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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Rhododendron


    Ugh next thing you know people are gunna ask for bitcoins to be accepted as donations >.<
  2. DoD:S doesn't even have support for chat colors let alone all the event hooks necessary to facilitate a JB server :shakefist:
  3. I don't think I removed it :/ @@Brian might have some insight into the matter.
  4. I can't be the only one :C http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYISWo_LO3o
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh-gJStJBLk
  6. OH GAWD IM DYING xDDDDDDD best show is best!
  7. Rhododendron


    Eh we've been haunted lately :/
  8. While this is very serious, this needs to be pointed out... WHO SPELLED LICENSE WRONG?!?!?!?
  9. That won't solve the problem you are describing. If you like to hang around spawn you will still experience this issue.
  10. Uhhhh I'm not sure, but maybe we can do something about this? Like say, if it's possible (need to ask around) but create a sphere around spawn (find spawn by spawn points since they are valid entities) and then either set bullets to dissipate in there, or if someone is shot just make them not receive any damage?
  11. I'm dressing up as a school shooter this year! Dylan or Eric.... which to choose.
    1. StarmiX


      Dylan sounds a bit better
  12. So it's not like Call of Duty?
  13. Basically it's an HTML5/JS experiment that's hilarious as well. Uses Paper.js to generate the vectors, using tweenjs/tween.js · GitHub for the animation, and the rest is straight up incorporating these things. The person did a fantastic job. Epileptics are praising his work everywhere.
  14. Iframe support will never be added since you can use them for malicious purposes.
  15. That's still crazy it's all done in Word. The artwork and rendering that is, the joke is dumb. Honestly gradients are going out for a much more flatter style (like your gf #holla) since gradients got abused, so badly.
  16. The creator of them dumped the games by models, and used those models as the design for the map. So every surface is a model. Basically, there isn't a good way to prevent physics collisions between players and models (only on or off) and since there were like 24 people running on top of the models at once, it would horribly lag the map making it unplayable. We need someone to go in each map, and cover EVERY walkable or touchable surface with brushes. Only then will I be able to add theme back.
  17. Was the slender source released?
  18. Rhododendron


    Not to mention most of the servers are on a dedicated machine.
  19. Rhododendron


    That's the sort of attitude that leads to empty DarkRP servers that are as generic as the rest of them. Maybe things like RP servers shouldn't take 5 minutes. You're the kind of person that bitches at someone to get a server up super fast, then complains about how boring it is. Complaining how people don't know their specified division is BS, because it's a learning process. While it would be nice to actively seek out people who know how to run a game server, allowing people within the clan to do it is far less risky and much more productive. Also, said people are usually a bitch to work with, since they try and influence their agenda, resulting in devolution of the entire clan. <cough> Prius </cough> While I love feedback, saying that we are destined to fail and that there's no hope is hardly helpful at all. If you feel that we aren't doing the best we can, SUGGEST WHAT WE CAN DO IN ORDER TO FIX IT! Seriously, your post was insulting and to make matters worse, you knew it was insulting so you're using another account to post it. Another reason why to disregard your post unless some feedback is introduced in a positive fashion (or non-positive, it just needs to be coherent and suggest ways to fix said problem) We've been around for 3 years now (xG's 3rd birthday passed a few weeks ago, #noregrets) and it's unlikely we are going downhill. It's merely an evolutionary shift for new people to learn how to help out the clan. It takes time to learn, and xG isn't anyone's full-time job. I can only assume you think this is srs busness and that we nolife the clan's progress since you're 'scared' about people on the internet. It's not like we're gonna find where you live and eat the eye gunk from your eyes using soup spoons. I'm getting pretty upset at how people want us to control everyone verbally, like their property. That's pretty atrocious and anyone who does that should be mauled. While we have some rules in place for taboo actions, we generally allow people to speak their mind. While there might be backlash, that's life. If you make a video on YouTube saying you hate asian people in the library, expect backlash. Grow up.
  20. That requires utilizing an extension since base-SM doesn't support changing stuff like that (last time I checked) Not sure if it's possible but I can always take a look.
  21. The plugin is sorta busted, but I can fix it up and add some other stuff.
  22. NOPE.AVI This vicious cycle is not needed.
  23. No lol it's too complex. It would cause page blocking if I used it >3