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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. Combining things is a very bad practice, I've learned that hard way on Nuclear Dawn. You end up having large segments of the server breaking when one plugin malfunctions. Redundant coding practices are always the best.


    I go all out with redundant coding practices and use natives to communicate data between plugins. The feature status is retrieved first and the plugin is programmed to still function if it's not available.


    My servers are so stable and redundant it's not even funny. The 67 plugins are very easy to maintain. Heck, if one breaks I don't even have to resolve the issue unless it's important.

    Well in regards to those plugins even if one breaks they aren't core functionality so it wouldn't matter either way. Plus I don't think there is a demand from the players for such features.

  2. I really want to see more activity on the forum and I think we should make it a requirement for people wanting to become a member.


    Forum activity is deader than ever and I want to bring it back up to where we were having thousands of posts a month.


    Any thoughts to how we can do this?


    @Scootaloo @Bleed @Lithium @Nomulous @ShackNewsBot @kbraszzz

  3. A few of my Nuclear Dawn plugins could potentially be useful and cross-compatible with other clan servers.

    Redstone/addons/sourcemod/scripting at master · stickz/Redstone · GitHub


    Just thought I'd make a post here for fudges and giggles.



    -it automatically converts cap locks to lower case (very useful feature)


    -adds an !locations command to server chat for everyone to use.

    -it uses goeip to list the continents (eu, na, sa etc) clients are from.


    -posts a message in chat when someone unintentionally loses connection to the server

    -if the client disconnects normally, this message will not appear.



    -adds moderator commands to send warnings over chat

    --simplifies sending warnings instead of typing sentences.


    -key feature is translation support

    --many translations already completed

    --communicating with people who don't speak English



    -this displays an example for creating a welcome message.

    -key features include optional disabling by client, translation support, wrapped auto-update support.

    Maybe but I would want to combine into one plugin since it would be easier to maintain over 15+ servers.

  4. Yo sólo puede Cena de veinticinco personas por día y eso me hace enoja.


    Además , el silencio , dijo que iba a reemplazarme con alguien más mexicana. Yo sólo estoy comentando a sus mensajes en español a partir de ahora



    Snackbar you're racist.

  5. Yeah that script you posted looks awful. Why doesn't it search for files and make a text file of all files that need to be precached? That would be more optimized. Then, say ever day, it updates the text file.


    Even if it's an SSD, you really should be coding for the most optimized practices. It doesn't make sense abusing hardware like this.

  6. @Rhododendron @Nomulous @Bleed @Snackbar


    A gameserver(s) on the main hosting is most likely i/o trashing. Large proportions of the disk-rate are being hogged which is raising the time it takes other servers to change level. Given the fact this is a solid state drive, something really stupid has to be happening for fluctuations this large. I am seeing change level speeds vary across the board from 5s to 15s depending on the time of week and day.


    A few things I can think of which could be potential issues are...

    • Dumping all server console message to a text file.
    • Abusing keyvalues on sourcemod instead of using alternate methods.

    You need evidence, support would claim it's just the map on the server.

  7. It's basically the old bot + a simple TCP server. It's interesting and easy in concept, I'll have to modify the code. I'll just modify it to connect to the DBs as the old bot did to direct deposit again. Ezpz

    Well let's figure out what to do, I still have the steambot addon which I'm willing to code up again.