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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. This is why you need to use specific reasons when banning!!! I'm willing to give him a second chance, +1 to unban. We can always ban him if he breaks the rules again. @Matsi yeah usually it's just a chat message saying "I'm going to DDOS the server!" and that's all it takes, or over the mic.
  2. Minecraft UUID Resolver It's public info, basically as sensitive as your username (hint: it's not sensitive). UUID was created by the Minecraft Devs to identify players as a random garble of text instead of your username, as a future update could let you change your ingame username.
  3. I'll have to investigate this weekend. Hopefully I can find a fix!
  4. I've been seeing a store glitch for the titles: >L 04/08/2015 - 08:13:37: [sM] Native "json_object_get" reported: Invalid <Object> handle 0 (error 4) L 04/08/2015 - 08:13:37: [sM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "store/store-titles.smx": L 04/08/2015 - 08:13:37: [sM] [0] Line 1028, C:\Users\Nomulous\Desktop\XenoGamers Source\store\include\smjansson.inc::json_object_get_string() L 04/08/2015 - 08:13:37: [sM] [1] Line 131, store-titles.sp::LoadItem() Looks like someone added an invalid item somewhere and this is causing the issue.
  5. Also the updater plugin only works if the dev uses it. The majority of plugins don't use it. I've added steamworks and tf2items to our repo so they update from now on.
  6. Just finished setting up the basic updater repo, sourcebans and store are added but not the custom plugins within it. TF2Items updated and steamtools replaced with SteamWorks and all natives of steamtools are forwarded to SteamWorks.
  7. This week I am going to startup our updater database, that will have all popular plugins update automatically. This will be done so we don't have to go on every server and update it every time, and I'll even customize the addons to use [xG] prefixes so it will make the server look sexier. I need a list of plugins that should go on this repo. Also I might do a course (lol) on how to debug server errors and crashes. Tell me if that would be useful and I'll write up a guide or go on Teamspeak and help you guys live.
  8. @Stickz Any updates on this?
  9. Honestly, it's become difficult with lack of older people that may have more experience managing users and helping with donations and whatnot. Younger people simply don't have the money and experience to contribute as much as I would like to the servers. Don't get me wrong, the staff that manages the servers is great but I just want the clan to appeal to an older demographic since I feel it would help our growth over time. With the younger people, it feels like we are a babysitting place where they come and go so frequently and the older people who want to stay are so frustrated with the amount of drama they cause that they leave.
  10. We are going to, this is just another part of the complete revision of the application process that we are doing. Rules for members and staff is going to be rewritten as well.
  11. It wasn't voting to influence whether they would join the clan, but a general opinion of all members if they approve of the user joining this clan. Just clarifying.
  12. Alright I enabled them. Might require a server restart but they should all have replay by a round change or server restart!
  13. Yeah they technically are enabled (servers are 33 slots, meaning a replay slot is on there) but for some reason it doesn't wanna work. I'll look into it right now :)
  14. Rhododendron

    Xg Youtube?

    Yeah I could do my trolling antics again, those videos got a few thousand views.
  15. I would really like to see some evidence of this, but if he's doing this usually then it needs to be dealt with. I don't wanna see this sort of talk going on in the servers, forum, or Teamspeak ever! +1 for ban
  16. Fixed so only members can post submissions.
  17. Rhododendron


    It should be based around depression in general :) And I'm guessing there are organizations out there that are large and can help (hopefully) but the main message you should spread to people with depression is to talk to someone about it. Don't keep quiet. That's the most important thing to spread.
  18. I made this. flowers.mp3
  19. Rhododendron


    Also the fact that it might be 4chan doing it, just like #cut4bieber. We don't even know if people actually cut themselves.
  20. Dude I need someone competent to work on it. That's the only thing keeping me from saying 'ok let's do it'. I need someone to work with me and understand how the current configs work, but also have knowledge with the clan previously.
  21. Member submissions go in the 'Applications' tab above. Closed.
  22. Rhododendron


    I will be writing up a content policy for xG next week. It will really only apply to the website and servers for now. If you want to speak your mind unfiltered, you may always use Teamspeak Community Channels. That's why they are there.
  23. Type /lwc for lists of commands and yes they currently do not respect Towny rules.
  24. Changed the s word to butt fudge and the f work to frick. And @Chrono is right so listen to him.
  25. Rhododendron


    I fixed it so you can put money in your town. Disable if you want.