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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Abuse store, piggyback riding, coloring different items based on team and whatnot. A lottery with 5 different categories to bet for. Cosmetic and physical customizations, GameME stat purchasing, etc etc etc...
  2. Cause again, if the same thing happens as last time, I will have to remove all people's credits and spend a while fixing it. Go outside and buy a Fedora if you want a hat.
  3. We are using that, but I'm coding addloads of plugins to extend it (think around 5000 items) to avoid crashing the economy of herb again.
  4. My name is Rhododendron giving out the first Granny Award! The staff award will go to any xG Mod, Admin, Division Manager, Division Leader in XenoGamers This Month's award goes to @Serb Serbian has been very very disorderly ever since she got his powers. Literally 24/7. He's never on. Not only has this person been very inactive, she tends to do his job with minimum effort for all she's been on. Serbian is truly an inspiration to all members trying to get banned. He's shown the integrity, courage, and optimism of a true asshole. Here's Your Award
  5. You wanna rent out an RTMP server? It's around $50 for 20 people with 10GB of bandwith.
  6. I'll do everything I might need a few dollars though. We will just use teamspeak or I'll embed the chat into another page or w/e. EDIT Scratch that, found this: Veetle it says you can stream movies with it (so they shouldn't shut us off) so we should try that.
  7. I'm peeing dark blood. God works in mysterious ways! #liveandletlive
  8. Fixed... I accidentally wrapped a boolean function with double quotes... whoops lol
  9. dsfafdsadsfadfsafdsfdsafsddfsafdsafdsadsfa fsdadsfdsafadsf asfddfsadsfasdffsdsfaddfsasdfasdafsadfsdafdsfasdfafsdafasd fsdaafdsa fsdaf sdaf dsaf dsa fdsaf dsaf dsad saf d ffdsfsf saf dsaf dsfd saf sdaf dsaffdsa fdsaf dsfds afdsa fdsafdsaf dsd sdaf sdaf dsaf dsaffsda sadf dsaf dsfsadf sdaf dsaf dsafd sdaf f asdaf sfdadsfdsaffds fd dfsafdsafd fdsa fdsafdsafdsa ffsafdf fafdsfaafdsafdsaff ddsfafds fsafdsafdf dffsadsafa sa dsfsa dsfdsfa dsaf a ddfd f dsf adfdsfsf da f df f sd fdsaf sdaf dsfd safdsaffdsa fdsf dsaf dsafdsafdsafdsaf fdasfsdafdsafdsafdsaffdsafdsafdsafdsafdsaffdsafdsafdsa ffdsafdsafdfdsadsa I can't trigger that glitch lol.
  10. -1 Wouldn't let me dye her hair (not the one on her head >3 ) jk +1 has swag and will contribute a lot.
  11. Yeah I setup a Adobe Media Server and we watched the worst 90s movies ever. Loads of fun. I think if you want to do this again, just rent out a RNTP server from Amazon for a few bucks when ya need it :P
  12. What are some good webcomics out there? I'm a fan of Cyanide and Happiness, and XKCD! Name some favorites you have!
  13. Weird, that's what I was gunna say when you left...
  15. They are configurable in the source. I'll edit up the plugin and add a cvar for it when I get home.
  16. It lags badly ask someone to put brushes over the entire map since it's one big model. It's calculating physic collisions and causing the server to lag horribly when 20 or more people are on it.
  17. It kicks after 10 minutes D: I can change to 30 if you'd like.