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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Ban protest accepted !
  2. It's not perm if it's not mass just fyi... I'll lower it to a week. ~Closed
  3. Congrats ! You have been accepted into Xenogamers! Please put the tag before your name and follow our rules :)
  4. Yeah, re-apply once you are known in our clan, and known as a MEMBER :P ~Closed
  5. Aegean


    Um excuse me? #2 maybe...
  6. LOL I love how you guys always use my name in everything, geeez. Anyways, in my opinion, I know that Netex was being a ♥♥♥♥ for no reason, it really didn't have to be taken that badly, if Ducki Jr. said nothing to him, or didn't kick him, he would have just shut up and things would have moved on. Anyways, it wasn't abuse, but it also wasn't serious disrespect. I dunno, you guys are huge goofs rofl, STOP THE FLAME WARS IT'S JUST A GAME OH GAWD! I already yelled at netex, i'll yell at him some more, but yeah I don't really see this as anything serious, if you guys think I should do something feel free to PM me. ~Closed Ps. Admin chat is hilarious oh god, the hate that I get from the noob mods and admins make me lol
  7. Aegean


    Stop gravediggin a-hole.
  8. Sorry! You have been declined to join xG! Please re-apply in a couple of weeks if you'd like to be a member of our clan :)
  9. Sorry! You have been declined to join xG! Please try re-applying in a couple of weeks if you'd like to be a member of our community :)
  10. Sorry you have been declined to join xG! Please try applying again in a couple of weeks if you'd like to try to be in xG again :)
  11. Congratulations ! You have been accepted to join xG! Please put tag on before your name !
  12. Aegean


    Closing, both of you are extremely stupid for what you have said. I've said this before and I will say it again, if you want to file a complaint about someone because they did something wrong, do NOT retaliate, or I will not do anything. Both of you will be banned the next time you guys start another flame war. ~Closed
  13. When Silence activates them, it'll prolly be later tomorow :)
  14. He might have disrespected you... but you intentionally freekilled. If you do it again I will CT ban you. You can't freekill someone on purpose, even if you slay yourself right after. Doesn't work like that. I will discuss the things he said to you on the other thread. ~Closed
  15. Heyy, congrats on being promoted, I would just like to say I need you to be more active on the forums and teamspeak please :) Thanks
  16. ME: Dad have you seen my LSD? DAD: We have bigger problems, there's a dragon in the kitchen...
  17. Aegean


    Not abuse. He did the right thing by slaying you. You do not need more then 15 seconds getting a gun, armor, and then leaving the armory completely. Sorry, please be vary of time next time to avoid any other problems ~Closed
  18. CSS Division Member Promotions Rabid to Moderator (and leader of cyclops) Kenny to Moderator Speechless to Moderator Trifdign to Moderator MeowMix to Moderator Moderator Promotions Pyro to Admin Microsoft to Admin Admin Promotions Herpes to Division Leader (Sorry, completely thought I added this in last night) Moderator Demotions Rexx to Non-member Minecraft Division Member Promotions Rukibah to Moderator (and clan wannabe lolololol) Alrighty, if you've been promoted please put your steam ID ! Remember to be active on our forums, servers and Teamspeak !
  19. Well we've finally done it. We are Sponsored ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to give a huge shoutout to Yayanation, who basically got us the sponsorship. Be sure to say hi to him on the servers as he is an official member of xG now :) So a couple new things so far, our TF2 servers are populated almost 24/7 now, which is AMAZING! If you are looking to be a mod on those servers, be sure to apply and be active! We finally have a WarcraftSource server thanks to Rabid and the community for taking it to the forums, so be sure to try it out, it's crazy addictive! Last thing we have is a Halloween server, lol we so festive. All the server IP's can be found in our server list in ranks, so be sure to check it out ! Side note: Hope all my Canadians had an amazing Thanksgiving :D Anyways, xG has been growing an amazing amount, and i'm very grateful to be the Co-leader to such an amazing group of members, and the staff we have is just great to work with, and very active so be sure to respect everyone guys :) That's about all there is to update about, we'll have a few changes coming up soon, including member applications, mod applications, and ranks, but that will be released at a later time ! -Aegean!
  20. Aegean


    Don't put a fake application for mod. It's stupid and wastes my time reading/closing. ~Closed
  21. Watch what you guys say to each other. Specifically you Kevin, if you keep trolling people for things that are over and done with I will ban you. ~Closed