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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Hey, maybe one day away from us is too much! I can understand baby ;)
  2. Rhododendron

    Never drink

    I'm already lazy as it is, I don't need another excuse to not do anything.
  3. It's over. Thank you for participating in our experiment!
  4. Wait I'm supposed to be learning?!
  5. Don't worry you can always change your age on the forum to 12.
  6. A user will only switch when they die. I'm gonna code something in to switch em automatically after x amount of time or x amount of rounds pass.
  7. That's pretty harsh bro. Seriously you better calm down otherwise I will ban you and your sister. I'm sawwy mashta Now do my bidding:
  8. That's pretty harsh bro. Seriously you better calm down otherwise I will ban you and your sister.
  9. I'm looking for a new Division Leader. I just shut off all the servers to save money and remove resource hogs (they were allocating ram without actually using it lol)
  10. I did this or something: Get VirtualDub: Open it, add GIF to it, then export all layers to a folder. Open each exported layer in Photoshop, do the whole transparent thing using alpha layers and whatnot, then export as a TARGA file. Finally use VTFEdit, Import File, and select all TARGA files that are part of the GIF. It will start from whichever one is the lowest (001, 002, 003, ...) Done!
  11. Abortion? I handle circumcisions.
  12. I'm lost so sandviches and steaks don't disappear at round end essentially?
  13. I fixed the fall-bug. About dead chat and dead people's voice. I didn't try to combat that so is that something that should be enabled?
  14. (212) 870 3400 They are expecting a call...
  15. Is it in your server list? Cause I just moved it 2 days ago and now it's completely gone. It's most likely NFO's end but I don't think I did anything D: I'm in contact with them so bear with me.
  16. TTT server disappeared from the host. I've contacted them but they are unsure lol
  17. I removed their SERVER GROUP (global admin) not their channel admin...
  18. Yes, because the first thing someone a random is going to do is scroll to the bottom and know exactly who to message. Might as well write a script to spam everyone on the server. I rather a random message me on team speak in oppose to a random come into the channel to interrupt a conversation. There's not much of a difference. As of right now, you're driving away an older member that's actually good away from the community. That's worded strange lol Well I'm sorry for giving people admin that have zero business having it. This was brought up in staff discussion as an issue and I am merely doing what I feel is the right thing. I'm gone for a bit so I can't respond to any further messages.