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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. No, I mean when you go to bans.xenogamers.com, half of the time you cannot expand the bans when you click on them. At least, this happens to me. I don't see how updating RCON passwords would affect this.

    Open the JS console and send me any errors you see in it.

  2. If PHP is the actual webpage design for the bans webpanel, yes. Sometimes the bans will not expand when clicked on, so they cannot be edited. Other times, pages will not transitition to the next page, for example when a new override is made it will just sit there and refuse to do anything.


    Maybe it's me, I dunno.

    No I mean this: Also it MIGHT be an RCON issue because this doesn't happen on every server. If a server is experiencing this, post it here and I will update it's RCON password in SourceBans.

  3. The flatfile has been removed from each server, as well as most issues being resolved. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on with JB 2. Ever since Nomulous was on there testing things, the server will not start without crashing. The error logs provide no clues as to what is going wrong.

    Wipe it, and copy/paste JB1 to it if it's not possible to fix it. Although I consider that a last action, if you really cannot debug it, that's probably the best course of action.

  4. It's updated, but I don't think that will fix the flat file issue because the new fork uses its own configs.




    Can you update the version on the website as well? It fixed some php issues.

    Are you experiencing any PHP issues? I do it so sparingly because I have to put in Teambans manually and it can take a while.


    Also it MIGHT be an RCON issue because this doesn't happen on every server. If a server is experiencing this, post it here and I will update it's RCON password in SourceBans.

  5. For some reason, sourcebans doesn't always overwrite the admins.cfg file with new information when we update the admins and permissions on the website. I have to manually delete the admins.cfg file and force it to recreate it with /reloadadmins.


    I have gone through the servers and removed plugins in the past, but I will do it again.


    I'll take a look at 015. No promises that the errors will disappear as prophunt (the plugin) is not routinely maintained.






    We can disable admin-flatfile.smx as sourcebans regulates it's own admins.cfg and groups. They both conflict with each other, not to mention it keeps throwing errors with our current groups. I just tested the admin system without it and it still functions.


    I trimmed the servers of any unneeded plugins. The rest on there are vital to the game mode or are part of the admin/donator system.


    The errors are solved on 015 :]. I just restarted it twice and source mod is not generating any new error logs!




    Edit 2.0:


    The flatfile has been removed from each server, as well as most issues being resolved. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on with JB 2. Ever since Nomulous was on there testing things, the server will not start without crashing. The error logs provide no clues as to what is going wrong.


    Throttle states that it's an incorrect gamedata file being used (Throttle), but does not state which file. I proceeded to upgrade source mod again and update every game data file that was available. No changes.


    Any ideas? @Nomulous

    Maybe SourceBans needs to be updated to the latest version on the fork.

  6. I've noticed a few bugs and tried to fix a few:


    >L 01/07/2016 - 02:54:37: [sMJSON] Error in line 1, col 15: control character 0xd near '"{green'
    L 01/07/2016 - 02:54:37: [sM] Native "json_object_get" reported: Invalid <Object> handle 0 (error 4)
    L 01/07/2016 - 02:54:37: [sM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "store/store-titles.smx":
    L 01/07/2016 - 02:54:37: [sM]   [0]  Line 1028, C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\XenoGamers Source\store\include\smjansson.inc::json_object_get_string()
    L 01/07/2016 - 02:54:37: [sM]   [1]  Line 131, store-titles.sp::LoadItem()

    Found the badly written title and fixed it.


    >[Hub] No item attributes found.
    [store] No item attributes found.

    Why is it printing twice? That leads me to believe the store plugin is loading twice which is causing the bad load times. I removed two duplicate plugins I found, but I don't think I fixed the issue.


    It looks like two of each was causing errors with store, so my removal of the offending plugins should fix those errors, however the issue above still remains.


    >L 01/07/2016 - 02:59:34: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg
    L 01/07/2016 - 02:59:34: [admin-flatfile.smx]  (line 0) Stream failed to open

    Why is there no admins.cfg in the configs/ folder? Just make a new one and SourceBans will populate it.


