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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Aegean


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  2. Aegean


    It's not abuse, and Monica wasn't the one who did it... He told you to change your spray, another mod agreed, and all you had to do was change it. It is controversial, and I prolly would have told you to change it too. ~Closed
  3. Aegean from Co-leader to Batman. Nvm batman sucks. I'm back to being Co-leader. Moving on... Promotions Rain from Member to CSS Moderator Admiral Snackbar from Member to CSS Moderator Rexx from Member to CSS Moderator Zapper from Member to CSS Moderator Herpes from Member to CSS Moderator DoubleButtAss aka Minsooooooo from CSS Member to CSS Moderator (he will still be div leader of Minecraft) Hudson Jr. from Member to TF2 Moderator SnowyHW from Member to TF2 Moderator King J from CSS Moderator to CSS Admin Microsoft from CSS Moderator to Minecraft Admin Sgt.Banana from CSS Moderator to Minecraft Admin Demotions Campin' Carl from Member to Non Member Chosen Drank Jr from Member to Non Member Rain Jr. from Member to Non Member Papi from Moderator to Non Member Skyfrost from member to Non Member post your steam Id if you have been promoted, thanks (:
  4. They are all banned from our servers for a week, and our clan for 2 weeks. Thank you for reporting this, we do not allow trolls in our clan, and we do not approve of trolling other clans, as it represents us in a bad way. ~Closed
  5. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  6. Aegean


    Sorry bout the late response, he is banned for a week ! Thanks ~closed
  7. Aegean


    Closed on the fact that there is NO prooooof !
  8. Aegean


    Wow.. this is extremely rude. +1 though
  9. Aegean


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  10. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  11. Aegean

    Favorite Dubstep?

  12. There's no way he could have been in our servers with xG:A since our plug in automatically kicks if you don't actually have powers.
  13. Did you not read my thread? Not counting your dumb -1 unless you give a legitimate reason.
  14. First off, we need more people active in our TF2 servers, so if you do want to be mod for TF2 please apply. I will have contests for TF2 which I will announce soon, the prizes will be me embarressing myself on tinychat, so STAY TUNED! Another thing, about the vouches, do NOT -1 because someone wears a tag before they are accepted, that says NOTHING about how he would be in the community, and literly just gives me more work to deal with. Many of you have thought that getting into the steam group, or just signing up on the forums meant that you were a member, so please do not correspond that with the vouches. Anyways I will put up a staff member application for xG members (any mod or higher rank automatically is a staff member) and this will make it so if you are a staff member, THEN that will be the only way that you can vouch up or down in member applications in the future. About the mod and admin thing atm, our TF2 mods and admin are also a mod and admin in CSS, but we WILL distinguish between the 2 soon, so for now please don't complain, as the TF2 mods are only there to help. Anyways, if you guys have any other ideas, I'd love to hear them ! BEAM ME UP SCOTTY ! ~Aegean!
  15. Aegean


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  16. Oh boy, this will make things REALLY different. I do wanna explain a couple things to you guys though, when I see a -1 with a dumb reason, or a +1 with a dumb reason, I do not take them into account, so don't worry. ANYWAYS Fine I guess the community has decided, I'll work on an application for it. ~Closed
  17. KAY he's on probation, if he does troll to the point where someone takes it offensivly, we'll server ban him. One thing though, please don't edit anything out if you are showing proof, makes things VERY sketchy ~Closed
  18. Sorry for the late response, let any admin or mod know that he should be banned from CT for a week, as we take freekilling (on purpose) very seriously. ~Closed
  19. ~Closed, not doing anything unless proof is provided. PROOF IS A MUST, CAN NOT STRESS THIS POINT ENOUGH
  20. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com
  21. DON'T COME BACK I HATE YOU ! "reverse psychology 101"
  22. Rabid is promoted to our clan mascot, which is now a Cyclops. Promotions Rabid from Member to CSS Moderator Brian from Member to CSS Moderator Ducki Jr. from Member to CSS Moderator Otherworldly from Member to CSS Moderator BenRapelisBurger from Member to CSS Moderator Jay Breeze from Member to CSS Moderator (requested to change from TF2 to CSS) EZKill from Member to CSS Moderator Mad Scientist from CSS Moderator to CSS Admin (he didn't want minecraft admin so he switched) Peechis from CSS Moderator to CSS Admin Arthman from CSS Moderator to CSS Admin Rosser from TF2 Moderator to TF2 Admin Doublebuttass from Minecraft Admin to Minecraft Division Leader Demotions G00nSquad from CSS Admin to Member Selby from CSS Moderator to Member Please post your Steam ID if you were promoted.
  23. ^Granted, but ponies are for gays. I wish that this wish has no bad catch. /Thread
  24. Aegean


    I'll only consider if you shave your stache and post it on facebook.