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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. I'll fix later today by making a Donator rank for Teamspeak. Also why is Integration around quotes?
  2. Rhododendron

    Written Test

    Heh I got a 70 on the mark for mine. For my license on-road test, I got 30 out of 31 points off. God doesn't want me on the road >3
  3. @@SuperMaddud @@Microsoft @@Link!
  4. Again, I'm not a fan of defaulting our server to generic-level. Plus, for the millionth time, the last time we did that people bought too much, and just gave away credits and people ceased to donate since they only needed to ask the wealthy for a paycheck. Thanks Obama! But seriously, a store will not save CS:S, especially one that everyone else has.
  5. Hub is a native thing for all source engine games so apparently you have no idea what you're talking about. Hub was removed around the same time as CS:GO was released so you cannot prove that there is correlation. It could have been a million things. While I will take responsibility for the dying population of CS:S, that alone is not the single reason why it's dying. Stop thinking that there is a simple solution to this, because there isn't. What DL did I demote that could code? Chrono? If so....
  6. I meant CS:S independent features that would be incorporated into Hub. Comparable to the rest of the divisions and the amount of money put into CS:S, it's dead. We put in less money for TF2 and get more players per dollar spent, while in CS:S, we get far less players for the amount of money put into it. I can downsize it to TF2's financial pool (less servers, lower the non-competitive servers FPS), but even then, it would be significantly less than TF2's ratio. Plus I'm not even sure diving into CS:GO is a good idea at this time. CS:GO is much more competitive and the clan simply does not orient itself around that sorta scene. Mini-games and such are more preferred, so I'm not sure diving resources into a division that would requires exorbitant amounts of time and money to fit that preference. This is why I feel TF2 is going so well, since querky gamemodes are the preference and outshine the competitive scene. That's why it's a far better fit for the community and why it's doing extremely well. It's simply not feasible at this time to support something where the general population of the game prefers the competitive scene, whereas this community seems to prefer the wacky, non-standard gamemodes that only third-party mods offer. I simply cannot no-life and code everything like that when I have the website to maintain (consider it the highest populated server we have, 50 db queries a second!), a large amount of the divisions, as well as the back-end and security to the website/servers. Also, for the record, most of the popular CS:S servers people cite are usually rotation and whatnot, that have been around for 5+ years. Most of the players on them have been there for a long time, and have zero interest in moving to a new server. That's how most of CS:S players are. Seriously, when was the last time you joined a random server on CS:S. Unless the community changes to a more competitive spirit, I doubt there is anything that can be done with the CS:S division. Hub won't save it, and TF2 is proof of that.
  7. Exactly. Some of you guys want me to code something to save a dying game. That is complete nonsense. If Valve wanted the game to thrive they would update new stuff, and it seems that they rather have CS:GO in the frontline then a 10 year old game. Can you really blame them?
  8. Ahoge is the cutest thing ever >3
  9. lol go to videos on youtube of owners giving their cats baths. People in the comments get rageboners over that since, apparently, cats clean themselves. Funniest part is when you read the video description and the owner says their veterinarian told them to do it.
  10. I Remember [Wickaman & J Majik remix) by DEADMAU5
  11. Alright fixed everything. Fixed the advance ban searching for everything as well. Please report any further glitches to us! Now please unban him @@Forest , you conquistador!
  12. I've been trying to locate the glitch for the past hour. Bear with me.
  13. Oh yeah? I've been in 7 tours of Train Simulator. You don't know war.
  14. I don't make stuff up. CS:S was in the top 5 around 6 months ago. Look at it now :| Football Manager has more people than it lol
  15. No, CS:S is not fine and you pretty much said it yourself. The only way to boost popularity is to code entire features to keep people moderately interested. I have zero guarantee that said people will stick around for a good amount of time to justify me working all-out on CS:S. You need to understand that I'm the only person who codes for the clan. I put my time in where it will be best used. CS:S is EOL and it wouldn't be used there very well. While I don't agree that CS:GO is the future, it's has a better future then CS:S.
  16. CS:S is dying, TF2 is growing. That's like bitching at Apple cause they aren't supporting the Apple Newton.
  17. Yes he did give out FTP info with malicious intent. You aren't coming back after that. Closed
  18. Well anyways X.X Watch Nichijou it's probably the funniest anime I've ever seen.
  19. I have a complete website to manage, TF2, MC, the entire backends for each server as well as the monster MySQL server we are using. I was under the impression that our CS:S division leaders were managing it extremely well! Honestly I don't care that you insulted me, although it's extremely childish that it wasn't constructive whatsoever. I can't speak for anyone else you insulted though, so the people that you insulted should have a say.