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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. You have been insanely inactive. First question, Are you OK? Second question, when can you provide about an hour to go over all the fudge thats been piling up that we need you to sign off on?


    Its getting a little crazy and its starting to pile up.



    Finals week has been kicking my butt. I have a project due Wednesday and a final Tuesday but I finished two other projects this week so I can be on more.

  2. Problem solved (?) @Rhododendron @Hidingmaster @kbraszzz


    By using Xenogamers.com and Xenogamers.org, you signify that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by these Terms and conditions, ("Terms of Service"). Xenogamers.com and Xenogamers.org reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to modify or replace any of these Terms of Service, or change, suspend, or discontinue the Service [including without limitation, the availability of any feature, database, content, or server at any time.] Xenogamers.com and Xenogamers.org may also impose limits on certain features and services that may restrict your access to parts or all of the Service/s without notice or liability. Xenogamers.com and Xenogamers.org assume no liability for mental, physical, or emotional trauma or damage to yourself, others, or property. It is your responsibility to check these Terms of Service periodically for changes. Your continued use of our website, databases, servers, or content, following the posting of any changes to these Terms of Service, constitutes acceptance of those changes. This applies to both websites, and any subsequently linked servers shown on bans.xenogamers.com. If you disagree with the Terms of Service listed in this document, please stop using Xenogamers.com and Xenogamers.org!


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    You may browse the Site and view content with or without registering; however, you may not hold Xenogamers.com and Xenogamers.org responsible, directly or indirectly, for the content (graphic or not) that you are viewing. Posting of content on this website does not necessarily mean endorsement of said content by Xenogamers.com and Xenogamers.org. Content on this website is deemed safe for mature audiences (18+). You must be 16 or older to create an account on these websites. Anyone under 16 should speak to their parent/s or legal guardian/s first.




    Third party content may be used and posted on this website (this includes, but is not limited to: videos, pictures, files, ads, cookies, etc.) Xenogamers.com and Xenogamers.org assume no liabilty for damages caused by said content.




    Abuse of any part of our ecosystem (Website or Servers) may result in a ban from our Services or the immediate termination of your account.



    In normal English:


    Essentially, we are not responsible for any damage that results from the use of our websites or servers (3rd party included). If something offends you, or you fear it may damage something, please stop using our websites and servers. We are not responsible for the content that is posted, and we do not endorse said content (unless stated otherwise). Content posted on here is presumed to be for mature audiences (18+), so viewer discretion is advised. You must be 16 or older to create an account. If you are under 16, you need to speak to a parent or legal guardian first. We will not monitor the age of accounts created, as it is a parent or legal guardian's job to monitor what their child or children do on the internet. Abuse of anything on our website or servers may result in a ban or a termination of your account. By using, or continuing to use our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms, ("Terms of Service").

    Just needs to be formatted better and appended to our current TOS and it should be good!

  3. Could you try setting the root directory and see if it works?

    Hows this look?


    >map $geoip_city_continent_code $closest_server {
           default fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
           NA fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com;
           SA fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com;
           EU fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
           OC fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com;
           AS fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
    server {
           server_name fastdl.xenogamers.com;
           error_log /var/log/nginx/fastdl.xenogamers.com_error_log;
           pagespeed off;
           location ~* \.(bsp.bz2|mp3|ogg|ogg.bz2|mp3.bz2)$ {
                   if ($closest_server != $host) {
                           rewrite ^ http://$closest_server$request_uri break;
           rewrite ^ http://fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com$request_uri break;

  4. Okay, fastdl.us.xenogamers.com is fixed now.


    But fastdl.xenogamers.com only works if the file redirects to fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com or fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com. If the file is intended to stay in Chicago, it does not download.. I don't understand why this isn't working properly because my redirect configuration from Amsterdam is working perfectly fine.


    This sample file can be used to test and fix the concept.


    This link works.



    But this link receives a 404 error and does not download.



    p.s I also want anther if statement added to the fastdl. If the file size is greater than 5mb, redirect the file regardless of the file type. This gives smaller files faster process times and larger files better transit. Clients (specially those with weaker connections or further away) will download files faster.

