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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Congratulations ! You have been accepted to join xG! Please put the tag before your name, follow the rules, and have fun !
  2. Aegean

    Zaingasm's ban

    Why did you kick 3 times? it's 1 kick, then 5 minute ban. Anyways okay I'll reban for the day since he left some details out.
  3. Aegean

    I messed up -.-

    Stop being so down, we all go through this all the time, thinking negativly like that makes things worse. I had a gf for almost 8 months, we broke up on my birthday week. We had plans for my birthday too, and like.. ♥♥♥♥ was definitly bad. You have to think of the positives and the future, I guarantee when you are 18 you are gonna look at this occasion and be like "wow it wasn't even a big deal" and things are just gonna go up from here anyways. Don't worry about things too much
  4. Aegean


    Yeah I'll unban, after a kick it's supposed to be a 5 min ban anyways, no idea why it was a day. Sorry for that ~closed
  5. Congratulations ! You've been accepted to join xG! Please put your tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  6. Congratulations ! You've been accepted to join xG! Please put your tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  7. Congratulations ! You've been accepted to join xG! Please put your tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  8. Aegean

    teamspeak down

    Yeahh it's down bebe
  9. You have been denied. Please try re-applying in a couple of weeks ! ~Closed
  10. NO ASKING FOR FORUM MOD! Sorry everyone <3 ... and ROSSER as I said, I "will" be getting the powers for the div leaders for their own catagories so shut yo lips boyyy! ~closed
  11. Aegean


    Lol okayy, I'll unban! If you get permed again you will not be unbanned (: ~Closed
  12. I'd rather give members who are active in everything forum mod, not only that, we aren't giving anyone forum mod yet. We will give the div leaders their proper powers over their division, but yeah sorry. Also I wish you told me you were gonna be busy with school and what not, after yelling at me for not getting mod, and then when I give you mod you never come on.
  13. SpongeBob and The 7 Deadly Sins | Toonzone Forums
  14. kk I will close this, and talk to you both privately.
  15. Aegean

    Big L Corleone

    kk I will close this, and talk to you both privately.
  16. Why didn't you just record, or take pics of console so we could work on it and take the proper action provided?
  17. Aegean


    Seriously Kevin... I would have banned him if you didn't say "LOL you gonna ddos me? umad?" out of nowhere. Why are you instigating and trying to get him banned for no reason? If you had said nothing to him, and if he had said a legitimate ddos threat or disrespect to you, then I would have banned him, but you of course trying to troll him is going to negate anything he possibly could have said, even though he doesn't have your IP, and the other members even believed that he was being sarcastic. 1 piece of advice for everyone, if you are gonna post a disrespect or threat post against someone, don't retaliate, or instigate it and expect action to be done. ~Closed
  18. I'm co-leader, I hate serbian and will demote him asap. How you doing babe?
  20. Aegean


    kk you'll be unbanned in 2 days, if you do massivly freekill again, you will be permed. ~Closed
  21. First off, you mad about no promo/demo!? No just kidding I love you guys I'm sorry for the no promo/demo this week. I will have one this weekend, and i'll just make it very detailed and nice and pretty and yeah... The reason why I haven't been doing it is because I've just been really busy lately, and although I'm still checking over forums, contacting all div leaders, and admins to talk about promo/demo does take alot of time, and of cource I can't be on after school all day now that i'm coaching senior boys volleyball, and grade 9-12 girls volleyball. Not only that, I'm working on renovating my new house that my mom bought, and then I still have school work sometimes, then the rest is with friends (so gaming or going out etc). I'll still be active on the forums, if you guys need anything, please PM me and I will work on solving your problem asap. In my personal opinion, this clan is becoming really great, greater then I'm sure Silence had thought it would be from the beginning. Our staff members are very dedicated for the most part, and I will be harsher on punishments for members and non-members. Please don't give Silence or I a hard time for little things, because we do have things to do outside the clan :P I'm very fortunate to be the co-leader for such great members, so as long as we all stick together, we have nowhere to go but up. -Aegean!
  22. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  23. Aegean


    Unbanning... I dunno if you spammed or not, but please don't spam. ~Closed
  24. After careful examination, you have been denied to join xG! This could have been from numerous reasons but one thing is clear: You won't be allowed to be in Xeno Gamers at this time. If you feel up to it, try again in a few weeks! Good luck!
  25. +1 After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com