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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. So I've been bothering John the hosting's providers CEO about all their flaws. Wither or not that's related idk.


    NFO just upgraded their Chicago location to Premium. This means they use more carriers to improve routes. In simple terms, the clan servers will have better networking.


    @Rhododendron the cost of your Full Machine(s) was dropped by $20 each. You may have to contact NFO if it didn't go through automatically. These things are still triple the price for 3% stronger, but it's a definite start.

    Yeah you always have to contact for a price drop. Done!

  2. Yeah don't know why it was changed (even though it should have never been changed in the beginning, should have been a perm from the beginning). But I ain't even going to put my opinion regarding this yet, y'all need to figure out the chain of command here. Also, imo the CL thing aint working anymore.

    We need to redo it completely. It's unorganized and a mess.

  3. Alright. We gotta stop doing PMs to discuss stuff like this. But frankly I gotta be honest. I don't have an opinion about this whole thing, and it's extremely annoying at this point.


    We should have discussed this in the admin discussion, and next time I get a PM discussion something about the clan, it's going here since I don't wanna isolate anyone, and it's better we have many people discussion than only a few.


    I'm sick of hearing people threatening to leave if we do one thing, it's exhausting. I don't know how to vote on this at all.

  4. Did you have a section in management linking directly to it?

    Ie. was it clearly visible and accessible to the point where finding and filing was excessively easy?


    For instance, if I was a player who has never been on the forums, could I just go to bugs.xenogamers.com, log in through steam and post a bug?


    I have two issues with posting in respective forums.

    1. It adds tons of clutter.
    2. You must sign up to post.

    Well then it would open it up to spammers, so a login system would be great. I believe bugzilla needs a login to function?

  5. In the past we tried to setup something like that and realized that bugzilla is a massive thing, that was never utilized by anyone. People who have issues just post them to the respective forums.

  6. NFO has DNS's for all the servers which stay the same the aswell. The only bad thing is the dns resolves when it's added to favourites.


    You can ask NFO how to keep your ip addresses the same when moving from dedicated to vds. (within the same location) I know there's instructions somewhere for that.

    Oh I thought you were asking me to move my entire dedi to a new location haha.

  7. A small instance in New York would be nice when you do work on it. The placement of deep ocean fiberoptic cables in coastal cites will expand the overseas playerbase. And redundancy will be provided for annoying issues like hardware failures and location based ddos. I would like any server I run hosted there, but it's currently a waste for only a couple. Four populated servers worth of resources is the minimum requirement.


    The reason why Chicago is so popular is because it works the first time for a lot more clients. The further you are from the server is the higher the chance you'll have to go through random route selection to resolve any first time issues. Latency is a probability meter of experiencing an issue and not an accurate representation of your networking performance. You don't get hammered down with delays until it gets up in the 100's.

    The plan is to move the MySQL VPS over there, and I really don't wanna change server ips since we've been using the same ones for almost 3 years now.

  8. In each spawn I enabled teleporter entrances to be created, this could provide the option for some players to get out of spawn traps etc ~~~ still tiny implement that could be changed in a minute.

    Can't spys use teleporters?


    Basically in some areas(that are rarely ever walked in) have some entity models of pokemon which move in set paths, which can be destroyed from (~400 dmg) and will take 7 minutes to respawn, I just basically want opinions on this as maybe it was just a moment of madness/witchcraft by me.

    I know it probably took a lot of work, but I think people won't mind them too much if they cannot collide with them. Nobody likes to be held up by running into another player, let alone a dynamic part of the map :)


    Oh just read it's in areas not really used by players. Still think you shouldn't be able to collide with it.


    So far i have changed many of the songs which are mainly from PokeRemixStudio - YouTube most of these are remixes from original pkmn songs, again If anyone wants to post a song to be added i will add those songs into it(as long as it's relevant).

    That's good. I had to use an entity filter to strip out lavender town from the map. People were just complaining too much about it, and it's not really a pleasant song to listen too haha!


    Also a request. The building places with the alley ways, some you can walk through and others you can't. Would you feel it would ruin the experience if you widened some of them for consistency sake?


    Just my opinions!

  9. To clarify...


    • NFO is phasing out the 1270 v1 and replacing them with v2's and v3. This is because their virtual machines have caught up to the v1 standard on dedicated.

    • A e5-2697 v3 VDS (virtual dedicated machine) is only 3 percent weaker than your e3 1270 dedicated machine and less than half the cost.
      • You could get 16 cores for the price of 4 on virtualization.

    • Dedicated is typically an expense option used for when a single server is using an entire core. OR you need tons of ram for something like minecraft.
      • Back in 2012 this might have been the only decent option, but times have changed.

    • My suggestion above was to give Vitalization a test run (maybe with a server or two or something) as it has pretty caught up to the standard you're running right now.

    Not now, as the summer rush is here and I don't want to introduce any transition issues. During the Fall I'll work on it :)

  10. Are the actual clan servers still on dedicated? because this would be 50% cheaper with 3% slower performance. nfo is phasing out their e3 1270's on dedicated for that reason.


    edit: Plus you get ddr4 ramn, but not like that matters much.

    The main host is dedicated. It has all the TF2 servers on it.


    I'll wait until the e5's hit the dedicated page and then I'll make the switch for the main machine.

  11. NFO has rolled out e5-2697v3 to all their locations on xen as of a few months ago. They come with ssd caches for decent level loading speeds. Computing power wise, they benchmark only a few percentiles (maybe 3%) slower than the current e3 1270 dedicated processors clan servers are on. The way servers are operated through the control panel is the exact same.


    If the CPU on the server usage tab for clan servers is bellow 80% this would give the possibility for a 50% cost reduction in serer operational costs while still maintaining good performance standards. If half the servers are above 80%, this would give the possibly for a 25% cost reduction in costs.


    I could be wrong but I think the way @Rhododendron has it setup would only require four servers at 3% lower pref for a 25% cost reduction in server operational costs. Expanding would also be flexible ie. adding two more servers for $20. Testing might bite one month, but could pay off in the long run.


    Altho this is just a suggestion, it wouldn't hurt to possibly test it out for a month. Up to you guys, i'm just providing useful information. I know back a few years ago, this likely wouldn't have been possible.


    @Rhododendron [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP]

    I moved the website VPS to it but I gotta ask about the MySQL VPS since it's on a SSD and I don't want there to be any downtime.

  12. Made a stupid little thing in shell today. If anyone would want to run it you might get a cheap lol. Not sure if this is allowed so delete if necessary and notify me on rules regarding the subject matter. Nothing malicious. Not out to get you.

    Wow that doesn't look malicious at all!

  13. I feel like this can be easily written on paper, but the execution would be complicated. As much as I'd like to promote referrals and advertisement of XenoGamers, it seems like something that may prove to be difficult. The only thing that comes to mind that would make this easy would be throwing this up on FaceBook (IE. Like this post/comment to be entered into a drawing for yada yada) and then giving me the names of those who entered or whatever.


    With that said, I could also do a different prize/raffle where the prize would be a 50$ game and you would have to donate to enter (minimum of 5$). Runner-up prizes could be credits on the site if that's alright with @Rhododendron

    Yep that's fine :)


    I also have a copy of every Visceral Cleanup game if that could be used for the prize pool!

  14. Alright we now have redundant backing up for main DB and website stuff.


    Website files will be backed up once a day, and the same with DB.


    The DB is already being backed up onto a separate hard drive but will be backed up AGAIN to a Amazon S3 instance.


    The current DB backup strategy is a backup every 2 hours. We have backups all the way to 2014. Makes it extremely redundant in case anything goes wrong.


    So no worries about data failure!