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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Alright, although the steps were skipped, I feel that any previous offenders that have offended offensively within the past x amount of time should be exempt from said rules. Someone who spams is put on the radar for most of the staff and when they act up they are punished immediately, and that makes sense to me. If he was doing this to new players constantly, that is an issue, but for someone who has a history of spamming and DarkWolf not dealing with his crap early on, it seems that it's more justified then anything. Push for change in the handbook for frequent offenders. Then threads like this can die down. -1 for abuse
  2. Fking how Click 'Help' then click 'View changelog' and you get: >=============================================================================== TeamSpeak 3 - Client Changelog Copyright TeamSpeak Systems GmbH http://www.teamspeak.com =============================================================================== + Added feature or noticeable improvement - Bug fix or something removed * Changed or Information ! Important - Take note! =============================================================================== === Client Release 06 Aug 2013 - Fixed possible crash in hotkey system on client startup - Fixed dependencies on newer glibc versions - Plugin API: Fixed ts3plugin_onHotkeyRecordedEvent not being called === Client Release 3.0.11 31 Jul 2013 ! Changed the platform string for the Mac OsX platform from "Mac" to "OS X" + Added (Windows only) hotkey support for multiple USB devices. If we cannot get the USB device name from the system, we will try to read it from a local file. Please notice usb.ids in root folder. You can always overwrite it with the latest version from http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids. + The chat- and poke messages are now styleable too. Please notice the default_chat.qss in styles/ folder for example. The default_chat.qss is also the fallback if <stylename>_chat.qss does not exist. + Added "Classic" theme for users who want the old chat color scheme back. + Protection against DOS attacks was added to server 3.0.8. Added required counterpart of this functionality to the client. Server 3.0.8 requires client 3.0.11 to connect. + Added C++ runtime libraries to Linux deployment * Reworked URLs storage hopefully fixing crash on loading corrupt data file. Stored URLs from previous versions will expire. * Autoexpire URLs after 180 days. * Plugin API: printMessage and printMessageToCurrentTab are now executed in the GUI thread, fixing a crash in the Arma plugin. * Added "Channel" to Receive/Sent Poke notification. New default for both is server + channel + client. * Added confirmation when deleting an Identity via the remove button. * Automatically close "ban client" and "serverquery login" dialogs when disconnecting. * Added limit of 40 characters in phonetic nickname field in channel dialog. * Added character limit to name field in server/channel copy dialog. * Added copying Server IP to clipboard from server connectioninfo dialog. * Added a dialog to make sure the user will be informed about old USB device hotkeys. They have to be newly assigned once. * Changed default chat notification settings for outgoing pokes. * Changed default settings for neutral contacts, no custom name anymore. * Added rootIsDecorated to remove collapse indicator on root item to stylesheet * Added to client template: CLIENT_VERSION_SHORT, CLIENT_CONNECTED_SINCE * Added to channel template: CHANNEL_VOICE_DATA_ENCRYPTED_FLAG * Added to server template: SERVER_VERSION_SHORT * Added that info frame loads the <style>_chat.qss - Fixed issue with outgoing poke display when user has special characters in in his nickname and the poke contains an URL. - Removed Collected URLs item from the tray menu. - Fixed some custom nickname displays which were not shown correctly (chat, poke and whisper history). - Fixed UTF-8 display of country tooltips (e.g. Curaçao), added bl.png for Saint Barthélemy. - Fixed "Make current channel default" in bookmarks dialog which didn't work properly after adding this bookmark while already being connected. - Fixed wrong connection count for new bookmarks (was 1 after creation even if we didn't connect yet). - Fixed vanishing port number from bookmark address field. - Fixed issue with chat pen displaying chat partner is typing when he was just interacting with the tab. - Fixed webserver list freezing when webserver is not reachable. - Fixed wrong "Apply/Discard" dialog when changing option pages. - Plugin API: Callbacks are now called properly on requestFileList - Fixed issues with highlight and filter in server log dialog. - Fixed offline message subject which will no longer send newlines. - Fixed that http:// is now the default scheme when missing in poke- or hostmessage dialog. - Fixed stylesheet helper hotkey which now shows the correct object names. - Fixed the translation of some hotkey descriptions. - Fixed server messages which had an additional whitespace at the beginning. - Fixed quoting of channel- and user links. - Fixed pasting a newline character which now is prevented at several places. - Fixed discarding mouse buttons at hotkey system "Keyboard & Mouse Only". If you don't need discarding, "Default" is the better choice and also more flexible. - Fixed unusable