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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Congrats! You have been declined to join xG! Please re-apply in a couple of weeks if you'd like to be a member of our community !
  2. Congrats ! You have been accepted into xG! please put the tag on before your name and follow our rules !
  3. +1 ! Congrats! you have been accepted into xG! Please put the tag before your name and follow our rules ! Ps. I missed you shepshep
  4. Aegean


    Why do people think one or two kills and fleeing is a perm? Anyways yeah I'll wait for pyro
  5. You shoulda cut off his arm, and tied it to his back so when he walks home by the alley ways, stray dogs maul him to near-death to the point where he is in the hospital scarred for life. It'll teach him to never steal a candy bar.
  6. Congrats! You have been DECLINED to join xG! Please re-apply in a couple of weeks if you'd like to be a member of our community!
  7. We can't give everyone who is admin and up forum mod, it has so much information, and it's not something more then 2-3 people should have. Many of our mods and admins usually like to go out with a bang before they leave our clan, or if they do something wrong so we can't give that much power to people.
  8. Would be very bad to do, and very biased. If everyone could close their own threads, then people would just make a thread, say something insulting or in the heat of an arguement, close it after they give their 2 cents. THEN the opposing person would make a NEW thread, to retaliate, then close it. This could go on, and is just a bad idea overall. Sorry I personally -1 it. ---------- Post added at 01:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 AM ---------- whoops didn't mean to close rofl
  9. @rexx chill out... you weren't there. anyways yeah please read our rules carefully, but yeah things like this do happen. Please follow our rules so you don't get banned again :) ~closed
  10. Aegean


    Dumbest thread ever. No proof, and there is no reason to call someone stupid for having a mic check, it benefits for future rounds too even in the new maps. ~Closed
  11. I'm the only forum mod, that's why it hadn't been closed yet... jerk. ~closed
  12. Aegean


    Stop acting immature guys.. he's banned big whoop
  13. Congrats! You have been accepted into xG! Please put the tag before your name and follow our rules!
  14. I'll ban him for a week unless he is already banned lol :P ~Closed
  15. Congrats! You have been accepted to join xG! Please put the tag and follow all our rules !
  16. For the T picking up a gun, he can be killed asap if he detoured just to pick up the gun. Other then that I need proof before I do anything :/
  17. Aegean

    Join xG

    Congrats ! You have been accepted to join xG! Please put the tag in before your name, thanks :)
  18. Congrats! You have been accepted into xG! Please put the tag before your name and follow our rules !
  19. Aegean


    Congrats ! You've been accepted into xG! Please put the tag before your name and follow our rules !
  20. Stop disrespecting duckii lol... and yeah this was a very creepy thread ~closed
  21. I noticed it too, spamming forums is actually frowned upon, especially since he seems to be posting the most useless vid every time, and doesn't really say anything that is serious. I will keep an eye to see if it becomes serious, whateva treva. ~Closed
  22. Aegean


    Declined to be a CSS mod, sorry try applying later in the future, and for minecraft, I'll let the div leaders decide when you are ready. ~Closed
  23. Aegean


    Alrighty, banning him for a week from servers. ~Closed
  24. Aegean


    Congratulations ! You have been accepted into xG :) Please put the tag before your name and follow all our rules!
  25. I'll accept since he is from TF2 division ! Welcome to xG :) Please put tag on before your name and follow our rules thanks !