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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. Are we allowed to disable HTML MOTD until this gets fixed? @Rhododendron

    I really can't enforce it haha. The majority of users will have HTML MOTD enabled so we can get the revenue we need to keep us afloat.

  2. @Rhododendron


    May be something you know already, but this shows up on search engines:




    Shows up on all search engines (no description found/not allowed), just thought I'd let you know.

    I updated the robots.txt a while ago but it hasn't been fixed.



    It's not set to disallow Google's bots so :/




    Oops I set it to disallow /, which is everything haha! Okay it should be fixed now!

    Might take a while for Google to update though, most likely 24 hours.


    I also added a rule to the robots.txt to expire immediately so updates can be made immediately now. Probably should have done that before, but whatever.

  3. On arch we have a package named debtap it let's you run .deb on arch instead of writing a build script is Layman the same thing

    No there are no packages in Gentoo. The whole idea is if you compile something on the system you will be using it, there will be a performance increase. So there's a framework for writing the build scripts in files with the .ebuild extension. They are mostly copy and paste but you just convert compilation parameters into script parameters. It also has a patch system. Nothing really complicated.

  4. gentoo


    I may give it a go but I love the aur (arch user repository) is there something like that in gentoo

    I'm not familiar with the arch repo but the gentoo repo is pretty big, and its easy to add new repos or even make your own via Layman. Only really requires a little coding knowledge and you can turn anything into a package.

  5. And I sed good going as I know gentoo is very customable and hard to set up much like arch

    Meh it's a rumor it takes like 30 minutes to setup. It's great since I hate using control panels but it offers that level of flexibility plus more.

  6. Even if it was an accident, you posted linkage to something extremely illegal and something that can get us in MAJOR trouble.


    We've had similar reports in the past and have issues permanent bans, so I want to be consistent about the ruling.


    We cannot be light about something like this.

  7. Alright FINALLY I found an addon that provides ban management for the website. Division Leaders and up will get access to it.


    Banned Members | Xeno Gamers


    That's where you go to view the logs. Or click 'Members' at the top and click 'Banned Members' in the sub tabs.


    To manage bans, go here:

    Error | Xeno Gamers


    You can ban people by visiting their profile and clicking 'Ban User' and can unban people from the posted link above. Should be much better for website management now!


    [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]

  8. @Rhododendron


    Is there any chance what ever hosting http://fastdl.us.xenogamers.com is on could be moved to New York when you're not busy? The transit links and peering is much better than Chicago, which makes it a much more reliable location for clients to successfully route to. I think the traffic I route from my main Amsterdam web server to Chicago is under performing overall for a lot of clients. I know New York has the NYIIX exchange point and more private transit which is far superior to what's at Chicago.

    I would have to open a new VPS there. I really wanna move the MySQL over to New York, but I haven't had the time to initiate such a transfer.

  9. Yeah the forum wouldn't be shut down. It's a community contributed place, and we just have to monitor the information posted here, and make sure to remove anything illegal. How else would websites like Facebook and Twitter function, where they are probably the biggest hosters of illegal materials on planet earth! If you see it, report it to us so we can remove it and ban the user. If we do that, we really haven't broken the law.

  10. @Rhododendron hasn't added it for some reason.


    But there is a thread which is pinned and says important for no reason. #Sarcasm

    Important: Server Info




    One step at a time. I think the next step is people actually using the server and asking if they don't know how.


    At the end of the day, if people would rather play on official dedicated with half the tick-rate, double the ping, non-stop griefers and bugs/exploits etc...

    Who cares if we have a 16 slot server? And why should I take the time to adjust and test the configuration?

    Uhhhhhh sorry I've been a mess lately haha. Message me the details and I'll add it to sourcebans.

  11. All servers, no joke.


    It plays volume like John Cena earrape and it is random. Mostly every 5 minutes which is annoying as frick.

    They are playing every 5 minutes?!


    It's set to replay every 60 minutes on most servers with more populated every 120 minutes.

  12. I've been getting a lot of complaints about ads. apparently they aren't just showing up at the beginning, like they used to, they are restarting every few minutes and blocking the screen while people are trying to play. people are definitely salty about it and I don't blame them. wondering if this was a change I never knew about or a bug. just letting the people with the server powers know.



    @Nomulous @Rhododendron @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Bleed

    I'm not sure man :( Is there any other information you can supply, such as specific servers?

  13. Can't you use a steam badge to login? Everyone can do it that way and spammers can't get in.

    I'd have to see if one is available or code it in. But honestly I don't think people would really use it :(