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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Like, for example, to make the website sexy on oled and retina displays, I've been converting all icons to vectors, meaning that the picture is calculated using math and isn't a fixed size, so when a person loads the page, it renders thus making it non-blurry. Like the division icons are all vectors that I converted. https://xenogamers.com/vector/xenogamers_icon_cs&style=33 See how if you re-size it, it never gets pixelated? That's a vector.
  2. I will only use it if you turn it into a vector, and make it transparent. The more simple the logo, the better. Crazy logos like that are hard to incorporate in a vast amount of things so it limits everyone creatively. It's sexy, sorta looks like the TM2 logo. EDIT Also the G has to be uppercase, while the X should be lowercase :3 Or just keep em both the same case, which looks great too.
  3. Since someone will find this useful, eventually... Here is the PSD for the xG logo! You will need the font 'Dmitri' in order to edit it properly! PREMADE IMAGES: https://xenogamers.com/logo-transparent.png https://xenogamers.com/logo.png https://xenogamers.com/logo.jpg https://xenogamers.com/logo_banner.png https://xenogamers.com/logo_max.png Have fun :3 logo.psd
  4. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh grumble I can dump the old donator list?
  5. That's standard Jailbreak lol. That's how it has been for 15+ years!
  6. Mine. Also added a feature last night to prevent jarating. If a Blue jarates a Red, it reverses and the Blue becomes jarated.
  7. This. Sorry but that's just how it is. Most people view an entire group based on their Leader (which they shouldn't lol, I'll be the first to say that) and if they mess up, they view that everyone messed up. Man that's hypocritical.
  8. It wasn't a fight. Your leader made real-life threats to one of our members (posted their address, name, number etc) and that resulted in a groupban of any SNG members at that time. There is no chance of you getting unbanned if you continue representing yourself with such a group.
  9. Alright I have updated the Jailbreak plugin and added 2 new CVARs to accommodate this. I set them to disable construction for all engineers, as well as sentry immunity. Tell me if there are any issue!
  10. I would give people access to the xG youtube channel, but the friggin account addition feature is broken and since I use the email linked to it, I can't hand it out :/ I'll try and contact Google Support and see if they can help.
  11. I feel inclined to take the audio, and put it behind the D-Day scene from Saving Private Ryan. It would make it epic! Someone do it pl0x!
  13. Stop getting high and work on it private!
  14. Can't you like flag the team and get access to it via copyright claim?
  15. Expand to other divisions, plus people are playing together, so it's more of a community then ever :3
  16. Sliderace being empty Sliderace being full Sliderace racing people on the slides that sliderace offers Having 20 weeks on GameME for sliderace
  17. So I'm going to start writing updates on what has changed in the backend, for anyone that's interested. Website: Completely rewrote 'Teamspeak Integration' to use the foreign key feature that InnoDB offers. This allows for a complete hierarchy which makes for less code and faster processing (example, delete a users entry from the main teamspeak table, it deletes them from the log and their statistics. A single query instead of three #ballin) Started the conversion process to make the website more appealing with hi-res screens (ie. retina display and OLED screens). This includes switching some of the icons to use FontAwesome, redesigning the division icons into SVGs (InkScape was incredibly helpful doing this, and it's free!), as well as doubling the avatar size (you can upload much larger avatars, including gifs! Please re-upload your avatar to see this go into effect). Some of the things that required this include: - Large from 192px to 384px, Medium from 96px to 192px, Small from 48px to 96px. - Apply a hard-fix to the avatar modifier, to support these changes (currently a glitch but it's XFs side and will make a bug report) - Future step will be to double steam community avatars to support hi-res displays. Added support for the tab button in the editor! Makes everyone's live much easier when copying and pasting text, or just trying to format your stupid messages nicely. Layout fix for the articles page. Should look a lot better and more consistent. Complete layout overhaul for /xg/ including guests custom names to stay with their posts as well as the inclusion of GET numbers. The numbers are generated from the name and then encoded again to prevent decryption. You will be 100% anonymous to other users. Polls are now pie charts. Makes reading them much easier and looks far better. Added around 20 new trophies to encourage further forum activity! Check them out here. The website theme has been re-purposed and will be modified accordingly for major holidays from now on. Many addons updated to their latest versions. Rewrote the British algorithm to reflect @@Forest more appropriately. Main Server Machines: VPS:1: Updated the kernel to the newest version provided by RHEL. Updated GoLang server to 1.1.2. Updated Nginx to 1.5.6. Updated PHP, including the process manager, to 5.5.4. Switched session storage to Memcached to speed up various tasks that can be performed on the website. Increased the amount of child processes in PHP-FPM to handle the increase of website visitations. Increased RAMDISK #2 to 1GB to support what comes after this. Added caching for the reverse image proxy (CamoGO) that makes images displayable through HTTPS. This means that it will store a hard copy of the image on the server for x amount of minutes to prevent a page from taking way to long to load. It needs a bit of tweaking and I'm still unsure whether or not to make them permanently stored. Modified pagespeed and tweaked the settings for better performance. Increased Memcached to 1GB of available space. Switched APCu to Zend OPCache that's included with PHP 5.5. Better performance galore! Fixed the fstab file so mounting on boot actually works with the SSD, as well as modifying rc.local to allow for persistent file systems on the RAMDISKs. So if the VPS crashes, I won't have to be around to rebuild the file systems nor mount the SSD manually. (note that the VPS has never crashed once, I just restart cause Windows corrupted my mind and makes me thing I have to :'( ) Completely rebuilt the MySQL database and wiped all databases, and rebuilt them from backups. We are seeing much better performance! (the last time I did this was in 2010, and I've learned tons since then so it was desperately needed.) Switched the remaining tables in each database to InnoDB since MySQL 5.6 supports full-text searching in InnoDB! Increased MySQL's buffer_pool_size for InnoDB to 2GB for better performance, as well as tweaked the query cache for the same reason. Rewrote various init.d scripts since they were badly made (I was a noob back then!) probably still am lol Modified the MySQL backup script to be more aggressive, with backups being made every 3 hours and being kept for a week before being deleted. Modified MySQL to utilize the SSD to the fullest, with new features offered in MySQL 5.6. Better performance from this. Completely rewrote all the IPTables rules to remove stuff that was added like 3 years ago and probably shouldn't be there. Modified Nginx config to better handle DOS attacks. Allocated 32GB of ram to handle the British algorithm. We might need some outside help on this one, it's getting expensive. The other machines are either managed by NFOServers or by @@Stickz and all I have done with them was modify the firewall rules. Game Servers: CSS: Deleted a bunch of servers to allow for more resources being directed to TF2 and CS:GO. Removed CallAdmin from everything, it was broken. Thanks @@DarkWolf6052 for figuring this out! Saved my ass! Modified Hub to a new version. Progress is getting done! TF2: Updated the Jailbreak mod with the new API for last requests. Will actually code the last requests when people stop freekilling so much where we never get to them! Updated the Deathrun mod to fix minor issues. Any feature requests, please post in the respective thread in the TF2 discussions area, or make a thread if it doesn't exist! Any other divisions I have zero idea about, and if the respective division leaders would like me to include anything, please let me know! Well that's it for now, please post about any issues you may be experiencing!
  18. Alright fixed it and added a trophy for the addon. Enjoy your three points.
  19. Alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrighty then.