community aspect should be one of the most important things right now.
  22. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    fack it aint comin back sad was honestly hilarious and was helpful , ppl got gagged whenthey fucked up :cigar:
  23. 1 point

    Good Times (:

    This shit is pretty funny
  24. 1 point

    Good Times (:

    See: Me complaining about a freekill before being mass freekilled.
  25. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    But it's not just personal communication, you can be discussing things relevant to the game (which is most often the case). Look, you're supposed to be doing what is best for the server. Do you truly believe this is best for the server, even when there is only one active player (dontbleed) that agrees with you?
  26. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    Yeah and I understand that, but there have also been many situations that happened to me personally where the mods simply ends it on "didn't see it", not asking the person anything.
  27. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    I got freekilled by the warden because he thought I jumped when I didn't. Yet I could not tell him because he had killed me. It's very frustrating. The server population has already extremely diminished. Not from this problem but I don't think this helps that issue at all +1
  28. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    There is ghosting on TS, but that's kinda the point! I think we're all in agreement here... dead chat is actually good. Despite the ghosting, it makes the game way more fun for everyone.
  29. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    Ghosting is annoying that's for sure. But, it will never be stopped. Ghosting can still happen during Steam Friends Chats & Teamspeak. I don't enter xG's TS server but you can't tell me you guys don't ghost on there. It's too obvious sometimes. :P I left another clan because the community was so boring & hectic. Some people were better to talk to than others. They had the same plugin that xG just added. Something about how it was when we could type when dead was something I loved. It does make socializing better. Much more hilarious to react when dying from rebelling & hearing the CT who killed me response. I use my keyboard like 90% of the time when playing, but now, just gotta make it last when living. Wasn't gagging/kicking people who ghosted effective enough? Unless the reason is finding anything that makes players stay online more?
  30. 1 point

    Bring back dead chat.

    Maybe I just miss it but 99% of the time I've seen in-game ghosting (which is quite rare, maybe once a week) it's always been someone new to the server and it was immediately met with people in chat telling them to stop ghosting and telling mods about it. IMO policing ghosting has already been effective enough to not need this change.
  31. 1 point

    Empty server on a Friday (night).....

    Damn, hopefully he's online tomorrow. I always hear people talk about him & whatnot. Missed out.
  32. 1 point

    Empty server on a Friday (night).....

    LQuidador being on today attracted a lot of people the least amount of people I saw today was 15 and most was about 35, it was all fun and no major rules were broken. Besides a few accidental freekills and baits. Mods and Admins handled everything well, and the server was friendly and fun today.
  33. 1 point

    Empty server on a Friday (night).....

    if u r wanting a lil drastic measuer unban err1 from server (mass dc guys_) unban err1 from ctban list (alot _ we got a large # of mods/admins/ get more /promote more ppl expand all around keep this shit in check ban list guys get fresh start idk
  34. 1 point

    Empty server on a Friday (night).....

    No wonder I heard somebody say something about LQ coming back today, hmm.
  35. 1 point

    Empty server on a Friday (night).....

    @@froggy408 Mannn, I spend most of my life playing on this damn game & a lot of it goes to xG. Love the community but I have noticed the servers being empty lately. Makes me sad. @@CPMaverick Dude, I agree man. Delete the damn maps we hardly ever play on & add some EXCLUSIVE maps on xG. Some crazy cool maps with new games that take JB to a whole different level. That would definitely attract some new players. OH, how about changing the server to only set RTV's after 15 rounds or more/less? Because what I noticed lately is people RTV'ing maps after 5 rounds making more people leave (including myself). @@Chrono More of an Ellie Goulding fan eh? I think I found my new best friend. Flatline = Big EG Fan. My iPhone wall for months : You are welcome.
  36. 1 point
    yes... I think something needs to be done. maybe it might be school shitting on their Friday but its just shit Usually the active players get them on and their are sometimes at least 20 people... but its not the same as 40ish
  37. 1 point

    Empty server on a Friday (night).....

    unban some ppl just think about it for a sec then decide
  38. 1 point
    I think active players keep people on....
  39. 1 point

    Empty server on a Friday (night).....

    I hear ya. What I believe is really attracting people to HG is the amount of plugins/trails/models/etc they have. I know this is CS:GO discussion, but's fairly the same thing that's happened with CS:S. We used to have around 50+ during the day, and around 15+ people during the night. Then, kaput.
  40. 1 point

    Empty server on a Friday (night).....

    I agree with Maverick i play around the hours from 5 pm to 10 pm PST and almost 4 to 6 hours on the weekends and ive seen how bad the server got within a 3 week period
  41. 1 point

    Should I swap from CS:S to CS:GO

    switchin from csgo to css css feels autistic
  42. 1 point

    Should I swap from CS:S to CS:GO

    +1 we need new, good people :)
  43. 1 point


    Minigames is up and mostly working! Give me all your bug feedback, and plugin suggestions etc. map requests go in the map request section. xd
  44. 1 point
    relax and [video=youtube;tpAOwJvTOio]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio
  45. 1 point
    Fuck, when am I ever afk? lol If I do go afk, I spec myself. I can't help being swapped to ct on the new map.
  46. 1 point
    go afk on T, get swapped to ct.
  47. 1 point
    Why? Because one afk CT can affect the entire outcome of the round/game. It basically eliminates any LCT and messes with the ratio. How? That's a hard one. I think simply making it a rule for mods to do that would help. Right now I'll constantly see (the same few) mods going AFK on CT and as I mentioned earlier, it really messes with the game. Edit: you're right though, this probably wouldn't work as a rule. So consider this a formal request/message to CS:GO staffy peoples.
  48. 1 point
    WE WILL KILL AND KEEP KILLING TILL WE ARE BORED.... still... they shouldn't be killed unless they did something bad If they did somethin bad.. they are bad pandas... bad pandas MUST DIE!!!!!
  49. 1 point
    It's simple really... We kill the Human scum who murder our precious brethren... I say precious because we are an endangered species...
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