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Posts posted by Rhododendron

  1. I read this initially and then didn't stay up to date on this. In all reality, the owner of the main COMMUNITY channel is in charge. If there's any issues you need to bring it up with the channel owner. Silence and myself talked about how community rooms work, and it's not in our control. Nobody can modify or punish people's behaviour for a community channel. If it's an official channel, it's different. The only time any of us higher ups can intervene is when there's kick/ban/command abuse that shouldn't happen.

    As he stated. Don't want drama? Use official channels.


    This summer as the TS population increases, we will be handing out moderator and administrative powers to users to moderate the official channels. Being active in Community Channels will not apply to these users, so please, try to get the official channels populated!

  2. The website PHP instance keeps crashing like crazy. Not sure why and haven't had the time to debug it so I apologize.


    Hopefully I can get active again this week!


    Apparently it might be the sysctl crapping out due to low buffers being set so I increased them. Let's see if it fixes our issues and should speed up everything as well :p

  3. The servers and (xenocsgo001 and xenocsgo003) can't connect to the store database. Either the database doesn't exist anymore, or it needs to be whitelisted


    Errors from console

    >[store] Connection to SQL database has failed, Reason: [2002]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

    Well that error tells me you're trying to connect to localhost and not our MySQL server.

  4. So not to long ago we had a problem with the server that would have required a rollback aka the Hachi member protest situation and the hacker called Metrics. Basically that was when spawn was destroyed and we needed a rollback that we USED to have but now we have no access. I asked for it back and questioned why it was gone to NFO in-case it was an error on there part or if i am just clicking the wrong panel but this is what i got. I am putting this here since my question in a private conversation was not answered.



    So for some reason our Minecraft server does not have rollbacks and backups through NFO Control panel anymore and if it is possible can it please be put back in place, we really need it. Please and thank you.

    Sun, May 24 2015 10:23pm - answered by Bill

    I'm still seeing the restore option on your file manager tab, below the FTP information.


    Sun, May 24 2015 11:29pm

    There is not even a file manager tab that appears. Also no FTP information and nor rollbacks

    Sun, May 24 2015 11:32pm - answered by Bill

    Looks like the primary user removed your access from that tab, you will want to talk to them.


    Now if i am correct, silence said he had no clue what the problem is but apparently it was removed from mine and kirito's access. Also i was told we have no rollbacks but yet it still saves and the guy says that he see's them.


    I was just asking why it was removed and can it PLEASE be put back, otherwise something bad can happen and we wont have a backup to rely on. If this seemed like i am angry i am sorry. I just think it is a necessity to have and as the DL we should have access to it.


    @Rhododendron @Kyoko

    Alright I removed it because you were doing tons of rollbacks and then asking me for help which was annoying.


    You really should never rollback ever. The plugin coreprotect is there and you can use it's rollback feature to restore griefed areas.


    Message me in steam and we will talk, but I'm hesitant to do it since it will fudge up the MySQL database and whatnot.




    It looks like you put CoreProtect and MCMMO into local DBs, which is fine, but CoreProtect's db is ungodly massive so it would make better sense to put it in the MySQL server since we have limited space on the MC box.

  5. Email he sent me finally:


    This is nothing new though. Your clan XG has been harrassing me for a very long time. Now i'm perma banned for their behavior. I'm outraged. I simply be kind, or defend myself, or even yell back even worse words back at these people. THEY ARE STOOPING ME TO THEIR LEVEL! I'm so sick of the racist sadistic bigots i see on your Team Fortress 2 servers. I just.. I don't understand anymore... I am crying right now so much because i actually enjoyed the GameplayAbility on your Team Fortress 2 servers.. I mean.. I start threatening them as a perfectly normal reaction. I don't deserve the constant disrespect and hate i've gotten. Honestly. It's hard to remain calm when you're harrassed like that on that level on an almost daily basis. It gets to a person. Ya know? I didn't deserve to be perma banned. THEY DESERVED IT. for triggering me to get pissed off and causing me to get really upset. It's a perfectly normal reaction. and apparently. nobody understands that. how can you ignore persistant bullying sadistic bigots. It's impossible for me. I hope you can understand my situation and try to get me unbanned from the XG servers. One of your community leaders reccomended me to the "Contact Us" page to get myself out of this mess. I don't take kindly to the harrassment i've continually received from certain admins like hachi and others whom i can't remember. As well as many members that are in the Team Fortress 2 servers. I explained the situation to this "Community Leader" And they agreed that the situation i was in was indeed unfair. I hope something can be done to stop this. Because i was honestly thinking about just packing my bags and giving up on XG. I love the gameplay. But the way i'm treated is pitiful. What i have to say next doesn't have any words of any kind of language for it.. But it does remain in my thoughts.. Please do something.. Sincerley Joe (USA) [Note: My steam community name is Joe (USA) With music notes in it. Keep that in mind]


