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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/20 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    We must resist.

    lol no
  2. 1 point

    We must resist.

  3. 1 point

    We must resist.

    gotta say i wasnt expecting to see a shitpost today
  4. 0 points

    We must resist.

    Fellow xG members...I come before you but a humble victim of tyranny. Many of us have been wronged by this tyranny. Some of us continue to propagate this tyranny. Some of us just sit back and watch as our community burns. My fellow gamers and oppressed gamers, I come to you with a fiery heart and resilient soul...today we rise! They say history is written by the Viktor but I'm here to tell you that today, we shall henceforth no longer be subjugated by this tyranny and that history will show us to be the true arbiters of freedom, peace and prosperity. Make no mistake...there will be casualties, my fellow gamers, from both the oppressors and the wrongfully oppressed; for the color of freedom, peace and prosperity is blood. If we wish to write our names indelibly into the pages of history, we mustn't allow our resolve to waver. We must remain united and our spirit indomitable, for this tyranny is unlike the world has ever seen. The oppressed of xG have a rendezvous with destiny. I leave you with an excerpt of one of the greatest speeches of the last 100 years so that you can ultimately fathom how crucial the forthcoming fight for our freedom is... Unban us from #funny-cats, @virr.
  5. 0 points

    We must resist.

    There is no chance at redemption after the crimes you committed. #funny-cats is a holy ground and you violated the laws, thus your exile is required for the safety of xG's people.
  6. 0 points

    We must resist.

  7. -1 points

    We must resist.

  8. -2 points

    We must resist.

    Bruh shut the fuck up there is no tyranny just a punch of toxic people yelling at each other. Just wait for the filter to unclog as the server slower transitions away from toxicity.
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