    No idea. Here is the full config:


    >map $geoip_city_continent_code $closest_server {
           default fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
           NA fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com;
           SA fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com;
           EU fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
           OC fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com;
           AS fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
    server {
           server_name fastdl.xenogamers.com;
           error_log /var/log/nginx/fastdl.xenogamers.com_error_log;
           pagespeed off;
           location ~* \.(bsp.bz2|mp3|ogg|ogg.bz2|mp3.bz2)$ {
                   if ($closest_server != $host) {
                           rewrite ^ http://$closest_server$request_uri break;

  5. Are you using rewrites and not redirects? The rewrites on my Amsterdam webserver work perfectly fine ingame.

    Yeah nothing has changed besides adding HTTP/2 to nginx as a module, and CloudFlare. I just compiled a new version of nginx with HTTP/2 module removed, and disable it on CloudFlare. We shall see if it fixes it.


    It's really weird what CloudFlare is doing, it redirects to it's error page for a split second, then goes to the normal page. I have no idea why it's doing it.

  6. It looks like all the HTTPS redirects are busted ever since one of two things:


    A. CloudFlare's implementation of HTTP/2 is busted beyond belief.

    B. Nginx's implementation of HTTP/2 is busted beyond belief.

    I am testing and it looks like when disabling CloudFlare on another domain, I get that weird file downloaded like in fastdl. Probably nginx, but not sure why.


    EDIT I have a report that says mainstream browsers only support http2 with TLS, so that can be the cause of the issue on one domain, but I don't have HTTP/2 enabled on fastdl and it does that weird string so I'm not sure WHY it's doing it :/ It must be a glitch.

  7. I was just gonna switch to CloudFront. It would be cheaper and more locations offered around the world.


    The issues for MOTD can be fixed by using HTTPS. But it's using the same redirection system as the rest of the domains, so idk why its not redirecting to HTTPS to begin with :/


    As with fastdl, I have NEVER seen an error like that.

    It looks like all the HTTPS redirects are busted ever since one of two things:


    A. CloudFlare's implementation of HTTP/2 is busted beyond belief.

    B. Nginx's implementation of HTTP/2 is busted beyond belief.

  8. It's nice to have cloudfare cdn for things like loading screens as it speeds up tremendously.

    I was just gonna switch to CloudFront. It would be cheaper and more locations offered around the world.


    The issues for MOTD can be fixed by using HTTPS. But it's using the same redirection system as the rest of the domains, so idk why its not redirecting to HTTPS to begin with :/


    As with fastdl, I have NEVER seen an error like that.

  9. Honestly I'm getting sick of cloudflare. Now there's an

    Same directory structure as the link sent. the /particles folder from the root.

    That folder isnt in the zip haha.


    Honestly I'm considering dumping cloudflare since we really dont use their anti ddos services, plus since letsencrypt is public now we can get free SSL. I'm just not sure what would be best.

  10. I need this file uploaded to fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com





    And this issue is cloudfare, multiple other clients are reporting the same thing. I get the same error on a static image like this.


    Requires https.



    Idk where the file goes.

  11. check the file size, it's 57 bytes for myself.


    Edit: And cloud-fare keeps giving 520 errors saying there's an issue with the web server. With check-marks beside your browser and the cloud-fare network.




    [PLAIN]Dropbox - Screenshot 2015-12-08 18.38.38.png[/PLAIN]

    I don't understand why it's doing that :( I haven't changed anything within those configs.


    Enable errors in your script the PHP error log is showing something about your Steam API query using file_get_contents.

  12. "The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts ("Content")."


    This pretty much covers it then. Only thing I could see that needs a change is something blah blah parents permission.

    Yeah but I don't speak lawyer so IDK what to put.


    @Whyte you're a lawyer right?

  13. What stops them from creating a forum account and getting access to the inappropriate material? Letting them be a member does get them anymore access.


    If we're that concerned about a parent sending an angry letter, make them choose their age from a dropdown, if its <18 then a radio button shows up on member apps stating "By selecting this I confirm I have my parents consent to access and use xenogamers.com and it's affiliated servers."

    We do have a TOS that can be updated.

    Terms of Service and Rules | Xeno Gamers