sound devices in osx - Fixed default Downloads folder on Linux, no longer download to home dir. === Client Release 04 Apr 2013 + Fixed gatekeeper signature error starting the 3.0.10 client on Mac OS X * Updater will in addition to renaming updated DLLs and exe also move them to a folder "old" to avoid Qt loading the old plugin DLLs. * Export missing requestClientEditDescription to Lua + Added some context menu entries into whisper history - Stereo recording in DirectSound works properly now - Recording from sources with more than 2 channels should downmix properly to 2 channels now (in stead of just using the first 2 channels) - Adjusted default position of windows when opened for the first time when the position has not yet been stored. - Added more default languages to the Mac OS X app bundle affecting the Mac menu, which is independant from Qt translation files. All language folders are now ignored by gatekeeper, so they can be safely manually added. - Fixed Upload button of IconView dialog on Mac OS X - Removed warning spam message on Mac OS X when connecting to a TSDNS server. - Fixed tooltip for United Kingdom - Fixed possible crash in Add-Hotkey dialog - Fixed crash when right-clicking on the background area of notification options. - Do not replace "-" with "−" in hostmessage dialog. - Adjusted package installer to work properly if plugins do not follow the recommended name scheme of _win32.dll and _win64.dll - Fixed possible crash when deleting profiles. - Fixed encoding when invitation contains channel password with spaces. === Client Release 3.0.10 27 Feb 2013 + Added Opus voice and music codecs. Requires server 3.0.7 or later. Please note that Opus Music is not intended for general voice chat and no preprocessing is done when opus music is used. This means that AGC, noise suppression, echo cancellation etc. do not work when using Opus music. * Updated Qt to 4.8.3 for improved Windows 8 compatibility. * Overhauled Audio tab of channel edit dialog for new Opus Codec * Updated client to use new permission list format as used by server 3.0.7 * Restore size and position of Complains List and Permission Overview windows. Changed base class of both from QDialog to QWidget. * Added guiConnect, createBookmark, getPermissionIDByName and getClientNeededPermission to Lua API * Tweaked length checks in various text fields for client and channelname. * A spacer without a name will now be shown as an empty line. * If a playback- or capture profile was renamed or deleted every hotkey depending on this profile will be adjusted. * Changed hotkey dialog category spacer alignment to left. * Client template can now show the update channel used by other clients. * New option to autostart TeamSpeak on Windows startup. * Added optional "server_uid=<suid>" parameter to ts3server links. If an existing bookmark with the same server UID found, the bookmarks settings will be used for the connection. * Added context menu to notifications to select which sounds are important. The setting is global for all sound packs. * Added context menu entry in server list to copy server address to clipboard. * Added "Move Client to own Channel" in client context menu. * Added notification icon to status bar if client has unread offline messages. * Added TS3_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to overwrite location of config directory. * Adjusted default size of some windows to adjust better to small and very large monitor resolutions. * Added message for outgoing pokes. Can be configured in Notifications Options. * Overhauled Tabs look on Mac OS X via default_mac.qss stylesheet. * ts3server links are again caught for the Collected URLs * Added confirmation when resetting custom toolbar settings to default * Don't show server update dialog while running a fullscreen application - Fixed upload/download slots if one slot was set to 0. - Fixed closing hotkey dialog even though keep open was enabled. - Fixed copy and paste client text. - Fixed client window sizes which now depend on the screen resolution when opening for the first time. - Fixed converting 3D sound positions into db. - Fixed offline message parsing error if message was empty. - Fixed that hotkey push button always adds in "all" hotkey profiles instead of the selected one. - Fixed resizing and centering smaller gif icons to 16x16. - Fixed that the setup wizard only configures the default hotkey profile and when having more than one hotkey profile a hint on the welcome page will be shown as a reminder. - Fixed bb-code of server host message when message contains newlines. - Fixed editing a hotkey but assigning the same action. - Fixed a direct input hotkey issue when pushing two buttons at once on different devices. - Fixed stuck PTT button when releasing the mouse. - Fixed "Edit bookmark" contextmenu in bookmarks menu. - Fixed some ts3server links issues when using cid parameter. - Setup wizard now always uses the Standard hotkey profile in case when multiple hotkey profiles exist. - Fixed UTF-8 characters in URL catcher - Fixed possible crash sending a poke to a meanwhile disconnected client - Fixed local mute/unmute hotkeys - Fixed passing onClientIDsEvent and onClientIDsFinishedEvent to Plugin API - Fixed crash when deleting a playback profile - Fixed crash when no default sound device is present - Fixed previously renamed onCustom3dRolloffCalculationClientEvent and