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  1. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Brian in Only posting here to avoid a shitstorm   
    So I see Edward Snowden is getting friendly on SNG.
  2. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Guess What XG???>(:   
  3. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from MineCrack in Guess What XG???>(:   
  4. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Guess What XG???>(:   
  5. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from diabeetus in @Bleed   
    That's the sort of attitude that leads to empty DarkRP servers that are as generic as the rest of them. Maybe things like RP servers shouldn't take 5 minutes.
    You're the kind of person that bitches at someone to get a server up super fast, then complains about how boring it is.
    Complaining how people don't know their specified division is BS, because it's a learning process. While it would be nice to actively seek out people who know how to run a game server, allowing people within the clan to do it is far less risky and much more productive. Also, said people are usually a bitch to work with, since they try and influence their agenda, resulting in devolution of the entire clan. <cough> Prius </cough>
    While I love feedback, saying that we are destined to fail and that there's no hope is hardly helpful at all. If you feel that we aren't doing the best we can, SUGGEST WHAT WE CAN DO IN ORDER TO FIX IT!
    Seriously, your post was insulting and to make matters worse, you knew it was insulting so you're using another account to post it. Another reason why to disregard your post unless some feedback is introduced in a positive fashion (or non-positive, it just needs to be coherent and suggest ways to fix said problem)
    We've been around for 3 years now (xG's 3rd birthday passed a few weeks ago, #noregrets) and it's unlikely we are going downhill. It's merely an evolutionary shift for new people to learn how to help out the clan. It takes time to learn, and xG isn't anyone's full-time job. I can only assume you think this is srs busness and that we nolife the clan's progress since you're 'scared' about people on the internet. It's not like we're gonna find where you live and eat the eye gunk from your eyes using soup spoons.
    I'm getting pretty upset at how people want us to control everyone verbally, like their property. That's pretty atrocious and anyone who does that should be mauled. While we have some rules in place for taboo actions, we generally allow people to speak their mind. While there might be backlash, that's life. If you make a video on YouTube saying you hate asian people in the library, expect backlash.
    Grow up.
  6. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DrLee in @Bleed   
    That's the sort of attitude that leads to empty DarkRP servers that are as generic as the rest of them. Maybe things like RP servers shouldn't take 5 minutes.
    You're the kind of person that bitches at someone to get a server up super fast, then complains about how boring it is.
    Complaining how people don't know their specified division is BS, because it's a learning process. While it would be nice to actively seek out people who know how to run a game server, allowing people within the clan to do it is far less risky and much more productive. Also, said people are usually a bitch to work with, since they try and influence their agenda, resulting in devolution of the entire clan. <cough> Prius </cough>
    While I love feedback, saying that we are destined to fail and that there's no hope is hardly helpful at all. If you feel that we aren't doing the best we can, SUGGEST WHAT WE CAN DO IN ORDER TO FIX IT!
    Seriously, your post was insulting and to make matters worse, you knew it was insulting so you're using another account to post it. Another reason why to disregard your post unless some feedback is introduced in a positive fashion (or non-positive, it just needs to be coherent and suggest ways to fix said problem)
    We've been around for 3 years now (xG's 3rd birthday passed a few weeks ago, #noregrets) and it's unlikely we are going downhill. It's merely an evolutionary shift for new people to learn how to help out the clan. It takes time to learn, and xG isn't anyone's full-time job. I can only assume you think this is srs busness and that we nolife the clan's progress since you're 'scared' about people on the internet. It's not like we're gonna find where you live and eat the eye gunk from your eyes using soup spoons.
    I'm getting pretty upset at how people want us to control everyone verbally, like their property. That's pretty atrocious and anyone who does that should be mauled. While we have some rules in place for taboo actions, we generally allow people to speak their mind. While there might be backlash, that's life. If you make a video on YouTube saying you hate asian people in the library, expect backlash.
    Grow up.
  7. Informative
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in So I found the config for !classes   
    That requires utilizing an extension since base-SM doesn't support changing stuff like that (last time I checked)
    Not sure if it's possible but I can always take a look.
  8. Informative
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Jaybreeze in So I found the config for !classes   
    That requires utilizing an extension since base-SM doesn't support changing stuff like that (last time I checked)
    Not sure if it's possible but I can always take a look.
  9. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from ItsAaron in So I found the config for !classes   
    The plugin is sorta busted, but I can fix it up and add some other stuff.
  10. Disagree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Yu_Narukami in Hello   
    This vicious cycle is not needed.
  11. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DCook in Hello   
    This vicious cycle is not needed.
  12. Informative
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Tsuchikure in After messing around a bit...   
    Like, for example, to make the website sexy on oled and retina displays, I've been converting all icons to vectors, meaning that the picture is calculated using math and isn't a fixed size, so when a person loads the page, it renders thus making it non-blurry.
    Like the division icons are all vectors that I converted.
    See how if you re-size it, it never gets pixelated? That's a vector.
  13. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Warriorsfury in After messing around a bit...   
    I came up with this...

    I can also crop it out from the background if needed.
    I like it alot for my first time thing.
    Feedback pls?
  14. Creative
    Rhododendron reacted to MineCrack in Xeno Gamers Logo   
    ive been doing paint for over 10 years, i can mek anyting
  15. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from DeathGod in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
  16. Ding!
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Brian in Jarate considered as baiting ?   
    That's standard Jailbreak lol. That's how it has been for 15+ years!
  17. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Brian in Jarate considered as baiting ?   
    Mine. Also added a feature last night to prevent jarating. If a Blue jarates a Red, it reverses and the Blue becomes jarated.
  18. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Insane in Jarate considered as baiting ?   
    Mine. Also added a feature last night to prevent jarating. If a Blue jarates a Red, it reverses and the Blue becomes jarated.
  19. Disagree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from MrJeeblez in BBQ_Badger - Team Fortress 2   
    It wasn't a fight. Your leader made real-life threats to one of our members (posted their address, name, number etc) and that resulted in a groupban of any SNG members at that time. There is no chance of you getting unbanned if you continue representing yourself with such a group.
  20. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Lemons in xG Spring break nostalgia in CS:GO   
    I feel inclined to take the audio, and put it behind the D-Day scene from Saving Private Ryan.
    It would make it epic!
    Someone do it pl0x!
  21. Disagree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from MrJeeblez in So is CS:S div dead or what   
    Again, I'm not a fan of defaulting our server to generic-level. Plus, for the millionth time, the last time we did that people bought too much, and just gave away credits and people ceased to donate since they only needed to ask the wealthy for a paycheck.
    Thanks Obama!
    But seriously, a store will not save CS:S, especially one that everyone else has.
  22. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in So is CS:S div dead or what   
    Again, I'm not a fan of defaulting our server to generic-level. Plus, for the millionth time, the last time we did that people bought too much, and just gave away credits and people ceased to donate since they only needed to ask the wealthy for a paycheck.
    Thanks Obama!
    But seriously, a store will not save CS:S, especially one that everyone else has.
  23. Funny
    Rhododendron got a reaction from MineCrack in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
  24. Winner
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Drendan in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
    Sliderace being empty
    Sliderace being full
    Sliderace racing people on the slides that sliderace offers
    Having 20 weeks on GameME for sliderace
  25. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
    Stop getting high and work on it private!