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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. LiilCrazy. Why leave a community because of your temp. ability to play a game ._.
  2. inb4 this community dies from the lack of duckii.
  3. and this is why you don't have mod.
  4. Otherworldly


    I vote +1 for EZKill. He's been in this community how long? Come on guys, he AT LEAST deserves consideration.
  5. Please kill me now. When did I post this?!?
  6. Going around leaving scars collecting your jar of ♥♥♥♥ tearing them apart. You're going to catch a cold. From the ice inside your soooul don't come back for me don't come back at aaaaal.
  7. Yes, there is. In the General Server rules, Rule 5 specifically states: "No trolling whatsoever. Verbally attacking a person will get you banned."
  8. I want to point out a couple of things. It's not supposed to be another CSS...it's supposed to be a competitive game, but at the same time casual. Obviously it's going to be DIFFERENT and the SAME. Look at CSS and CS 1.6 We really can't say it'll be good or bad from ONE teaser, in Alpha >.>
  9. Storywise - MW2 Multiplayer - Much more time on BC2.
  10. it's innovation. and we have to pay extra money for it.
  11. We can sit here and argue which game is best when in reality in about a year they will both be $20 and we can buy them and not be picky about it because we aren't spending a shitton of cash on an overpriced game. Don't get me wrong, I want BF3 more than anything in the world, but it's expensive and I can wait a whole year before playing it.
  12. We are going to be one of the first clans to buy a server, eh? We will RULE CS:GO!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlyfB7mMPw0 Jizzed in mah pants.
  14. I was in Hurricane Jeane when I visited my family in Florida. I couldn't tell what time it was for half a week to a week.
  15. Cut some freaking slack, it was a client-side mistake.
  16. This YOUR judgement DuckiiJr. Do you want to be a man? Laugh in the face of those that oppose your status. Stand your ground. Make them think they are not powerful. and don't leave.
  17. Get Valedictorian (**** easy where I live >.>) Get awesome scholarship. Major/Minor in Philosophy, Computer Engineering OR get the right classes to become a commissioned officer of the US Army 4 years pass I'm either working in some sort of philosophical job, working at a popular computer technology company, or I'll be commanding some maggots.
  18. Dysprosium, she wants to donate the money she wins and she wants to start off her poetry career on the right track...trust me...