ts3plugin_onCustom3dRolloffCalculationWaveEvent functions in test plugin. === Client Release 29 Oct 2012 - Reverted running privileged behaviour which was changed for 3.0.9 and causes hotkeys not working with games running as administrator. - Fixed writing whisper group targets. === Client Release 25 Oct 2012 + Added button in notifications to set all bookmark soundpacks to "default". - Fixed converter setting "default" instead of "default female voice" so old bookmarks use soundpack in notifications. === Client Release 3.0.9 23 Oct 2012 + Changed the storage format of the configuration files to a SQLite database. Conversion is done automatically the first time the client is started, all affected files will be moved to a backup folder. + Increased Plugin API version to 19 + Added setClientVolumeModifier to plugin API. Min/Max volume is -50.0 to +20.0 + Added getClientNeededPermission and getPermissionIDByName to plugin API + Added missing plugin API parameters for onUpdateClientEvent + Added parsing of channel id "cid=xyz" from invitation link. If you also give a channel name parameter the channel id gets priority. e.g. http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/voice.teamspeak.com/?cid=xyz + Added channel/client search in active server tree with STRG+F but only if the server tree has the focus. Otherwise it is the ordinary chat search. + Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (channel family). + Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (same level). + Added hotkey request talk power. + Added hotkey revoke all and grant next user talk power. + Added revoke talk power by double clicking the tree icon. + Added revoke talk power and revoke all and grant next user talk power toolbar action. + Added host message preview button which shows the formatted message in a tooltip. + Added Hotkey Gamepad and Joystick compatibility for RAW and Direct Input. Existing Direct Input hotkeys will be converted to Raw Input once Direct Input is activated. Existing Raw Input hotkeys cannot be converted so they have to be reassigned. ...
  3. The new teamspeak update allows for themes to change the color of your chat. You really should read the release notes :|
  4. I am in no way of understanding how I was micspamming if I was the warden and I am still displeased as the lowering of the ban time still prevents me from playing today unless I am to stay up late tonight. Was my mic busted? Could I not be heard? Explain to me, as my mic is working perfectly fine on the other servers I was playing on prior to that and right now. And if it was, why not a warning instead of an outright ban? Status means nothing to me, I want an explanation. It sounded like Jennifer Lopez decided to stick her mic down her throat and stick her computer speakers near her throat and set it to loud. You have been unbanned since it was your first offense, however the MIC BROKEN explanation isn't a great explanation. Either fix your mic or stay off the blue team.
  5. You were mic spamming horribly for a good 1-3 minutes. It was obfuscating the entire blue team and people were angry. I banned you due to that. I have lowered the ban to 8 hours but please, don't do this again.
  6. @@Genesis Is a song bad because it's stupid, or is it stupid because it's bad?
  8. He MADE?!?!?! You know something that we don't? Anyways good luck. I hope this get's resolved!
  9. MORE SPECIFIC! Where and idk what a tribal tattoo is.
  10. No problem! You want anything else, tell me and please, be more specific next time.
  11. Ok did both: Here is you beautiful: and here is you beautiful and buff:
  12. Sorry glitch, I'll do it but I need an idea. You wanna be more buff or more beautiful?
  13. In TF2 we have 6 and a half year olds. Come to the abortion clinic they ain't even born yet!
  14. So you want money? Food? Land? Water? Fire? Wind? Heart?! WELL WITH OUR POWERS COMBINED, YOU CAN HAVE ALL OF THESE! Whoever refers the most people in the month of August and bring's their buddies online to Teamspeak will get their own community room for free! Plus, you don't have to be in Xeno Gamers to participate! So, whatchu gotta do? First, join Teamspeak and bring all your pals. We run the best server in all of North America with many staff, a completely automative assignment of server groups and individual community channels. If you know someone who is looking for a Teamspeak server, invite them along. Next, you can now refer people to join the website! Simply go here: https://xenogamers.com/invites/ And send a buddy a link. Whoever has the most referalls by the end of the month will win! (note, referall limit enforced. After a predefined number of invites a Forum Staff member will need to manually approve you for more invites. If you are found spamming invites to win the contest, you will be removed from the ranking list and may face a ban.) So what are you waiting for?! Join the Teamspeak server at Voice.Xenogamers.org, and register on our website at XenoGamers.org! We look forward to seeing you!
  15. Rhododendron

    our ads

    I was testing stuff and am unable to get it working properly. The joke ad was just for testing purposes (was gunna put chrono's face on it but his fat head crashed Photoshop.)
  16. @@Warriorsfury you're threatening to quit.... Grow up. If you actually understood how people work, you would know that quitting cause of someone is the biggest pussout you can possibly do.