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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. There's been a rumor going around that some higher-uppers who have access to the private discussions are leaking content.


    You should NOT be leaking any content that is posted here to anyone without access, as these forums need to remain private to encourage discussion amongst ourselves.


    If anyone is caught leaking such content, they will be reprehended accordingly.

  2. @Rhododendron Thank you. @Stickz Morbus MOTD is up on guides, seems to be working fine on the server.

    You put the whole MOTD into the description of the guide. You need to create paragraphs and separate it out by topics for it to be useful.

  3. @Rhododendron

    I would like to request a feature where moderators can merge one forum into anther.

    That can already be done. You have to go to the old forum and move it to the new forum. It takes a while but that's how it's done.

  4. Can you do it at a later time though, if TTT get's a division manager to run it?


    Just wondering if that server should be primed and rules setup with the assumption that will happen in the future.

    If it get's popular enough and constant donations to fund it, yes it will happen.

  5. @Rhododendron I have it now, sorry about that. I notice there isn't a Garry's Mod section, would it be possible for you to create a Garry's Mod section? Or do you want me to just place it under General?

    I'll make the section right now.

  6. I'm completely fine with the promotion, assuming activity is increased on forums AT LEAST. Teamspeak is something we can aim for as a long-term goal. =)

    That includes you @Stickz we need more activity from you on the forum. It will be better for everyone apart of the community in the long run.

  7. Yeah I should have discussed this with the rest of the CLs. I apologize but I respected Stickz opinion and trust him in his judgement. @Stickz , CLs do have a say in every division, even the ones they aren't active in. That's the whole point of a CL, to oversee the operations of the entire community. Someone needs to fill that role and the CLs do just that.


    I need you to be more active on the forum, both of you. Otherwise we cannot keep funding aspects of the GMOD division or any venture you wish to pursue for the community. We NEED public appearances from everyone, especially on the forum and Teamspeak.


    This is my fault. How we go on from here is up to the CLs.


    I'm done posting here as this thread is going nowhere productive. My time is very limited and should be spent making server improvements. Soon, I won't have any time to be dealing with these trivial/unimportant things what-so-ever which is the biggest reason why this promo happened.


    Congrats to the new division manager. As a reminder, please tag him for ban protests or gmod related things before the issue gets escalated to myself.


    This is something you must deal with, as all this infrastructure and community structure needs to be regulated and rules in place for it to run smoothly.