    What do we do about this.

  6. Well this guy added me and he's going on like crazy.


    Never tell your password to anyone.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Hey

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: hi

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: What does CL mean?

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: community leader

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Oh.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Is that higher than a moderator? or lower?

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: highest rank in xG

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Well. I was perma banned after i was being harrassed. then i was accused for harrassment

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: in one of your servers

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: gotta make a ban protest haha

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: i cant unban you here

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I have no account

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: Applications | Xeno Gamers

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: on zeno gamers website

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: *xeno

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: easy to sign up you can even do it through steam

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: How do you do it through steam?

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: click Register on xenogamers.com

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: then click 'Sign in through Steam'

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: It says error. Please enter another name

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: You wanna know what i have to say? Fuck you

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'm sick of websites

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: always denying

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: formats

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and different things

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i mean

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: WE WILL RUN

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: OUT OF NAMES

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: If people just stop restricting names

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and let people copy other names

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and use any format

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: what name did you use haha and its used for unique identification

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: It has to be done

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: thats how the software functions

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Same name i have here

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: <<<

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: Joe?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Yep

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Well

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: people need to update the software

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: because we are running out of names

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: uhhh its not that the name is taken its that its too short

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: we use a regex check for usernames

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: no illegal characters such as spaces and hypens and such

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: only alphanumerical characters

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: and has to be between 3 and 15 characters

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: How is that illegal?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I don't understand this bullshit process

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: It's beyond too restrictive

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: it's taking away rights

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: in my view

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: im sorry :(

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: its just how its setup

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Look

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I don't want to have to ban protest... Or even sign up for this website.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: because i have absoulutley nothing to prove

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: There's no use for me explaining it

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: because this is as far as i've gone

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: you have to know me personally

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and you have to gain my trust

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and me to gain your trust

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and all that

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i mean.. I'M A TERRIBLE

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Explainer

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I always have been

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'm a good talker. but when it comes to explaining.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: That's when i start to stutter

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and get silent

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: ya know?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: It's something in my mind

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: fUCKING HELL

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: IT'S STILL NOT


    ♫Joe (USA)♫: No matter what i put

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: This is illegal

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: the way it's operating

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: is illegal in my mind

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: it's outright

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: taking away the right

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: to my name

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: I'm sorry :( it's not illegal though

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: why not just use another name?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I can't enter my own fucking name

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I hate xenogamers

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: They've done no good to me

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: only wrong

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: the admins abused me

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: You can discuss the reasons why we are bad, but you gotta register

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: the members bullied me

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: good riddence

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: why not Joe_

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: that's all i have to say

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: It's not worth discussing if it's not in private with the highest ranking member

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: if you wanna talk to the owner

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: use the contact us form

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: That's all i have ot say

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Yes

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: you dont have to login

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i want to talk to the owner

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: Contact Us | Xeno Gamers

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: thats how you get to him

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'm going to die one day

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: because of this shit

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'm so stressed

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: I'm sorry :(

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: People just laugh at me

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: in game

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: when they hear me say this

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and they always say "Noob"

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I want to decapitate them

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: they have no rights to living

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: if they make a persons life

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: miserable

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and enjoy it

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: who deserves

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: to live

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: if they do that

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: I hope I'm not doing that to you D:

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: spend their lives

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: making other peoples lives hell

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: No. you aren't.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: You're one of the few who understand the pain i go through

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I feel pain 24/7

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: And i almost vomited today

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Because of how people treat m

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: *me

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I can't type

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: due to it

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'm outright traumatized

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: I'm sorry :( But xG is a giant clan and the only way to get things changed is to report the issues through the website.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: No one deserves to live after forefully shaping another persons life in a shitty one

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: And that's why i got banned

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i defended myself

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: from cyber bullying

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i always do

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i always will

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and XG can burn

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: for all i care

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: It's done nothing but harm to me

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: since the first day i came

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: can you contact the owner though please?

