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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Oh you gotta ask people for an opinion on your application!
  2. That looks like complete BS lol
  3. I'm just a single vote, it's still completely open for discussion. I won't object if people +1 but considering most of the time they are from people who Duckii Jr. asks to vote for him, should we consider them null? I'm very disappointed in the people who +1'd him after he asked you to. If you legitimately want him unbanned, give us some compelling reasons. At this time, we have compelling reasons to keep him banned for a very long time.
  4. Rhododendron


    Stop being such a baby and support your children you monster!
  5. If you didn't leave for another clan, nor kicked from xG, you should be fine! Leaving on your own terms is just fine, I believe!
  6. That's why 'herpes' isn't uppercase :whistle:
  7. What do you think my reason is gunna be? Duckii Jr. is like herpes, he goes dormant for a little while and pops right out! -1
  8. Added the 'Furry' Rating (neutral) and the 'Blaze It' rating (neutral) @@Matsi @@DeathGod
  9. Can you make it so it fits in side the specified dimensions? Like I want the image to not be cut, YKWIM?
  10. CAUSE THEY ARE THE LEAST USED..... Want something special to be a rating? Make a 18px by 18px pic and post it here?
  11. I was gunna add more ratings to the forum and get rid of tl;dl and hipster glasses...
  13. Happy Martin Luther King days guys :|
  14. Rhododendron

    Dayz Server

    Thanks to @@Nomulous, we now have an official 'Xeno Gamers' DayZ server! The IP is Play safe and enjoy! If there is enough pubic outcry, we will create a new division for DayZ, so help populate the server if you would like to see this happen!
  15. Fair enough, how about rules to keep that sort of stuff to teamspeak channels only? Teamspeak is unmoderated for the most part, so you can talk about anything you want, as long as you don't threaten another person.
  16. I have no problems with it lol why would anyone?
  17. Either the insults are always ok, or they're never. Pick one, please!
  18. You guy's realize I can filter the map and remove it right? I did it for many of the other maps...