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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. On my scale, each processor core accounts for 100%, adding up to 400%. This is a better reflection than a 1 to 100% scale. So the effect is therefore four times lower than you would anticipate, but still present. I did catch the main machine go over 50% on the weekend, but not my issue.


    Nuclear Dawn is immune to this issue because 30 clients will never add up to the extra 15% allocated. The only annoyance for myself is tracking legitimate gags/mutes and delayed administrative warnings about previous offenders.

    Well it hasn't happened haha. So I wouldn't worry too much.

  2. I've been pretty busy for the past few weeks, and probably will continue to be for a couple more. I've only been able to do things for the server for a couple hours each week. After midterms I can do more.


    Also scootaloo definitely would be a good CL, but didn't he turn down the position before?

    Not sure but it's not my favorite idea, since he's so busy.

  3. I think snackbar would be a good dl for csgo. But is he going to replace or just be a third dl or....


    Also, if you are going to choose 2 tf2 cls I would say scootaloo should be one. He cares for this clan a lot and is older and wiser then most. He is active and the community knows him well.

    I don't wanna overwhelm him. He's got a new kid haha and I don't wanna put pressure on him.


    Is there anyone else you would recommend for CL?


    Also are the other CSGO DLs active at all?

  4. Having a CSGO would be neat, but as Dethman said it's a low representation of the clan (right now). I personally would give him a trial CL position since we need to see how quickly CSGO can grow. For representation we need a TF2 player as most issues are from TF2, they can help with first hand evidence and what not.

    I want to put Snackbar as DL of CSGO, since I feel he would do a good job. Then I want to get two new CLs, as DrLee left and activity for many of the current CLs has been... sparse (including me). I don't have a GF anymore :( so xG is my GF again, so I'll be focusing much more on it now.


    I also want to get a Wiki up, and move the rules threads to that. I have an old license to VaultWiki and we could use that. It would make it much easier to update and would look much better :D (includes revisions and whatnot).

  5. Alright I want to put someone who is active for CSGO, and I was thinking snackbar as he has been extremely active with CSGO on the forum and on the server. He has expressed interest in it and I think he would do okay, but I'm asking you guys what you think. I would also wanna promote someone along side him, if him :D


    Also we need to promote 2 people to CL.


    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP]

  6. How much more CPU usage do you think game-servers would use if queries were backlogged by seconds (due to 95k more query results)?


    Game-server queries are done on a separate thread. Each query consumes approximately 0.7% CPU usage.

    They are quick haha so I doubt it would add up that much. CPU on the main machine is always under 50%.