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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oL-D675Y7M
  2. Just in case anyone cares: ><script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <style> #ohGod { position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 200px; height: 30px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid grey; border-left: 1px solid grey; border-right: 1px solid grey; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($) { $("#ohGodSound").prop('volume', 0.2); setTimeout(function() { $('#ohGod').fadeIn('fast'); }, 15000); $('#ohGod').click(function() { $(this).text("Volume increased by 100%!"); $('#ohGodSound').prop('volume', 1.0); }); }); </script> <div id="ohGod" style="display: none;">Turn off Music</div> <audio id="ohGodSound" autoplay=""> <source src="https://xenogamers.com/aprilfools/spam.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></source> </audio>
  3. Yeah I'll continue it but I need to see some activity and the script depends on UltraBans and executePHP. So as long as they are on the updated server it will continue functioning fine. Make sure to backup the configs for both though!
  4. I was a while back coding complete forum integration for the minecraft server (Xeno Gamers so if there is some interest I can continue it. It's pretty nifty even shows a 3d model of the user's avatar jumping around haha!
  5. I've had issues with this, either reset the router or simply change the encryption type. That solves it for me.
  6. Enabled try it now. It's a bit wonky but it works.
  7. I just havent enabled users to change their DL. I'll enable it in a day or so.
  8. What is going on here I'm so confused.
  9. I know little about consumer hardware lol my knowledge is only server hardware :3 I'm such a noob I bought my newest desktop pre-built. I'm just using an Nvidia GTX 760
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NbduA_aLT0 F-Zero ones are my favorite :3
  11. Not sure :( It's not a conflicting certificate issue because the data loaded from the chatbox is loaded from Xeno Gamers and is loaded on Xeno Gamers so it wouldn't cause any issue. I honestly don't know :(
  12. Yeah I removed that. I was planning on fixing the issues it was having on the server.
  13. Are you still having this issue? And does it also happen on Chat | Xeno Gamers ?
  14. Yeah I've played a few games with 3kliksphilip, mostly suicide rounds lol.
  15. It needs more updating but it was released early since the mobile layout was garbage and now it's SOOO much nicer. It's like since it's more appealing and darker websites don't look very inviting, and I want to appeal to all users :) I'll see what I can do about the font and see what I can incorporate from @Stickz suggestions. I'm going to code over sourcebans and gameme soon for the website and we can finally be done with those layouts, especially sourcebans since its ungodly glitchy at this point.
  16. It's to bring more appeal to the status messages, so people want to update them more!
  17. Rhododendron


    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] I'm all for changing it!
  18. All our machines have the following measures implemented that I coded: - Automatic kernel updating feature, which puts us on the latest version insanely quickly with around 30 seconds of downtime. - Weeky updates to all programs, just makes things functioning at the newest versions. I doubt anything will happen to us, and yes we use CloudFlare but not really for security haha, they offer cheap SSL certificates for unlimited domains so I use it to prevent unsecured posting. Gotta keep the community as safe as possible! (PS we ain't using SSLv3 so don't worry about that vulnerability either)
  19. When I walked into the clinic I saw a girl leaving with a nurse holding her arm and she looked like she was mad drunk so I got a little nervous. You sit in the chair and when you go under it's the strangest feeling. When you fall asleep you can't quite pinpoint when exactly you drift into a deeper sleep but with the anesthetics it's so quick and, at least for me, time just stopped. I woke up, felt fine, not wobbly at all. Went home and all was good. Weird though I went to this fancy clinic that put synthetic gum fluid or something over the holes so it feels like my actual gums without the holes. Wonder if anywhere does this.
  20. First name Silence was decided because I love this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qycAC_6Bbto Rhododendron was decided because I love this song too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBtiKidZlA0
  21. Okay I believe I fixed it please let me know if you run into any issues!
  22. Okay I've explained it before but I'll explain it again: I set it to convert attachments to thumbnails (saves bandwidth) and we use a library within PHP called GD. GD does not convert animated gifs so it can only set a single frame for thumbnails. I wanted to use another library called Imagick (uses the ImageMagick library) however it puts errors for standard images, and I don't know why. It seems it's the way that the conversion process was coded within the forum software so until that get's updated I can't do anything.
  23. Yeah I'm trying to find the option for that, I think I found it but it's not updating :( I'll investigate further.