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Everything posted by Rhododendron

  1. Yes, because the first thing someone a random is going to do is scroll to the bottom and know exactly who to message. Might as well write a script to spam everyone on the server.
  2. He has taken zero initiative in contacting me on Steam, or even a PM on the forum. I appreciate the thread, but I am extremely unsure about giving you access since your schedule seems spastic and very unpredictable.
  3. Can't find any information about this. Try disabling your firewall. Is this at a college or school, they may be blocking steam (which is crazy, yo!) If not, contact Steam support I've never heard of this happening before D:
  4. I don't offer handouts, sorry. If you want to monitor Teamspeak you need to show interest in anything but the community channels.
  5. No, I mean being in rooms where we don't have to know the password to get in! Please list these issues since I find it hard to believe they were solved just by having powers in Teamspeak. Banning people usually causes retaliation so I'm surprised we haven't been DDoS'd more :|
  6. I'm looking to change that. And there are only 5 people that have Teamspeak admin (Administrator server group) so I almost did that already with your demotion ;)
  7. I see zero reason to give you the powers since all you do is hang out in Warriors channel and never go to any other part of the Teamspeak server. I need people who are willing to actively monitor the server and the rest of the admins will be losing their powers if they do not shape up. Powers will not be given to users who only sit in the community channels since those are privately administered. I'm glad you were able to figure this out on your own, though. *sarcasm* Also I changed my name. Get with it, kid.
  8. Yeah start a thread in /xg/ and we shall see :3
  9. Why is my avatar better than yours? lazy = 1; smart = 0
  10. Yeah what he said :3 I just coded up a TF2 Deathrun mod, so I need people to help and test since it's going on live without any previous testing :o
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_muJKVLx3Y
  13. Remove it. This gives us zero street cred, yo!
  14. Go on.... I will do it, expect to see it linked sunday evening. 100% my writing, but i demand bombs when i get done. Which server?
  15. you butthair-muncher give me medal of honor!
  16. Alright he's not getting demoted. Jacob has shown his incompetence and Darkwolf responded hasty but it's understandable since he is a constant offender. We will be reviewing the admin handbook to put input for constant offenders! Closed!
  17. !?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  18. Rhododendron

    Payday 2

    Yeah it's just a grind fest. What a waste of money IMHO.