    >L 01/06/2016 - 14:27:10: [sourceSleuth.smx] SourceSleuth: Database query error: Table 'xeno_sourcebans.sb_bans' doesn't exist
    L 01/06/2016 - 14:27:10: [sM] Native "SQL_FetchRow" reported: Invalid query Handle 0 (error: 4)
    L 01/06/2016 - 14:27:10: [sM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "SourceSleuth.smx":
    L 01/06/2016 - 14:27:10: [sM]   [0]  Line 189, SourceSleuth.sp::SQL_CheckHim()

    This plugin is unnecessary. Just remove it on all servers. I have done this for you guys.


    Please, there are SO MANY BUGS on a lot of the TF2 servers that NEED to be fixed ASAP, since it leads to tons of crashes you guys keep seeing and I want the best possible experience for all our players.


    I have gone through and fixed some bugs with all the servers.


    Now, there are WAY TOO MANY plugins on these servers that seem unused and useless, so why are they still on it? Can you guys go through and remove the ones that are unnecessary and unused?


    CHALLENGE: xenotf015 is spitting errors in the logs. Try and fix it :D


    Sorry if I'm being a party pooper, but I really want to see TF2 run as smoothly as possible.


    @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou

  7. You posted someone's personal information without their consent. You were told anything that would happen in that channel was YOUR responsibility. Unless you are willing to show an interest in the community's welfare and progression, it is unlikely you will ever get unbanned from the Teamspeak server.



  8. Tickrate is already lowered from 66 to 60 and due to bots only 20 players can connect.


    Before some performance improvements, it was asking for more than 85% CPU usage; and, wasn't receiving it, so the tickrate started to floor. High entity counts (specially ones which aren't coded in the best way) require higher amounts of CPU, this is normal for Morbus.

    Idk then, GMOD isn't my area of knowledge.

  9. @Rhododendron


    Morbus has been running into some weird performance issues on the dedicated hosting. When the server CPU usage reaches around 80-85% the tickrate will start randomly flooring. The theoretical maximum should be slightly above 100% for Gentoo Linux due to a slight degree of multi-threading.



    And level changes are slow as hell for a solid state drive. They usually take around 15-20s; whereas, they should be taking approximately 3-5s to complete.

    Can you lower the tickrate to something lower? And why is the usage getting so high?

  10. Can we make a minor edit to the member application forms?


    Change "Previously in xG" make it "Previously a member of xG"


    And "Time Active" to "Time active in xG servers"


    Theres been constant confusion in both of these lines in almost every new member app weve had. Thanks.




    Also, members want to be able to edit their posts, can we make it so they can do so for the first 15 minutes of their post being active?

    Done. Disabled on ban and member management since I don't want users breaking the layout.

  11. Don't go channel to channel spoiling new movies not expecting someone to ban you

    Ah, I did not know the whole story. @Snackbar quit it please, it's really annoying to see crap like that...

  12. @Rhododendron


    Could you de-archive the gmod division please? Morbus has been getting stable population for the last couple weeks and I need somewhere for people to post things. The forum links need to stay the same or it will break some of the in-game motd tabs.


    Also, when you put the everything into archives the old threads from years ago were merged with the new ones creating an unsorted mess. Is there any way to revert that annoyance? ... So I don't have to go through and sort everything out again.


    And furthermore, the gamemode tags like "TTT", "Morbus" and "ZS" were removed for some reason? Is there any way those could be put back, so threads can be more organized.

    Yes. No. Yes, but it causes issues with updating and management, which is annoying.

  13. @Rhododendron


    I need this folder dragged into the fastdl.op1.site.nfoservers.com root directory.



    Then I need the following three location statements added bellow the top one.

           location /sound/music/festive/ {
               if ($closest_server != $host) {
                   rewrite ^ http://$closest_server$request_uri break;
          location /materials/models/weapons/v_models/fnscarh/bull/ {
               if ($closest_server != $host) {
                   rewrite ^ http://$closest_server$request_uri break;
           location /materials/morbus/models/swarm/ {
               if ($closest_server != $host) {
                   rewrite ^ http://$closest_server$request_uri break;