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: Contact Us | Xeno Gamers

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i did nothing but kindness

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and self defence

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: they just always bombarded me

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: Anything else I can help you with?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Well

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I demand to be unbanned

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Or i swear. you will lose money

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Your whole clan

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: will lose money

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I wanted nothing but kindness

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: but i receive prejudice

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: bigotry

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: racism

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and outright hate

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: for NO REASON

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: They called me things no man should get away with

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: I can't unban you unless you submit a report :( Because then I would have to unban everyone if they simply messaged me

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: But guess what? They're probably sitting on their unpunished fat asses

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: laughing and smiling at another life they've ruined

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: What am i supposed to say to the owner?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Via contact us?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: To simply unban me?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Because i received unnesecary harassment

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and i got banned for harrassment instead

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: yeah or record yourself if you find it easier ot explain the situation that way

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: He is very understanding

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: XG is stooping me to their level

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Because of how badly

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: they devastated me

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'm normally a nice guy

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Why do people enjoy

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: hurting me?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'm sick of the sadism

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i see.

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: I don't know :(

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: They try to shape my life

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: into a living hell

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and i want to tear their arms off

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: so they can't type

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: another sentence

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: another terrible

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: threatening

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: outright bigoted

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and hate

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: speech

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: to me

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: Some people do it because it makes them feel better about themselves.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Well

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I hope they die

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'm not violent

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i'm just pissed off

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: And when i'm pissed

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'll do ANYTHING

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: To get back

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: at someone

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I don't just stand there

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: feeling miserable

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Actually. I DO! BECAUSE THERE'S NO WAY




    ♫Joe (USA)♫: OF XG

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Scootaloo is the bastard who banned me

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: they should have their adminship revoked

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron: Make a report :(

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Look it up

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: in the bans

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: the perma bans

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: A report?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Fucking hell

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: i'm not going through red tape

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and bullshit

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: just to get my point across

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Why should i?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I can beleive i have to type to random people

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: in reports




    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I mean i can see your profile

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: but when i MAKE

    [xG:CL] Rhododendron has changed their name to Juicy Juice.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: A report

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: it goes to some random person

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Ya know?

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I need a very close talk

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: With someone

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: about this

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I'm so infuriated

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: it may be just a game or a server

    Juicy Juice has changed their name to Fruit Juice.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: but that dosen't give them the right to harrassment

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and bigotry

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: and outright hate and sadism

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: I mean, it makes no sence to me.

    ♫Joe (USA)♫: Brb. I'll return in a bit

  7. I feel like there should be a line, where known scammers are not allowed onto the servers, It'll be nearly impossible to prevent someone being scammed on the trade servers otherwise. I'd buttume that 95% of the scams aren't noticeable to the public(the server) and I wonder how many people would actually report it to the forums and have sufficient proof to get something done. And they would still be out the scammed items they lost regardless...

    How about we use the SteamRep API, and if a user is a scammer their name on the trade server gets updated with the prefix [sCAMMER] ?

  8. @Rhododendron


    I need this configuration updated. It's faster not to use op1 even for oceanic clients because it's in such a bad spot.


       map $geoip_city_continent_code $closest_server {
           default fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
           NA fastdl.us.xenogamers.com;
           SA fastdl.us.xenogamers.com;
           EU fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;
           OC fastdl.us.xenogamers.com;
           AS fastdl.eu.xenogamers.com;


  9. Since many of us play different kind of MOBA's, I believe we should turn the League forum into a general MOBA spot. Let players come together and talk about all kinds of MOBA's in one spot, not have to make threads in other places. Just a thought.

    @Rhododendron @Nomulous @leaguefriends @DrLee @ThePenguin


    @ChickenPanda @Liekos @kbraszzz @ShockeDeel @Redheards @Whyte @Flareon @Bach

    I'm down for that :)